
Source code for mmdet3d.datasets.waymo_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import os
import tempfile
import torch
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from os import path as osp

from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS
from ..core.bbox import Box3DMode, points_cam2img
from .kitti_dataset import KittiDataset

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class WaymoDataset(KittiDataset): """Waymo Dataset. This class serves as the API for experiments on the Waymo Dataset. Please refer to `<>`_for data downloading. It is recommended to symlink the dataset root to $MMDETECTION3D/data and organize them as the doc shows. Args: data_root (str): Path of dataset root. ann_file (str): Path of annotation file. split (str): Split of input data. pts_prefix (str, optional): Prefix of points files. Defaults to 'velodyne'. pipeline (list[dict], optional): Pipeline used for data processing. Defaults to None. classes (tuple[str], optional): Classes used in the dataset. Defaults to None. modality (dict, optional): Modality to specify the sensor data used as input. Defaults to None. box_type_3d (str, optional): Type of 3D box of this dataset. Based on the `box_type_3d`, the dataset will encapsulate the box to its original format then converted them to `box_type_3d`. Defaults to 'LiDAR' in this dataset. Available options includes - 'LiDAR': box in LiDAR coordinates - 'Depth': box in depth coordinates, usually for indoor dataset - 'Camera': box in camera coordinates filter_empty_gt (bool, optional): Whether to filter empty GT. Defaults to True. test_mode (bool, optional): Whether the dataset is in test mode. Defaults to False. pcd_limit_range (list): The range of point cloud used to filter invalid predicted boxes. Default: [-85, -85, -5, 85, 85, 5]. """ CLASSES = ('Car', 'Cyclist', 'Pedestrian') def __init__(self, data_root, ann_file, split, pts_prefix='velodyne', pipeline=None, classes=None, modality=None, box_type_3d='LiDAR', filter_empty_gt=True, test_mode=False, load_interval=1, pcd_limit_range=[-85, -85, -5, 85, 85, 5]): super().__init__( data_root=data_root, ann_file=ann_file, split=split, pts_prefix=pts_prefix, pipeline=pipeline, classes=classes, modality=modality, box_type_3d=box_type_3d, filter_empty_gt=filter_empty_gt, test_mode=test_mode, pcd_limit_range=pcd_limit_range) # to load a subset, just set the load_interval in the dataset config self.data_infos = self.data_infos[::load_interval] if hasattr(self, 'flag'): self.flag = self.flag[::load_interval] def _get_pts_filename(self, idx): pts_filename = osp.join(self.root_split, self.pts_prefix, f'{idx:07d}.bin') return pts_filename
[docs] def get_data_info(self, index): """Get data info according to the given index. Args: index (int): Index of the sample data to get. Returns: dict: Standard input_dict consists of the data information. - sample_idx (str): sample index - pts_filename (str): filename of point clouds - img_prefix (str | None): prefix of image files - img_info (dict): image info - lidar2img (list[np.ndarray], optional): transformations from lidar to different cameras - ann_info (dict): annotation info """ info = self.data_infos[index] sample_idx = info['image']['image_idx'] img_filename = os.path.join(self.data_root, info['image']['image_path']) # TODO: consider use torch.Tensor only rect = info['calib']['R0_rect'].astype(np.float32) Trv2c = info['calib']['Tr_velo_to_cam'].astype(np.float32) P0 = info['calib']['P0'].astype(np.float32) lidar2img = P0 @ rect @ Trv2c pts_filename = self._get_pts_filename(sample_idx) input_dict = dict( sample_idx=sample_idx, pts_filename=pts_filename, img_prefix=None, img_info=dict(filename=img_filename), lidar2img=lidar2img) if not self.test_mode: annos = self.get_ann_info(index) input_dict['ann_info'] = annos return input_dict
[docs] def format_results(self, outputs, pklfile_prefix=None, submission_prefix=None, data_format='waymo'): """Format the results to pkl file. Args: outputs (list[dict]): Testing results of the dataset. pklfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of pkl files. It includes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., "a/b/prefix". If not specified, a temp file will be created. Default: None. submission_prefix (str | None): The prefix of submitted files. It includes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., "a/b/prefix". If not specified, a temp file will be created. Default: None. data_format (str | None): Output data format. Default: 'waymo'. Another supported choice is 'kitti'. Returns: tuple: (result_files, tmp_dir), result_files is a dict containing the json filepaths, tmp_dir is the temporal directory created for saving json files when jsonfile_prefix is not specified. """ if pklfile_prefix is None: tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() pklfile_prefix = osp.join(, 'results') else: tmp_dir = None assert ('waymo' in data_format or 'kitti' in data_format), \ f'invalid data_format {data_format}' if (not isinstance(outputs[0], dict)) or 'img_bbox' in outputs[0]: raise TypeError('Not supported type for reformat results.') elif 'pts_bbox' in outputs[0]: result_files = dict() for name in outputs[0]: results_ = [out[name] for out in outputs] pklfile_prefix_ = pklfile_prefix + name if submission_prefix is not None: submission_prefix_ = f'{submission_prefix}_{name}' else: submission_prefix_ = None result_files_ = self.bbox2result_kitti(results_, self.CLASSES, pklfile_prefix_, submission_prefix_) result_files[name] = result_files_ else: result_files = self.bbox2result_kitti(outputs, self.CLASSES, pklfile_prefix, submission_prefix) if 'waymo' in data_format: from ..core.evaluation.waymo_utils.prediction_kitti_to_waymo import \ KITTI2Waymo # noqa waymo_root = osp.join( self.data_root.split('kitti_format')[0], 'waymo_format') if self.split == 'training': waymo_tfrecords_dir = osp.join(waymo_root, 'validation') prefix = '1' elif self.split == 'testing': waymo_tfrecords_dir = osp.join(waymo_root, 'testing') prefix = '2' else: raise ValueError('Not supported split value.') save_tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() waymo_results_save_dir = waymo_results_final_path = f'{pklfile_prefix}.bin' if 'pts_bbox' in result_files: converter = KITTI2Waymo(result_files['pts_bbox'], waymo_tfrecords_dir, waymo_results_save_dir, waymo_results_final_path, prefix) else: converter = KITTI2Waymo(result_files, waymo_tfrecords_dir, waymo_results_save_dir, waymo_results_final_path, prefix) converter.convert() save_tmp_dir.cleanup() return result_files, tmp_dir
[docs] def evaluate(self, results, metric='waymo', logger=None, pklfile_prefix=None, submission_prefix=None, show=False, out_dir=None, pipeline=None): """Evaluation in KITTI protocol. Args: results (list[dict]): Testing results of the dataset. metric (str | list[str]): Metrics to be evaluated. Default: 'waymo'. Another supported metric is 'kitti'. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. pklfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of pkl files. It includes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., "a/b/prefix". If not specified, a temp file will be created. Default: None. submission_prefix (str | None): The prefix of submission datas. If not specified, the submission data will not be generated. show (bool): Whether to visualize. Default: False. out_dir (str): Path to save the visualization results. Default: None. pipeline (list[dict], optional): raw data loading for showing. Default: None. Returns: dict[str: float]: results of each evaluation metric """ assert ('waymo' in metric or 'kitti' in metric), \ f'invalid metric {metric}' if 'kitti' in metric: result_files, tmp_dir = self.format_results( results, pklfile_prefix, submission_prefix, data_format='kitti') from mmdet3d.core.evaluation import kitti_eval gt_annos = [info['annos'] for info in self.data_infos] if isinstance(result_files, dict): ap_dict = dict() for name, result_files_ in result_files.items(): eval_types = ['bev', '3d'] ap_result_str, ap_dict_ = kitti_eval( gt_annos, result_files_, self.CLASSES, eval_types=eval_types) for ap_type, ap in ap_dict_.items(): ap_dict[f'{name}/{ap_type}'] = float( '{:.4f}'.format(ap)) print_log( f'Results of {name}:\n' + ap_result_str, logger=logger) else: ap_result_str, ap_dict = kitti_eval( gt_annos, result_files, self.CLASSES, eval_types=['bev', '3d']) print_log('\n' + ap_result_str, logger=logger) if 'waymo' in metric: waymo_root = osp.join( self.data_root.split('kitti_format')[0], 'waymo_format') if pklfile_prefix is None: eval_tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() pklfile_prefix = osp.join(, 'results') else: eval_tmp_dir = None result_files, tmp_dir = self.format_results( results, pklfile_prefix, submission_prefix, data_format='waymo') import subprocess ret_bytes = subprocess.check_output( 'mmdet3d/core/evaluation/waymo_utils/' + f'compute_detection_metrics_main {pklfile_prefix}.bin ' + f'{waymo_root}/gt.bin', shell=True) ret_texts = ret_bytes.decode('utf-8') print_log(ret_texts) # parse the text to get ap_dict ap_dict = { 'Vehicle/L1 mAP': 0, 'Vehicle/L1 mAPH': 0, 'Vehicle/L2 mAP': 0, 'Vehicle/L2 mAPH': 0, 'Pedestrian/L1 mAP': 0, 'Pedestrian/L1 mAPH': 0, 'Pedestrian/L2 mAP': 0, 'Pedestrian/L2 mAPH': 0, 'Sign/L1 mAP': 0, 'Sign/L1 mAPH': 0, 'Sign/L2 mAP': 0, 'Sign/L2 mAPH': 0, 'Cyclist/L1 mAP': 0, 'Cyclist/L1 mAPH': 0, 'Cyclist/L2 mAP': 0, 'Cyclist/L2 mAPH': 0, 'Overall/L1 mAP': 0, 'Overall/L1 mAPH': 0, 'Overall/L2 mAP': 0, 'Overall/L2 mAPH': 0 } mAP_splits = ret_texts.split('mAP ') mAPH_splits = ret_texts.split('mAPH ') for idx, key in enumerate(ap_dict.keys()): split_idx = int(idx / 2) + 1 if idx % 2 == 0: # mAP ap_dict[key] = float(mAP_splits[split_idx].split(']')[0]) else: # mAPH ap_dict[key] = float(mAPH_splits[split_idx].split(']')[0]) ap_dict['Overall/L1 mAP'] = \ (ap_dict['Vehicle/L1 mAP'] + ap_dict['Pedestrian/L1 mAP'] + ap_dict['Cyclist/L1 mAP']) / 3 ap_dict['Overall/L1 mAPH'] = \ (ap_dict['Vehicle/L1 mAPH'] + ap_dict['Pedestrian/L1 mAPH'] + ap_dict['Cyclist/L1 mAPH']) / 3 ap_dict['Overall/L2 mAP'] = \ (ap_dict['Vehicle/L2 mAP'] + ap_dict['Pedestrian/L2 mAP'] + ap_dict['Cyclist/L2 mAP']) / 3 ap_dict['Overall/L2 mAPH'] = \ (ap_dict['Vehicle/L2 mAPH'] + ap_dict['Pedestrian/L2 mAPH'] + ap_dict['Cyclist/L2 mAPH']) / 3 if eval_tmp_dir is not None: eval_tmp_dir.cleanup() if tmp_dir is not None: tmp_dir.cleanup() if show:, out_dir, pipeline=pipeline) return ap_dict
[docs] def bbox2result_kitti(self, net_outputs, class_names, pklfile_prefix=None, submission_prefix=None): """Convert results to kitti format for evaluation and test submission. Args: net_outputs (List[np.ndarray]): list of array storing the bbox and score class_nanes (List[String]): A list of class names pklfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of pkl file. submission_prefix (str | None): The prefix of submission file. Returns: List[dict]: A list of dict have the kitti 3d format """ assert len(net_outputs) == len(self.data_infos), \ 'invalid list length of network outputs' if submission_prefix is not None: mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(submission_prefix) det_annos = [] print('\nConverting prediction to KITTI format') for idx, pred_dicts in enumerate( mmcv.track_iter_progress(net_outputs)): annos = [] info = self.data_infos[idx] sample_idx = info['image']['image_idx'] image_shape = info['image']['image_shape'][:2] box_dict = self.convert_valid_bboxes(pred_dicts, info) if len(box_dict['bbox']) > 0: box_2d_preds = box_dict['bbox'] box_preds = box_dict['box3d_camera'] scores = box_dict['scores'] box_preds_lidar = box_dict['box3d_lidar'] label_preds = box_dict['label_preds'] anno = { 'name': [], 'truncated': [], 'occluded': [], 'alpha': [], 'bbox': [], 'dimensions': [], 'location': [], 'rotation_y': [], 'score': [] } for box, box_lidar, bbox, score, label in zip( box_preds, box_preds_lidar, box_2d_preds, scores, label_preds): bbox[2:] = np.minimum(bbox[2:], image_shape[::-1]) bbox[:2] = np.maximum(bbox[:2], [0, 0]) anno['name'].append(class_names[int(label)]) anno['truncated'].append(0.0) anno['occluded'].append(0) anno['alpha'].append( -np.arctan2(-box_lidar[1], box_lidar[0]) + box[6]) anno['bbox'].append(bbox) anno['dimensions'].append(box[3:6]) anno['location'].append(box[:3]) anno['rotation_y'].append(box[6]) anno['score'].append(score) anno = {k: np.stack(v) for k, v in anno.items()} annos.append(anno) if submission_prefix is not None: curr_file = f'{submission_prefix}/{sample_idx:07d}.txt' with open(curr_file, 'w') as f: bbox = anno['bbox'] loc = anno['location'] dims = anno['dimensions'] # lhw -> hwl for idx in range(len(bbox)): print( '{} -1 -1 {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} ' '{:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} ' '{:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f}'. format(anno['name'][idx], anno['alpha'][idx], bbox[idx][0], bbox[idx][1], bbox[idx][2], bbox[idx][3], dims[idx][1], dims[idx][2], dims[idx][0], loc[idx][0], loc[idx][1], loc[idx][2], anno['rotation_y'][idx], anno['score'][idx]), file=f) else: annos.append({ 'name': np.array([]), 'truncated': np.array([]), 'occluded': np.array([]), 'alpha': np.array([]), 'bbox': np.zeros([0, 4]), 'dimensions': np.zeros([0, 3]), 'location': np.zeros([0, 3]), 'rotation_y': np.array([]), 'score': np.array([]), }) annos[-1]['sample_idx'] = np.array( [sample_idx] * len(annos[-1]['score']), dtype=np.int64) det_annos += annos if pklfile_prefix is not None: if not pklfile_prefix.endswith(('.pkl', '.pickle')): out = f'{pklfile_prefix}.pkl' mmcv.dump(det_annos, out) print(f'Result is saved to {out}.') return det_annos
[docs] def convert_valid_bboxes(self, box_dict, info): """Convert the boxes into valid format. Args: box_dict (dict): Bounding boxes to be converted. - boxes_3d (:obj:``LiDARInstance3DBoxes``): 3D bounding boxes. - scores_3d (np.ndarray): Scores of predicted boxes. - labels_3d (np.ndarray): Class labels of predicted boxes. info (dict): Dataset information dictionary. Returns: dict: Valid boxes after conversion. - bbox (np.ndarray): 2D bounding boxes (in camera 0). - box3d_camera (np.ndarray): 3D boxes in camera coordinates. - box3d_lidar (np.ndarray): 3D boxes in lidar coordinates. - scores (np.ndarray): Scores of predicted boxes. - label_preds (np.ndarray): Class labels of predicted boxes. - sample_idx (np.ndarray): Sample index. """ # TODO: refactor this function box_preds = box_dict['boxes_3d'] scores = box_dict['scores_3d'] labels = box_dict['labels_3d'] sample_idx = info['image']['image_idx'] # TODO: remove the hack of yaw box_preds.limit_yaw(offset=0.5, period=np.pi * 2) if len(box_preds) == 0: return dict( bbox=np.zeros([0, 4]), box3d_camera=np.zeros([0, 7]), box3d_lidar=np.zeros([0, 7]), scores=np.zeros([0]), label_preds=np.zeros([0, 4]), sample_idx=sample_idx) rect = info['calib']['R0_rect'].astype(np.float32) Trv2c = info['calib']['Tr_velo_to_cam'].astype(np.float32) P0 = info['calib']['P0'].astype(np.float32) P0 = box_preds.tensor.new_tensor(P0) box_preds_camera = box_preds.convert_to(Box3DMode.CAM, rect @ Trv2c) box_corners = box_preds_camera.corners box_corners_in_image = points_cam2img(box_corners, P0) # box_corners_in_image: [N, 8, 2] minxy = torch.min(box_corners_in_image, dim=1)[0] maxxy = torch.max(box_corners_in_image, dim=1)[0] box_2d_preds =[minxy, maxxy], dim=1) # Post-processing # check box_preds limit_range = box_preds.tensor.new_tensor(self.pcd_limit_range) valid_pcd_inds = (( > limit_range[:3]) & ( < limit_range[3:])) valid_inds = valid_pcd_inds.all(-1) if valid_inds.sum() > 0: return dict( bbox=box_2d_preds[valid_inds, :].numpy(), box3d_camera=box_preds_camera[valid_inds].tensor.numpy(), box3d_lidar=box_preds[valid_inds].tensor.numpy(), scores=scores[valid_inds].numpy(), label_preds=labels[valid_inds].numpy(), sample_idx=sample_idx, ) else: return dict( bbox=np.zeros([0, 4]), box3d_camera=np.zeros([0, 7]), box3d_lidar=np.zeros([0, 7]), scores=np.zeros([0]), label_preds=np.zeros([0, 4]), sample_idx=sample_idx, )
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