
Source code for mmdet3d.models.dense_heads.free_anchor3d_head

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
from mmcv.runner import force_fp32
from torch.nn import functional as F

from mmdet3d.core.bbox import bbox_overlaps_nearest_3d
from mmdet.models import HEADS
from .anchor3d_head import Anchor3DHead
from .train_mixins import get_direction_target

[docs]@HEADS.register_module() class FreeAnchor3DHead(Anchor3DHead): r"""`FreeAnchor <>`_ head for 3D detection. Note: This implementation is directly modified from the `mmdet implementation <>`_. We find it also works on 3D detection with minor modification, i.e., different hyper-parameters and a additional direction classifier. Args: pre_anchor_topk (int): Number of boxes that be token in each bag. bbox_thr (float): The threshold of the saturated linear function. It is usually the same with the IoU threshold used in NMS. gamma (float): Gamma parameter in focal loss. alpha (float): Alpha parameter in focal loss. kwargs (dict): Other arguments are the same as those in :class:`Anchor3DHead`. """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, pre_anchor_topk=50, bbox_thr=0.6, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.5, init_cfg=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg, **kwargs) self.pre_anchor_topk = pre_anchor_topk self.bbox_thr = bbox_thr self.gamma = gamma self.alpha = alpha
[docs] @force_fp32(apply_to=('cls_scores', 'bbox_preds', 'dir_cls_preds')) def loss(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, dir_cls_preds, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, input_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): """Calculate loss of FreeAnchor head. Args: cls_scores (list[torch.Tensor]): Classification scores of different samples. bbox_preds (list[torch.Tensor]): Box predictions of different samples dir_cls_preds (list[torch.Tensor]): Direction predictions of different samples gt_bboxes (list[:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`]): Ground truth boxes. gt_labels (list[torch.Tensor]): Ground truth labels. input_metas (list[dict]): List of input meta information. gt_bboxes_ignore (list[:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`], optional): Ground truth boxes that should be ignored. Defaults to None. Returns: dict[str, torch.Tensor]: Loss items. - positive_bag_loss (torch.Tensor): Loss of positive samples. - negative_bag_loss (torch.Tensor): Loss of negative samples. """ featmap_sizes = [featmap.size()[-2:] for featmap in cls_scores] assert len(featmap_sizes) == self.anchor_generator.num_levels anchor_list = self.get_anchors(featmap_sizes, input_metas) anchors = [ for anchor in anchor_list] # concatenate each level cls_scores = [ cls_score.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape( cls_score.size(0), -1, self.num_classes) for cls_score in cls_scores ] bbox_preds = [ bbox_pred.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape( bbox_pred.size(0), -1, self.box_code_size) for bbox_pred in bbox_preds ] dir_cls_preds = [ dir_cls_pred.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(dir_cls_pred.size(0), -1, 2) for dir_cls_pred in dir_cls_preds ] cls_scores =, dim=1) bbox_preds =, dim=1) dir_cls_preds =, dim=1) cls_prob = torch.sigmoid(cls_scores) box_prob = [] num_pos = 0 positive_losses = [] for _, (anchors_, gt_labels_, gt_bboxes_, cls_prob_, bbox_preds_, dir_cls_preds_) in enumerate( zip(anchors, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, cls_prob, bbox_preds, dir_cls_preds)): gt_bboxes_ = with torch.no_grad(): # box_localization: a_{j}^{loc}, shape: [j, 4] pred_boxes = self.bbox_coder.decode(anchors_, bbox_preds_) # object_box_iou: IoU_{ij}^{loc}, shape: [i, j] object_box_iou = bbox_overlaps_nearest_3d( gt_bboxes_, pred_boxes) # object_box_prob: P{a_{j} -> b_{i}}, shape: [i, j] t1 = self.bbox_thr t2 = object_box_iou.max( dim=1, keepdim=True).values.clamp(min=t1 + 1e-6) object_box_prob = ((object_box_iou - t1) / (t2 - t1)).clamp( min=0, max=1) # object_cls_box_prob: P{a_{j} -> b_{i}}, shape: [i, c, j] num_obj = gt_labels_.size(0) indices = torch.stack( [torch.arange(num_obj).type_as(gt_labels_), gt_labels_], dim=0) object_cls_box_prob = torch.sparse_coo_tensor( indices, object_box_prob) # image_box_iou: P{a_{j} \in A_{+}}, shape: [c, j] """ from "start" to "end" implement: image_box_iou = torch.sparse.max(object_cls_box_prob, dim=0).t() """ # start box_cls_prob = torch.sparse.sum( object_cls_box_prob, dim=0).to_dense() indices = torch.nonzero(box_cls_prob, as_tuple=False).t_() if indices.numel() == 0: image_box_prob = torch.zeros( anchors_.size(0), self.num_classes).type_as(object_box_prob) else: nonzero_box_prob = torch.where( (gt_labels_.unsqueeze(dim=-1) == indices[0]), object_box_prob[:, indices[1]], torch.tensor( [0]).type_as(object_box_prob)).max(dim=0).values # upmap to shape [j, c] image_box_prob = torch.sparse_coo_tensor( indices.flip([0]), nonzero_box_prob, size=(anchors_.size(0), self.num_classes)).to_dense() # end box_prob.append(image_box_prob) # construct bags for objects match_quality_matrix = bbox_overlaps_nearest_3d( gt_bboxes_, anchors_) _, matched = torch.topk( match_quality_matrix, self.pre_anchor_topk, dim=1, sorted=False) del match_quality_matrix # matched_cls_prob: P_{ij}^{cls} matched_cls_prob = torch.gather( cls_prob_[matched], 2, gt_labels_.view(-1, 1, 1).repeat(1, self.pre_anchor_topk, 1)).squeeze(2) # matched_box_prob: P_{ij}^{loc} matched_anchors = anchors_[matched] matched_object_targets = self.bbox_coder.encode( matched_anchors, gt_bboxes_.unsqueeze(dim=1).expand_as(matched_anchors)) # direction classification loss loss_dir = None if self.use_direction_classifier: # also calculate direction prob: P_{ij}^{dir} matched_dir_targets = get_direction_target( matched_anchors, matched_object_targets, self.dir_offset, one_hot=False) loss_dir = self.loss_dir( dir_cls_preds_[matched].transpose(-2, -1), matched_dir_targets, reduction_override='none') # generate bbox weights if self.diff_rad_by_sin: bbox_preds_[matched], matched_object_targets = \ self.add_sin_difference( bbox_preds_[matched], matched_object_targets) bbox_weights = matched_anchors.new_ones(matched_anchors.size()) # Use pop is not right, check performance code_weight = self.train_cfg.get('code_weight', None) if code_weight: bbox_weights = bbox_weights * bbox_weights.new_tensor( code_weight) loss_bbox = self.loss_bbox( bbox_preds_[matched], matched_object_targets, bbox_weights, reduction_override='none').sum(-1) if loss_dir is not None: loss_bbox += loss_dir matched_box_prob = torch.exp(-loss_bbox) # positive_losses: {-log( Mean-max(P_{ij}^{cls} * P_{ij}^{loc}) )} num_pos += len(gt_bboxes_) positive_losses.append( self.positive_bag_loss(matched_cls_prob, matched_box_prob)) positive_loss = / max(1, num_pos) # box_prob: P{a_{j} \in A_{+}} box_prob = torch.stack(box_prob, dim=0) # negative_loss: # \sum_{j}{ FL((1 - P{a_{j} \in A_{+}}) * (1 - P_{j}^{bg})) } / n||B|| negative_loss = self.negative_bag_loss(cls_prob, box_prob).sum() / max( 1, num_pos * self.pre_anchor_topk) losses = { 'positive_bag_loss': positive_loss, 'negative_bag_loss': negative_loss } return losses
[docs] def positive_bag_loss(self, matched_cls_prob, matched_box_prob): """Generate positive bag loss. Args: matched_cls_prob (torch.Tensor): Classification probability of matched positive samples. matched_box_prob (torch.Tensor): Bounding box probability of matched positive samples. Returns: torch.Tensor: Loss of positive samples. """ # bag_prob = Mean-max(matched_prob) matched_prob = matched_cls_prob * matched_box_prob weight = 1 / torch.clamp(1 - matched_prob, 1e-12, None) weight /= weight.sum(dim=1).unsqueeze(dim=-1) bag_prob = (weight * matched_prob).sum(dim=1) # positive_bag_loss = -self.alpha * log(bag_prob) bag_prob = bag_prob.clamp(0, 1) # to avoid bug of BCE, check return self.alpha * F.binary_cross_entropy( bag_prob, torch.ones_like(bag_prob), reduction='none')
[docs] def negative_bag_loss(self, cls_prob, box_prob): """Generate negative bag loss. Args: cls_prob (torch.Tensor): Classification probability of negative samples. box_prob (torch.Tensor): Bounding box probability of negative samples. Returns: torch.Tensor: Loss of negative samples. """ prob = cls_prob * (1 - box_prob) prob = prob.clamp(0, 1) # to avoid bug of BCE, check negative_bag_loss = prob**self.gamma * F.binary_cross_entropy( prob, torch.zeros_like(prob), reduction='none') return (1 - self.alpha) * negative_bag_loss
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