
Source code for mmdet3d.models.backbones.pointnet2_sa_ssg

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
from mmcv.runner import auto_fp16
from torch import nn as nn

from mmdet3d.ops import PointFPModule, build_sa_module
from mmdet.models import BACKBONES
from .base_pointnet import BasePointNet

[docs]@BACKBONES.register_module() class PointNet2SASSG(BasePointNet): """PointNet2 with Single-scale grouping. Args: in_channels (int): Input channels of point cloud. num_points (tuple[int]): The number of points which each SA module samples. radius (tuple[float]): Sampling radii of each SA module. num_samples (tuple[int]): The number of samples for ball query in each SA module. sa_channels (tuple[tuple[int]]): Out channels of each mlp in SA module. fp_channels (tuple[tuple[int]]): Out channels of each mlp in FP module. norm_cfg (dict): Config of normalization layer. sa_cfg (dict): Config of set abstraction module, which may contain the following keys and values: - pool_mod (str): Pool method ('max' or 'avg') for SA modules. - use_xyz (bool): Whether to use xyz as a part of features. - normalize_xyz (bool): Whether to normalize xyz with radii in each SA module. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, num_points=(2048, 1024, 512, 256), radius=(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2), num_samples=(64, 32, 16, 16), sa_channels=((64, 64, 128), (128, 128, 256), (128, 128, 256), (128, 128, 256)), fp_channels=((256, 256), (256, 256)), norm_cfg=dict(type='BN2d'), sa_cfg=dict( type='PointSAModule', pool_mod='max', use_xyz=True, normalize_xyz=True), init_cfg=None): super().__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) self.num_sa = len(sa_channels) self.num_fp = len(fp_channels) assert len(num_points) == len(radius) == len(num_samples) == len( sa_channels) assert len(sa_channels) >= len(fp_channels) self.SA_modules = nn.ModuleList() sa_in_channel = in_channels - 3 # number of channels without xyz skip_channel_list = [sa_in_channel] for sa_index in range(self.num_sa): cur_sa_mlps = list(sa_channels[sa_index]) cur_sa_mlps = [sa_in_channel] + cur_sa_mlps sa_out_channel = cur_sa_mlps[-1] self.SA_modules.append( build_sa_module( num_point=num_points[sa_index], radius=radius[sa_index], num_sample=num_samples[sa_index], mlp_channels=cur_sa_mlps, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, cfg=sa_cfg)) skip_channel_list.append(sa_out_channel) sa_in_channel = sa_out_channel self.FP_modules = nn.ModuleList() fp_source_channel = skip_channel_list.pop() fp_target_channel = skip_channel_list.pop() for fp_index in range(len(fp_channels)): cur_fp_mlps = list(fp_channels[fp_index]) cur_fp_mlps = [fp_source_channel + fp_target_channel] + cur_fp_mlps self.FP_modules.append(PointFPModule(mlp_channels=cur_fp_mlps)) if fp_index != len(fp_channels) - 1: fp_source_channel = cur_fp_mlps[-1] fp_target_channel = skip_channel_list.pop()
[docs] @auto_fp16(apply_to=('points', )) def forward(self, points): """Forward pass. Args: points (torch.Tensor): point coordinates with features, with shape (B, N, 3 + input_feature_dim). Returns: dict[str, list[torch.Tensor]]: Outputs after SA and FP modules. - fp_xyz (list[torch.Tensor]): The coordinates of \ each fp features. - fp_features (list[torch.Tensor]): The features \ from each Feature Propagate Layers. - fp_indices (list[torch.Tensor]): Indices of the \ input points. """ xyz, features = self._split_point_feats(points) batch, num_points = xyz.shape[:2] indices = xyz.new_tensor(range(num_points)).unsqueeze(0).repeat( batch, 1).long() sa_xyz = [xyz] sa_features = [features] sa_indices = [indices] for i in range(self.num_sa): cur_xyz, cur_features, cur_indices = self.SA_modules[i]( sa_xyz[i], sa_features[i]) sa_xyz.append(cur_xyz) sa_features.append(cur_features) sa_indices.append( torch.gather(sa_indices[-1], 1, cur_indices.long())) fp_xyz = [sa_xyz[-1]] fp_features = [sa_features[-1]] fp_indices = [sa_indices[-1]] for i in range(self.num_fp): fp_features.append(self.FP_modules[i]( sa_xyz[self.num_sa - i - 1], sa_xyz[self.num_sa - i], sa_features[self.num_sa - i - 1], fp_features[-1])) fp_xyz.append(sa_xyz[self.num_sa - i - 1]) fp_indices.append(sa_indices[self.num_sa - i - 1]) ret = dict( fp_xyz=fp_xyz, fp_features=fp_features, fp_indices=fp_indices, sa_xyz=sa_xyz, sa_features=sa_features, sa_indices=sa_indices) return ret
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