
Source code for mmdet3d.core.visualizer.show_result

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import trimesh
from os import path as osp

from .image_vis import (draw_camera_bbox3d_on_img, draw_depth_bbox3d_on_img,

def _write_obj(points, out_filename):
    """Write points into ``obj`` format for meshlab visualization.

        points (np.ndarray): Points in shape (N, dim).
        out_filename (str): Filename to be saved.
    N = points.shape[0]
    fout = open(out_filename, 'w')
    for i in range(N):
        if points.shape[1] == 6:
            c = points[i, 3:].astype(int)
                'v %f %f %f %d %d %d\n' %
                (points[i, 0], points[i, 1], points[i, 2], c[0], c[1], c[2]))

            fout.write('v %f %f %f\n' %
                       (points[i, 0], points[i, 1], points[i, 2]))

def _write_oriented_bbox(scene_bbox, out_filename):
    """Export oriented (around Z axis) scene bbox to meshes.

        scene_bbox(list[ndarray] or ndarray): xyz pos of center and
            3 lengths (dx,dy,dz) and heading angle around Z axis.
            Y forward, X right, Z upward. heading angle of positive X is 0,
            heading angle of positive Y is 90 degrees.
        out_filename(str): Filename.

    def heading2rotmat(heading_angle):
        rotmat = np.zeros((3, 3))
        rotmat[2, 2] = 1
        cosval = np.cos(heading_angle)
        sinval = np.sin(heading_angle)
        rotmat[0:2, 0:2] = np.array([[cosval, -sinval], [sinval, cosval]])
        return rotmat

    def convert_oriented_box_to_trimesh_fmt(box):
        ctr = box[:3]
        lengths = box[3:6]
        trns = np.eye(4)
        trns[0:3, 3] = ctr
        trns[3, 3] = 1.0
        trns[0:3, 0:3] = heading2rotmat(box[6])
        box_trimesh_fmt =, trns)
        return box_trimesh_fmt

    if len(scene_bbox) == 0:
        scene_bbox = np.zeros((1, 7))
    scene = trimesh.scene.Scene()
    for box in scene_bbox:

    mesh_list = trimesh.util.concatenate(scene.dump())
    # save to obj file, out_filename, file_type='obj')


[docs]def show_result(points, gt_bboxes, pred_bboxes, out_dir, filename, show=True, snapshot=False): """Convert results into format that is directly readable for meshlab. Args: points (np.ndarray): Points. gt_bboxes (np.ndarray): Ground truth boxes. pred_bboxes (np.ndarray): Predicted boxes. out_dir (str): Path of output directory filename (str): Filename of the current frame. show (bool): Visualize the results online. Defaults to False. snapshot (bool): Whether to save the online results. Defaults to False. """ result_path = osp.join(out_dir, filename) mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(result_path) if show: from .open3d_vis import Visualizer vis = Visualizer(points) if pred_bboxes is not None: vis.add_bboxes(bbox3d=pred_bboxes) if gt_bboxes is not None: vis.add_bboxes(bbox3d=gt_bboxes, bbox_color=(0, 0, 1)) show_path = osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_online.png') if snapshot else None if points is not None: _write_obj(points, osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_points.obj')) if gt_bboxes is not None: # bottom center to gravity center gt_bboxes[..., 2] += gt_bboxes[..., 5] / 2 # the positive direction for yaw in meshlab is clockwise gt_bboxes[:, 6] *= -1 _write_oriented_bbox(gt_bboxes, osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_gt.obj')) if pred_bboxes is not None: # bottom center to gravity center pred_bboxes[..., 2] += pred_bboxes[..., 5] / 2 # the positive direction for yaw in meshlab is clockwise pred_bboxes[:, 6] *= -1 _write_oriented_bbox(pred_bboxes, osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_pred.obj'))
[docs]def show_seg_result(points, gt_seg, pred_seg, out_dir, filename, palette, ignore_index=None, show=True, snapshot=False): """Convert results into format that is directly readable for meshlab. Args: points (np.ndarray): Points. gt_seg (np.ndarray): Ground truth segmentation mask. pred_seg (np.ndarray): Predicted segmentation mask. out_dir (str): Path of output directory filename (str): Filename of the current frame. palette (np.ndarray): Mapping between class labels and colors. ignore_index (int, optional): The label index to be ignored, e.g. \ unannotated points. Defaults to None. show (bool, optional): Visualize the results online. Defaults to False. snapshot (bool, optional): Whether to save the online results. \ Defaults to False. """ # we need 3D coordinates to visualize segmentation mask if gt_seg is not None or pred_seg is not None: assert points is not None, \ '3D coordinates are required for segmentation visualization' # filter out ignored points if gt_seg is not None and ignore_index is not None: if points is not None: points = points[gt_seg != ignore_index] if pred_seg is not None: pred_seg = pred_seg[gt_seg != ignore_index] gt_seg = gt_seg[gt_seg != ignore_index] if gt_seg is not None: gt_seg_color = palette[gt_seg] gt_seg_color = np.concatenate([points[:, :3], gt_seg_color], axis=1) if pred_seg is not None: pred_seg_color = palette[pred_seg] pred_seg_color = np.concatenate([points[:, :3], pred_seg_color], axis=1) result_path = osp.join(out_dir, filename) mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(result_path) # online visualization of segmentation mask # we show three masks in a row, scene_points, gt_mask, pred_mask if show: from .open3d_vis import Visualizer mode = 'xyzrgb' if points.shape[1] == 6 else 'xyz' vis = Visualizer(points, mode=mode) if gt_seg is not None: vis.add_seg_mask(gt_seg_color) if pred_seg is not None: vis.add_seg_mask(pred_seg_color) show_path = osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_online.png') if snapshot else None if points is not None: _write_obj(points, osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_points.obj')) if gt_seg is not None: _write_obj(gt_seg_color, osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_gt.obj')) if pred_seg is not None: _write_obj(pred_seg_color, osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_pred.obj'))
[docs]def show_multi_modality_result(img, gt_bboxes, pred_bboxes, proj_mat, out_dir, filename, box_mode='lidar', img_metas=None, show=True, gt_bbox_color=(61, 102, 255), pred_bbox_color=(241, 101, 72)): """Convert multi-modality detection results into 2D results. Project the predicted 3D bbox to 2D image plane and visualize them. Args: img (np.ndarray): The numpy array of image in cv2 fashion. gt_bboxes (:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`): Ground truth boxes. pred_bboxes (:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`): Predicted boxes. proj_mat (numpy.array, shape=[4, 4]): The projection matrix according to the camera intrinsic parameters. out_dir (str): Path of output directory. filename (str): Filename of the current frame. box_mode (str): Coordinate system the boxes are in. Should be one of 'depth', 'lidar' and 'camera'. Defaults to 'lidar'. img_metas (dict): Used in projecting depth bbox. show (bool): Visualize the results online. Defaults to False. gt_bbox_color (str or tuple(int)): Color of bbox lines. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: (255, 102, 61) pred_bbox_color (str or tuple(int)): Color of bbox lines. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: (72, 101, 241) """ if box_mode == 'depth': draw_bbox = draw_depth_bbox3d_on_img elif box_mode == 'lidar': draw_bbox = draw_lidar_bbox3d_on_img elif box_mode == 'camera': draw_bbox = draw_camera_bbox3d_on_img else: raise NotImplementedError(f'unsupported box mode {box_mode}') result_path = osp.join(out_dir, filename) mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(result_path) if show: show_img = img.copy() if gt_bboxes is not None: show_img = draw_bbox( gt_bboxes, show_img, proj_mat, img_metas, color=gt_bbox_color) if pred_bboxes is not None: show_img = draw_bbox( pred_bboxes, show_img, proj_mat, img_metas, color=pred_bbox_color) mmcv.imshow(show_img, win_name='project_bbox3d_img', wait_time=0) if img is not None: mmcv.imwrite(img, osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_img.png')) if gt_bboxes is not None: gt_img = draw_bbox( gt_bboxes, img, proj_mat, img_metas, color=gt_bbox_color) mmcv.imwrite(gt_img, osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_gt.png')) if pred_bboxes is not None: pred_img = draw_bbox( pred_bboxes, img, proj_mat, img_metas, color=pred_bbox_color) mmcv.imwrite(pred_img, osp.join(result_path, f'{filename}_pred.png'))
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