SUN RGB-D for 3D Object Detection

Dataset preparation

For the overall process, please refer to the README page for SUN RGB-D.

Download SUN RGB-D data and toolbox

Download SUNRGBD data HERE. Then, move, SUNRGBDMeta2DBB_v2.mat, SUNRGBDMeta3DBB_v2.mat and to the OFFICIAL_SUNRGBD folder, unzip the zip files.

The directory structure before data preparation should be as below:

├── matlab
│   ├── extract_rgbd_data_v1.m
│   ├── extract_rgbd_data_v2.m
│   ├── extract_split.m
│   ├── SUNRGBD
│   ├── SUNRGBDMeta2DBB_v2.mat
│   ├── SUNRGBDMeta3DBB_v2.mat
│   ├── SUNRGBDtoolbox

Extract data and annotations for 3D detection from raw data

Extract SUN RGB-D annotation data from raw annotation data by running (this requires MATLAB installed on your machine):

matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r 'extract_split;quit;'
matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r 'extract_rgbd_data_v2;quit;'
matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r 'extract_rgbd_data_v1;quit;'

The main steps include:

  • Extract train and val split.
  • Extract data for 3D detection from raw data.
  • Extract and format detection annotation from raw data.

The main component of extract_rgbd_data_v2.m which extracts point cloud data from depth map is as follows:

data = SUNRGBDMeta(imageId);
data.depthpath(1:16) = '';
data.depthpath = strcat('../OFFICIAL_SUNRGBD', data.depthpath);
data.rgbpath(1:16) = '';
data.rgbpath = strcat('../OFFICIAL_SUNRGBD', data.rgbpath);

% extract point cloud from depth map
rgb(isnan(points3d(:,1)),:) = [];
points3d(isnan(points3d(:,1)),:) = [];
points3d_rgb = [points3d, rgb];

% MAT files are 3x smaller than TXT files. In Python we can use
%'xxx.mat')['points3d_rgb'] to load the data.
mat_filename = strcat(num2str(imageId,'%06d'), '.mat');
txt_filename = strcat(num2str(imageId,'%06d'), '.txt');
% save point cloud data
parsave(strcat(depth_folder, mat_filename), points3d_rgb);

The main component of extract_rgbd_data_v1.m which extracts annotation is as follows:

% Write 2D and 3D box label
data2d = data;
fid = fopen(strcat(det_label_folder, txt_filename), 'w');
for j = 1:length(data.groundtruth3DBB)
    centroid = data.groundtruth3DBB(j).centroid;  % 3D bbox center
    classname = data.groundtruth3DBB(j).classname;  % class name
    orientation = data.groundtruth3DBB(j).orientation;  % 3D bbox orientation
    coeffs = abs(data.groundtruth3DBB(j).coeffs);  % 3D bbox size
    box2d = data2d.groundtruth2DBB(j).gtBb2D;  % 2D bbox
    fprintf(fid, '%s %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n', classname, box2d(1), box2d(2), box2d(3), box2d(4), centroid(1), centroid(2), centroid(3), coeffs(1), coeffs(2), coeffs(3), orientation(1), orientation(2));

The above two scripts call functions such as read3dPoints from the toolbox provided by SUN RGB-D.

The directory structure after extraction should be as follows.

├── matlab
│   ├── extract_rgbd_data_v1.m
│   ├── extract_rgbd_data_v2.m
│   ├── extract_split.m
│   ├── SUNRGBD
│   ├── SUNRGBDMeta2DBB_v2.mat
│   ├── SUNRGBDMeta3DBB_v2.mat
│   ├── SUNRGBDtoolbox
├── sunrgbd_trainval
│   ├── calib
│   ├── depth
│   ├── image
│   ├── label
│   ├── label_v1
│   ├── seg_label
│   ├── train_data_idx.txt
│   ├── val_data_idx.txt

Under each following folder there are overall 5285 train files and 5050 val files:

  • calib: Camera calibration information in .txt
  • depth: Point cloud saved in .mat (xyz+rgb)
  • image: Image data in .jpg
  • label: Detection annotation data in .txt (version 2)
  • label_v1: Detection annotation data in .txt (version 1)
  • seg_label: Segmentation annotation data in .txt

Currently, we use v1 data for training and testing, so the version 2 labels are unused.

Create dataset

Please run the command below to create the dataset.

python tools/ sunrgbd --root-path ./data/sunrgbd \
--out-dir ./data/sunrgbd --extra-tag sunrgbd

or (if in a slurm environment)

bash tools/ <job_name> sunrgbd

The above point cloud data are further saved in .bin format. Meanwhile .pkl info files are also generated for saving annotation and metadata. The core function process_single_scene of getting data infos is as follows.

def process_single_scene(sample_idx):
    print(f'{self.split} sample_idx: {sample_idx}')
    # convert depth to points
    # and downsample the points
    SAMPLE_NUM = 50000
    pc_upright_depth = self.get_depth(sample_idx)
    pc_upright_depth_subsampled = random_sampling(
        pc_upright_depth, SAMPLE_NUM)

    info = dict()
    pc_info = {'num_features': 6, 'lidar_idx': sample_idx}
    info['point_cloud'] = pc_info

    # save point cloud data in `.bin` format
    mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(osp.join(self.root_dir, 'points'))
        osp.join(self.root_dir, 'points', f'{sample_idx:06d}.bin'))

    # save point cloud file path
    info['pts_path'] = osp.join('points', f'{sample_idx:06d}.bin')

    # save image file path and metainfo
    img_path = osp.join('image', f'{sample_idx:06d}.jpg')
    image_info = {
        'image_idx': sample_idx,
        'image_shape': self.get_image_shape(sample_idx),
        'image_path': img_path
    info['image'] = image_info

    # save calibration information
    K, Rt = self.get_calibration(sample_idx)
    calib_info = {'K': K, 'Rt': Rt}
    info['calib'] = calib_info

    # save all annotation
    if has_label:
        obj_list = self.get_label_objects(sample_idx)
        annotations = {}
        annotations['gt_num'] = len([
            obj.classname for obj in obj_list
            if obj.classname in self.cat2label.keys()
        if annotations['gt_num'] != 0:
            # class name
            annotations['name'] = np.array([
                obj.classname for obj in obj_list
                if obj.classname in self.cat2label.keys()
            # 2D image bounding boxes
            annotations['bbox'] = np.concatenate([
                obj.box2d.reshape(1, 4) for obj in obj_list
                if obj.classname in self.cat2label.keys()
            ], axis=0)
            # 3D bounding box center location (in depth coordinate system)
            annotations['location'] = np.concatenate([
                obj.centroid.reshape(1, 3) for obj in obj_list
                if obj.classname in self.cat2label.keys()
            ], axis=0)
            # 3D bounding box dimension/size (in depth coordinate system)
            annotations['dimensions'] = 2 * np.array([
                [obj.l, obj.h, obj.w] for obj in obj_list
                if obj.classname in self.cat2label.keys()
            # 3D bounding box rotation angle/yaw angle (in depth coordinate system)
            annotations['rotation_y'] = np.array([
                obj.heading_angle for obj in obj_list
                if obj.classname in self.cat2label.keys()
            annotations['index'] = np.arange(
                len(obj_list), dtype=np.int32)
            # class label (number)
            annotations['class'] = np.array([
                self.cat2label[obj.classname] for obj in obj_list
                if obj.classname in self.cat2label.keys()
            # 3D bounding box (in depth coordinate system)
            annotations['gt_boxes_upright_depth'] = np.stack(
                    obj.box3d for obj in obj_list
                    if obj.classname in self.cat2label.keys()
                ], axis=0)  # (K,8)
        info['annos'] = annotations
    return info

The directory structure after processing should be as follows.

├── matlab
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
├── sunrgbd_trainval
│   ├── ...
├── points
├── sunrgbd_infos_train.pkl
├── sunrgbd_infos_val.pkl
  • points/0xxxxx.bin: The point cloud data after downsample.
  • sunrgbd_infos_train.pkl: The train data infos, the detailed info of each scene is as follows:
    • info[’point_cloud’]: ·{’num_features’: 6, ‘lidar_idx’: sample_idx}, wheresample_idx` is the index of the scene.
    • info[’pts_path’]: The path of points/0xxxxx.bin.
    • info[’image’]: The image path and metainfo:
      • image[’image_idx’]: The index of the image.
      • image[’image_shape’]: The shape of the image tensor.
      • image[’image_path’]: The path of the image.
    • info[’annos’]: The annotations of each scene.
      • annotations[’gt_num’]: The number of ground truths.
      • annotations[’name’]: The semantic name of all ground truths, e.g. chair.
      • annotations[’location’]: The gravity center of the 3D bounding boxes in depth coordinate system. Shape: [K, 3], K is the number of ground truths.
      • annotations[’dimensions’]: The dimensions of the 3D bounding boxes in depth coordinate system, i.e. (x_size, y_size, z_size), shape: [K, 3].
      • annotations[’rotation_y’]: The yaw angle of the 3D bounding boxes in depth coordinate system. Shape: [K, ].
      • annotations[’gt_boxes_upright_depth’]: The 3D bounding boxes in depth coordinate system, each bounding box is (x, y, z, x_size, y_size, z_size, yaw), shape: [K, 7].
      • annotations[’bbox’]: The 2D bounding boxes, each bounding box is (x, y, x_size, y_size), shape: [K, 4].
      • annotations[’index’]: The index of all ground truths, range [0, K).
      • annotations[’class’]: The train class id of the bounding boxes, value range: [0, 10), shape: [K, ].
  • sunrgbd_infos_val.pkl: The val data infos, which shares the same format as sunrgbd_infos_train.pkl.

Train pipeline

A typical train pipeline of SUN RGB-D for point cloud only 3D detection is as follows.

train_pipeline = [
        use_dim=[0, 1, 2]),
        rot_range=[-0.523599, 0.523599],
        scale_ratio_range=[0.85, 1.15],
    dict(type='IndoorPointSample', num_points=20000),
    dict(type='DefaultFormatBundle3D', class_names=class_names),
    dict(type='Collect3D', keys=['points', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d'])

Data augmentation for point clouds:

  • RandomFlip3D: randomly flip the input point cloud horizontally or vertically.
  • GlobalRotScaleTrans: rotate the input point cloud, usually in the range of [-30, 30] (degrees) for SUN RGB-D; then scale the input point cloud, usually in the range of [0.85, 1.15] for SUN RGB-D; finally translate the input point cloud, usually by 0 for SUN RGB-D.
  • IndoorPointSample: downsample the input point cloud.

A typical train pipeline of SUN RGB-D for multi-modality (point cloud and image) 3D detection is as follows.

train_pipeline = [
        use_dim=[0, 1, 2]),
    dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True),
    dict(type='Resize', img_scale=(1333, 600), keep_ratio=True),
    dict(type='RandomFlip', flip_ratio=0.0),
    dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
    dict(type='Pad', size_divisor=32),
        rot_range=[-0.523599, 0.523599],
        scale_ratio_range=[0.85, 1.15],
    dict(type='IndoorPointSample', num_points=20000),
    dict(type='DefaultFormatBundle3D', class_names=class_names),
            'img', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_labels', 'points', 'gt_bboxes_3d',

Data augmentation/normalization for images:

  • Resize: resize the input image, keep_ratio=True means the ratio of the image is kept unchanged.
  • Normalize: normalize the RGB channels of the input image.
  • RandomFlip: randomly flip the input image.
  • Pad: pad the input image with zeros by default.

The image augmentation and normalization functions are implemented in MMDetection.


Same as ScanNet, typically mean Average Precision (mAP) is used for evaluation on SUN RGB-D, e.g. mAP@0.25 and mAP@0.5. In detail, a generic function to compute precision and recall for 3D object detection for multiple classes is called, please refer to indoor_eval.

Since SUN RGB-D consists of image data, detection on image data is also feasible. For instance, in ImVoteNet, we first train an image detector, and we also use mAP for evaluation, e.g. mAP@0.5. We use the eval_map function from MMDetection to calculate mAP.