
Source code for mmdet3d.core.bbox.structures.lidar_box3d

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import torch

from mmdet3d.core.points import BasePoints
from mmdet3d.ops.roiaware_pool3d import points_in_boxes_gpu
from .base_box3d import BaseInstance3DBoxes
from .utils import limit_period, rotation_3d_in_axis

[docs]class LiDARInstance3DBoxes(BaseInstance3DBoxes): """3D boxes of instances in LIDAR coordinates. Coordinates in LiDAR: .. code-block:: none up z x front (yaw=-0.5*pi) ^ ^ | / | / (yaw=-pi) left y <------ 0 -------- (yaw=0) The relative coordinate of bottom center in a LiDAR box is (0.5, 0.5, 0), and the yaw is around the z axis, thus the rotation axis=2. The yaw is 0 at the negative direction of y axis, and decreases from the negative direction of y to the positive direction of x. A refactor is ongoing to make the three coordinate systems easier to understand and convert between each other. Attributes: tensor (torch.Tensor): Float matrix of N x box_dim. box_dim (int): Integer indicating the dimension of a box. Each row is (x, y, z, x_size, y_size, z_size, yaw, ...). with_yaw (bool): If True, the value of yaw will be set to 0 as minmax boxes. """ @property def gravity_center(self): """torch.Tensor: A tensor with center of each box.""" bottom_center = self.bottom_center gravity_center = torch.zeros_like(bottom_center) gravity_center[:, :2] = bottom_center[:, :2] gravity_center[:, 2] = bottom_center[:, 2] + self.tensor[:, 5] * 0.5 return gravity_center @property def corners(self): """torch.Tensor: Coordinates of corners of all the boxes in shape (N, 8, 3). Convert the boxes to corners in clockwise order, in form of ``(x0y0z0, x0y0z1, x0y1z1, x0y1z0, x1y0z0, x1y0z1, x1y1z1, x1y1z0)`` .. code-block:: none up z front x ^ / | / | (x1, y0, z1) + ----------- + (x1, y1, z1) /| / | / | / | (x0, y0, z1) + ----------- + + (x1, y1, z0) | / . | / | / origin | / left y<-------- + ----------- + (x0, y1, z0) (x0, y0, z0) """ # TODO: rotation_3d_in_axis function do not support # empty tensor currently. assert len(self.tensor) != 0 dims = self.dims corners_norm = torch.from_numpy( np.stack(np.unravel_index(np.arange(8), [2] * 3), axis=1)).to( device=dims.device, dtype=dims.dtype) corners_norm = corners_norm[[0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6]] # use relative origin [0.5, 0.5, 0] corners_norm = corners_norm - dims.new_tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0]) corners = dims.view([-1, 1, 3]) * corners_norm.reshape([1, 8, 3]) # rotate around z axis corners = rotation_3d_in_axis(corners, self.tensor[:, 6], axis=2) corners += self.tensor[:, :3].view(-1, 1, 3) return corners @property def bev(self): """torch.Tensor: 2D BEV box of each box with rotation in XYWHR format.""" return self.tensor[:, [0, 1, 3, 4, 6]] @property def nearest_bev(self): """torch.Tensor: A tensor of 2D BEV box of each box without rotation.""" # Obtain BEV boxes with rotation in XYWHR format bev_rotated_boxes = self.bev # convert the rotation to a valid range rotations = bev_rotated_boxes[:, -1] normed_rotations = torch.abs(limit_period(rotations, 0.5, np.pi)) # find the center of boxes conditions = (normed_rotations > np.pi / 4)[..., None] bboxes_xywh = torch.where(conditions, bev_rotated_boxes[:, [0, 1, 3, 2]], bev_rotated_boxes[:, :4]) centers = bboxes_xywh[:, :2] dims = bboxes_xywh[:, 2:] bev_boxes =[centers - dims / 2, centers + dims / 2], dim=-1) return bev_boxes
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, points=None): """Rotate boxes with points (optional) with the given angle or \ rotation matrix. Args: angles (float | torch.Tensor | np.ndarray): Rotation angle or rotation matrix. points (torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, :obj:`BasePoints`, optional): Points to rotate. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple or None: When ``points`` is None, the function returns \ None, otherwise it returns the rotated points and the \ rotation matrix ``rot_mat_T``. """ if not isinstance(angle, torch.Tensor): angle = self.tensor.new_tensor(angle) assert angle.shape == torch.Size([3, 3]) or angle.numel() == 1, \ f'invalid rotation angle shape {angle.shape}' if angle.numel() == 1: rot_sin = torch.sin(angle) rot_cos = torch.cos(angle) rot_mat_T = self.tensor.new_tensor([[rot_cos, -rot_sin, 0], [rot_sin, rot_cos, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) else: rot_mat_T = angle rot_sin = rot_mat_T[1, 0] rot_cos = rot_mat_T[0, 0] angle = np.arctan2(rot_sin, rot_cos) self.tensor[:, :3] = self.tensor[:, :3] @ rot_mat_T self.tensor[:, 6] += angle if self.tensor.shape[1] == 9: # rotate velo vector self.tensor[:, 7:9] = self.tensor[:, 7:9] @ rot_mat_T[:2, :2] if points is not None: if isinstance(points, torch.Tensor): points[:, :3] = points[:, :3] @ rot_mat_T elif isinstance(points, np.ndarray): rot_mat_T = rot_mat_T.numpy() points[:, :3] =[:, :3], rot_mat_T) elif isinstance(points, BasePoints): # clockwise points.rotate(-angle) else: raise ValueError return points, rot_mat_T
[docs] def flip(self, bev_direction='horizontal', points=None): """Flip the boxes in BEV along given BEV direction. In LIDAR coordinates, it flips the y (horizontal) or x (vertical) axis. Args: bev_direction (str): Flip direction (horizontal or vertical). points (torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, :obj:`BasePoints`, None): Points to flip. Defaults to None. Returns: torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray or None: Flipped points. """ assert bev_direction in ('horizontal', 'vertical') if bev_direction == 'horizontal': self.tensor[:, 1::7] = -self.tensor[:, 1::7] if self.with_yaw: self.tensor[:, 6] = -self.tensor[:, 6] + np.pi elif bev_direction == 'vertical': self.tensor[:, 0::7] = -self.tensor[:, 0::7] if self.with_yaw: self.tensor[:, 6] = -self.tensor[:, 6] if points is not None: assert isinstance(points, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, BasePoints)) if isinstance(points, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)): if bev_direction == 'horizontal': points[:, 1] = -points[:, 1] elif bev_direction == 'vertical': points[:, 0] = -points[:, 0] elif isinstance(points, BasePoints): points.flip(bev_direction) return points
[docs] def in_range_bev(self, box_range): """Check whether the boxes are in the given range. Args: box_range (list | torch.Tensor): the range of box (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) Note: The original implementation of SECOND checks whether boxes in a range by checking whether the points are in a convex polygon, we reduce the burden for simpler cases. Returns: torch.Tensor: Whether each box is inside the reference range. """ in_range_flags = ((self.tensor[:, 0] > box_range[0]) & (self.tensor[:, 1] > box_range[1]) & (self.tensor[:, 0] < box_range[2]) & (self.tensor[:, 1] < box_range[3])) return in_range_flags
[docs] def convert_to(self, dst, rt_mat=None): """Convert self to ``dst`` mode. Args: dst (:obj:`Box3DMode`): the target Box mode rt_mat (np.ndarray | torch.Tensor): The rotation and translation matrix between different coordinates. Defaults to None. The conversion from ``src`` coordinates to ``dst`` coordinates usually comes along the change of sensors, e.g., from camera to LiDAR. This requires a transformation matrix. Returns: :obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`: \ The converted box of the same type in the ``dst`` mode. """ from .box_3d_mode import Box3DMode return Box3DMode.convert( box=self, src=Box3DMode.LIDAR, dst=dst, rt_mat=rt_mat)
[docs] def enlarged_box(self, extra_width): """Enlarge the length, width and height boxes. Args: extra_width (float | torch.Tensor): Extra width to enlarge the box. Returns: :obj:`LiDARInstance3DBoxes`: Enlarged boxes. """ enlarged_boxes = self.tensor.clone() enlarged_boxes[:, 3:6] += extra_width * 2 # bottom center z minus extra_width enlarged_boxes[:, 2] -= extra_width return self.new_box(enlarged_boxes)
[docs] def points_in_boxes(self, points): """Find the box which the points are in. Args: points (torch.Tensor): Points in shape (N, 3). Returns: torch.Tensor: The index of box where each point are in. """ box_idx = points_in_boxes_gpu( points.unsqueeze(0), self.tensor.unsqueeze(0).to(points.device)).squeeze(0) return box_idx
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