
Source code for mmdet3d.datasets.nuscenes_mono_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import pyquaternion
import tempfile
import torch
import warnings
from nuscenes.utils.data_classes import Box as NuScenesBox
from os import path as osp

from mmdet3d.core import bbox3d2result, box3d_multiclass_nms, xywhr2xyxyr
from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS, CocoDataset
from ..core import show_multi_modality_result
from ..core.bbox import CameraInstance3DBoxes, get_box_type
from .pipelines import Compose
from .utils import extract_result_dict, get_loading_pipeline

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class NuScenesMonoDataset(CocoDataset): r"""Monocular 3D detection on NuScenes Dataset. This class serves as the API for experiments on the NuScenes Dataset. Please refer to `NuScenes Dataset <>`_ for data downloading. Args: ann_file (str): Path of annotation file. data_root (str): Path of dataset root. load_interval (int, optional): Interval of loading the dataset. It is used to uniformly sample the dataset. Defaults to 1. with_velocity (bool, optional): Whether include velocity prediction into the experiments. Defaults to True. modality (dict, optional): Modality to specify the sensor data used as input. Defaults to None. box_type_3d (str, optional): Type of 3D box of this dataset. Based on the `box_type_3d`, the dataset will encapsulate the box to its original format then converted them to `box_type_3d`. Defaults to 'Camera' in this class. Available options includes. - 'LiDAR': Box in LiDAR coordinates. - 'Depth': Box in depth coordinates, usually for indoor dataset. - 'Camera': Box in camera coordinates. eval_version (str, optional): Configuration version of evaluation. Defaults to 'detection_cvpr_2019'. use_valid_flag (bool): Whether to use `use_valid_flag` key in the info file as mask to filter gt_boxes and gt_names. Defaults to False. version (str, optional): Dataset version. Defaults to 'v1.0-trainval'. """ CLASSES = ('car', 'truck', 'trailer', 'bus', 'construction_vehicle', 'bicycle', 'motorcycle', 'pedestrian', 'traffic_cone', 'barrier') DefaultAttribute = { 'car': 'vehicle.parked', 'pedestrian': 'pedestrian.moving', 'trailer': 'vehicle.parked', 'truck': 'vehicle.parked', 'bus': 'vehicle.moving', 'motorcycle': 'cycle.without_rider', 'construction_vehicle': 'vehicle.parked', 'bicycle': 'cycle.without_rider', 'barrier': '', 'traffic_cone': '', } # # noqa ErrNameMapping = { 'trans_err': 'mATE', 'scale_err': 'mASE', 'orient_err': 'mAOE', 'vel_err': 'mAVE', 'attr_err': 'mAAE' } def __init__(self, data_root, load_interval=1, with_velocity=True, modality=None, box_type_3d='Camera', eval_version='detection_cvpr_2019', use_valid_flag=False, version='v1.0-trainval', **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.data_root = data_root self.load_interval = load_interval self.with_velocity = with_velocity self.modality = modality self.box_type_3d, self.box_mode_3d = get_box_type(box_type_3d) self.eval_version = eval_version self.use_valid_flag = use_valid_flag self.bbox_code_size = 9 self.version = version if self.eval_version is not None: from nuscenes.eval.detection.config import config_factory self.eval_detection_configs = config_factory(self.eval_version) if self.modality is None: self.modality = dict( use_camera=True, use_lidar=False, use_radar=False, use_map=False, use_external=False)
[docs] def pre_pipeline(self, results): """Initialization before data preparation. Args: results (dict): Dict before data preprocessing. - img_fields (list): Image fields. - bbox3d_fields (list): 3D bounding boxes fields. - pts_mask_fields (list): Mask fields of points. - pts_seg_fields (list): Mask fields of point segments. - bbox_fields (list): Fields of bounding boxes. - mask_fields (list): Fields of masks. - seg_fields (list): Segment fields. - box_type_3d (str): 3D box type. - box_mode_3d (str): 3D box mode. """ results['img_prefix'] = self.img_prefix results['seg_prefix'] = self.seg_prefix results['proposal_file'] = self.proposal_file results['img_fields'] = [] results['bbox3d_fields'] = [] results['pts_mask_fields'] = [] results['pts_seg_fields'] = [] results['bbox_fields'] = [] results['mask_fields'] = [] results['seg_fields'] = [] results['box_type_3d'] = self.box_type_3d results['box_mode_3d'] = self.box_mode_3d
def _parse_ann_info(self, img_info, ann_info): """Parse bbox annotation. Args: img_info (list[dict]): Image info. ann_info (list[dict]): Annotation info of an image. Returns: dict: A dict containing the following keys: bboxes, labels, \ gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, attr_labels, centers2d, \ depths, bboxes_ignore, masks, seg_map """ gt_bboxes = [] gt_labels = [] attr_labels = [] gt_bboxes_ignore = [] gt_masks_ann = [] gt_bboxes_cam3d = [] centers2d = [] depths = [] for i, ann in enumerate(ann_info): if ann.get('ignore', False): continue x1, y1, w, h = ann['bbox'] inter_w = max(0, min(x1 + w, img_info['width']) - max(x1, 0)) inter_h = max(0, min(y1 + h, img_info['height']) - max(y1, 0)) if inter_w * inter_h == 0: continue if ann['area'] <= 0 or w < 1 or h < 1: continue if ann['category_id'] not in self.cat_ids: continue bbox = [x1, y1, x1 + w, y1 + h] if ann.get('iscrowd', False): gt_bboxes_ignore.append(bbox) else: gt_bboxes.append(bbox) gt_labels.append(self.cat2label[ann['category_id']]) attr_labels.append(ann['attribute_id']) gt_masks_ann.append(ann.get('segmentation', None)) # 3D annotations in camera coordinates bbox_cam3d = np.array(ann['bbox_cam3d']).reshape(1, -1) velo_cam3d = np.array(ann['velo_cam3d']).reshape(1, 2) nan_mask = np.isnan(velo_cam3d[:, 0]) velo_cam3d[nan_mask] = [0.0, 0.0] bbox_cam3d = np.concatenate([bbox_cam3d, velo_cam3d], axis=-1) gt_bboxes_cam3d.append(bbox_cam3d.squeeze()) # 2.5D annotations in camera coordinates center2d = ann['center2d'][:2] depth = ann['center2d'][2] centers2d.append(center2d) depths.append(depth) if gt_bboxes: gt_bboxes = np.array(gt_bboxes, dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array(gt_labels, dtype=np.int64) attr_labels = np.array(attr_labels, dtype=np.int64) else: gt_bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) attr_labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) if gt_bboxes_cam3d: gt_bboxes_cam3d = np.array(gt_bboxes_cam3d, dtype=np.float32) centers2d = np.array(centers2d, dtype=np.float32) depths = np.array(depths, dtype=np.float32) else: gt_bboxes_cam3d = np.zeros((0, self.bbox_code_size), dtype=np.float32) centers2d = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.float32) depths = np.zeros((0), dtype=np.float32) gt_bboxes_cam3d = CameraInstance3DBoxes( gt_bboxes_cam3d, box_dim=gt_bboxes_cam3d.shape[-1], origin=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) gt_labels_3d = copy.deepcopy(gt_labels) if gt_bboxes_ignore: gt_bboxes_ignore = np.array(gt_bboxes_ignore, dtype=np.float32) else: gt_bboxes_ignore = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) seg_map = img_info['filename'].replace('jpg', 'png') ann = dict( bboxes=gt_bboxes, labels=gt_labels, gt_bboxes_3d=gt_bboxes_cam3d, gt_labels_3d=gt_labels_3d, attr_labels=attr_labels, centers2d=centers2d, depths=depths, bboxes_ignore=gt_bboxes_ignore, masks=gt_masks_ann, seg_map=seg_map) return ann
[docs] def get_attr_name(self, attr_idx, label_name): """Get attribute from predicted index. This is a workaround to predict attribute when the predicted velocity is not reliable. We map the predicted attribute index to the one in the attribute set. If it is consistent with the category, we will keep it. Otherwise, we will use the default attribute. Args: attr_idx (int): Attribute index. label_name (str): Predicted category name. Returns: str: Predicted attribute name. """ # TODO: Simplify the variable name AttrMapping_rev2 = [ 'cycle.with_rider', 'cycle.without_rider', 'pedestrian.moving', 'pedestrian.standing', 'pedestrian.sitting_lying_down', 'vehicle.moving', 'vehicle.parked', 'vehicle.stopped', 'None' ] if label_name == 'car' or label_name == 'bus' \ or label_name == 'truck' or label_name == 'trailer' \ or label_name == 'construction_vehicle': if AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] == 'vehicle.moving' or \ AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] == 'vehicle.parked' or \ AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] == 'vehicle.stopped': return AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] else: return NuScenesMonoDataset.DefaultAttribute[label_name] elif label_name == 'pedestrian': if AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] == 'pedestrian.moving' or \ AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] == 'pedestrian.standing' or \ AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] == \ 'pedestrian.sitting_lying_down': return AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] else: return NuScenesMonoDataset.DefaultAttribute[label_name] elif label_name == 'bicycle' or label_name == 'motorcycle': if AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] == 'cycle.with_rider' or \ AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] == 'cycle.without_rider': return AttrMapping_rev2[attr_idx] else: return NuScenesMonoDataset.DefaultAttribute[label_name] else: return NuScenesMonoDataset.DefaultAttribute[label_name]
def _format_bbox(self, results, jsonfile_prefix=None): """Convert the results to the standard format. Args: results (list[dict]): Testing results of the dataset. jsonfile_prefix (str): The prefix of the output jsonfile. You can specify the output directory/filename by modifying the jsonfile_prefix. Default: None. Returns: str: Path of the output json file. """ nusc_annos = {} mapped_class_names = self.CLASSES print('Start to convert detection format...') CAM_NUM = 6 for sample_id, det in enumerate(mmcv.track_iter_progress(results)): if sample_id % CAM_NUM == 0: boxes_per_frame = [] attrs_per_frame = [] # need to merge results from images of the same sample annos = [] boxes, attrs = output_to_nusc_box(det) sample_token = self.data_infos[sample_id]['token'] boxes, attrs = cam_nusc_box_to_global(self.data_infos[sample_id], boxes, attrs, mapped_class_names, self.eval_detection_configs, self.eval_version) boxes_per_frame.extend(boxes) attrs_per_frame.extend(attrs) # Remove redundant predictions caused by overlap of images if (sample_id + 1) % CAM_NUM != 0: continue boxes = global_nusc_box_to_cam( self.data_infos[sample_id + 1 - CAM_NUM], boxes_per_frame, mapped_class_names, self.eval_detection_configs, self.eval_version) cam_boxes3d, scores, labels = nusc_box_to_cam_box3d(boxes) # box nms 3d over 6 images in a frame # TODO: move this global setting into config nms_cfg = dict( use_rotate_nms=True, nms_across_levels=False, nms_pre=4096, nms_thr=0.05, score_thr=0.01, min_bbox_size=0, max_per_frame=500) from mmcv import Config nms_cfg = Config(nms_cfg) cam_boxes3d_for_nms = xywhr2xyxyr(cam_boxes3d.bev) boxes3d = cam_boxes3d.tensor # generate attr scores from attr labels attrs = labels.new_tensor([attr for attr in attrs_per_frame]) boxes3d, scores, labels, attrs = box3d_multiclass_nms( boxes3d, cam_boxes3d_for_nms, scores, nms_cfg.score_thr, nms_cfg.max_per_frame, nms_cfg, mlvl_attr_scores=attrs) cam_boxes3d = CameraInstance3DBoxes(boxes3d, box_dim=9) det = bbox3d2result(cam_boxes3d, scores, labels, attrs) boxes, attrs = output_to_nusc_box(det) boxes, attrs = cam_nusc_box_to_global( self.data_infos[sample_id + 1 - CAM_NUM], boxes, attrs, mapped_class_names, self.eval_detection_configs, self.eval_version) for i, box in enumerate(boxes): name = mapped_class_names[box.label] attr = self.get_attr_name(attrs[i], name) nusc_anno = dict( sample_token=sample_token,, size=box.wlh.tolist(), rotation=box.orientation.elements.tolist(), velocity=box.velocity[:2].tolist(), detection_name=name, detection_score=box.score, attribute_name=attr) annos.append(nusc_anno) # other views results of the same frame should be concatenated if sample_token in nusc_annos: nusc_annos[sample_token].extend(annos) else: nusc_annos[sample_token] = annos nusc_submissions = { 'meta': self.modality, 'results': nusc_annos, } mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(jsonfile_prefix) res_path = osp.join(jsonfile_prefix, 'results_nusc.json') print('Results writes to', res_path) mmcv.dump(nusc_submissions, res_path) return res_path def _evaluate_single(self, result_path, logger=None, metric='bbox', result_name='img_bbox'): """Evaluation for a single model in nuScenes protocol. Args: result_path (str): Path of the result file. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. metric (str): Metric name used for evaluation. Default: 'bbox'. result_name (str): Result name in the metric prefix. Default: 'img_bbox'. Returns: dict: Dictionary of evaluation details. """ from nuscenes import NuScenes from nuscenes.eval.detection.evaluate import NuScenesEval output_dir = osp.join(*osp.split(result_path)[:-1]) nusc = NuScenes( version=self.version, dataroot=self.data_root, verbose=False) eval_set_map = { 'v1.0-mini': 'mini_val', 'v1.0-trainval': 'val', } nusc_eval = NuScenesEval( nusc, config=self.eval_detection_configs, result_path=result_path, eval_set=eval_set_map[self.version], output_dir=output_dir, verbose=False) nusc_eval.main(render_curves=True) # record metrics metrics = mmcv.load(osp.join(output_dir, 'metrics_summary.json')) detail = dict() metric_prefix = f'{result_name}_NuScenes' for name in self.CLASSES: for k, v in metrics['label_aps'][name].items(): val = float('{:.4f}'.format(v)) detail['{}/{}_AP_dist_{}'.format(metric_prefix, name, k)] = val for k, v in metrics['label_tp_errors'][name].items(): val = float('{:.4f}'.format(v)) detail['{}/{}_{}'.format(metric_prefix, name, k)] = val for k, v in metrics['tp_errors'].items(): val = float('{:.4f}'.format(v)) detail['{}/{}'.format(metric_prefix, self.ErrNameMapping[k])] = val detail['{}/NDS'.format(metric_prefix)] = metrics['nd_score'] detail['{}/mAP'.format(metric_prefix)] = metrics['mean_ap'] return detail
[docs] def format_results(self, results, jsonfile_prefix=None, **kwargs): """Format the results to json (standard format for COCO evaluation). Args: results (list[tuple | numpy.ndarray]): Testing results of the dataset. jsonfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of json files. It includes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., "a/b/prefix". If not specified, a temp file will be created. Default: None. Returns: tuple: (result_files, tmp_dir), result_files is a dict containing \ the json filepaths, tmp_dir is the temporal directory created \ for saving json files when jsonfile_prefix is not specified. """ assert isinstance(results, list), 'results must be a list' assert len(results) == len(self), ( 'The length of results is not equal to the dataset len: {} != {}'. format(len(results), len(self))) if jsonfile_prefix is None: tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() jsonfile_prefix = osp.join(, 'results') else: tmp_dir = None # currently the output prediction results could be in two formats # 1. list of dict('boxes_3d': ..., 'scores_3d': ..., 'labels_3d': ...) # 2. list of dict('pts_bbox' or 'img_bbox': # dict('boxes_3d': ..., 'scores_3d': ..., 'labels_3d': ...)) # this is a workaround to enable evaluation of both formats on nuScenes # refer to if not ('pts_bbox' in results[0] or 'img_bbox' in results[0]): result_files = self._format_bbox(results, jsonfile_prefix) else: # should take the inner dict out of 'pts_bbox' or 'img_bbox' dict result_files = dict() for name in results[0]: # not evaluate 2D predictions on nuScenes if '2d' in name: continue print(f'\nFormating bboxes of {name}') results_ = [out[name] for out in results] tmp_file_ = osp.join(jsonfile_prefix, name) result_files.update( {name: self._format_bbox(results_, tmp_file_)}) return result_files, tmp_dir
[docs] def evaluate(self, results, metric='bbox', logger=None, jsonfile_prefix=None, result_names=['img_bbox'], show=False, out_dir=None, pipeline=None): """Evaluation in nuScenes protocol. Args: results (list[dict]): Testing results of the dataset. metric (str | list[str]): Metrics to be evaluated. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. jsonfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of json files. It includes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., "a/b/prefix". If not specified, a temp file will be created. Default: None. show (bool): Whether to visualize. Default: False. out_dir (str): Path to save the visualization results. Default: None. pipeline (list[dict], optional): raw data loading for showing. Default: None. Returns: dict[str, float]: Results of each evaluation metric. """ result_files, tmp_dir = self.format_results(results, jsonfile_prefix) if isinstance(result_files, dict): results_dict = dict() for name in result_names: print('Evaluating bboxes of {}'.format(name)) ret_dict = self._evaluate_single(result_files[name]) results_dict.update(ret_dict) elif isinstance(result_files, str): results_dict = self._evaluate_single(result_files) if tmp_dir is not None: tmp_dir.cleanup() if show:, out_dir, pipeline=pipeline) return results_dict
def _extract_data(self, index, pipeline, key, load_annos=False): """Load data using input pipeline and extract data according to key. Args: index (int): Index for accessing the target data. pipeline (:obj:`Compose`): Composed data loading pipeline. key (str | list[str]): One single or a list of data key. load_annos (bool): Whether to load data annotations. If True, need to set self.test_mode as False before loading. Returns: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | list[np.ndarray | torch.Tensor]: A single or a list of loaded data. """ assert pipeline is not None, 'data loading pipeline is not provided' img_info = self.data_infos[index] input_dict = dict(img_info=img_info) if load_annos: ann_info = self.get_ann_info(index) input_dict.update(dict(ann_info=ann_info)) self.pre_pipeline(input_dict) example = pipeline(input_dict) # extract data items according to keys if isinstance(key, str): data = extract_result_dict(example, key) else: data = [extract_result_dict(example, k) for k in key] return data def _get_pipeline(self, pipeline): """Get data loading pipeline in function. Args: pipeline (list[dict] | None): Input pipeline. If None is given, \ get from self.pipeline. """ if pipeline is None: if not hasattr(self, 'pipeline') or self.pipeline is None: warnings.warn( 'Use default pipeline for data loading, this may cause ' 'errors when data is on ceph') return self._build_default_pipeline() loading_pipeline = get_loading_pipeline(self.pipeline.transforms) return Compose(loading_pipeline) return Compose(pipeline) def _build_default_pipeline(self): """Build the default pipeline for this dataset.""" pipeline = [ dict(type='LoadImageFromFileMono3D'), dict( type='DefaultFormatBundle3D', class_names=self.CLASSES, with_label=False), dict(type='Collect3D', keys=['img']) ] return Compose(pipeline)
[docs] def show(self, results, out_dir, show=True, pipeline=None): """Results visualization. Args: results (list[dict]): List of bounding boxes results. out_dir (str): Output directory of visualization result. show (bool): Visualize the results online. pipeline (list[dict], optional): raw data loading for showing. Default: None. """ assert out_dir is not None, 'Expect out_dir, got none.' pipeline = self._get_pipeline(pipeline) for i, result in enumerate(results): if 'img_bbox' in result.keys(): result = result['img_bbox'] data_info = self.data_infos[i] img_path = data_info['file_name'] file_name = osp.split(img_path)[-1].split('.')[0] img, img_metas = self._extract_data(i, pipeline, ['img', 'img_metas']) # need to transpose channel to first dim img = img.numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) gt_bboxes = self.get_ann_info(i)['gt_bboxes_3d'] pred_bboxes = result['boxes_3d'] show_multi_modality_result( img, gt_bboxes, pred_bboxes, img_metas['cam2img'], out_dir, file_name, box_mode='camera', show=show)
def output_to_nusc_box(detection): """Convert the output to the box class in the nuScenes. Args: detection (dict): Detection results. - boxes_3d (:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`): Detection bbox. - scores_3d (torch.Tensor): Detection scores. - labels_3d (torch.Tensor): Predicted box labels. - attrs_3d (torch.Tensor, optional): Predicted attributes. Returns: list[:obj:`NuScenesBox`]: List of standard NuScenesBoxes. """ box3d = detection['boxes_3d'] scores = detection['scores_3d'].numpy() labels = detection['labels_3d'].numpy() attrs = None if 'attrs_3d' in detection: attrs = detection['attrs_3d'].numpy() box_gravity_center = box3d.gravity_center.numpy() box_dims = box3d.dims.numpy() box_yaw = box3d.yaw.numpy() # convert the dim/rot to nuscbox convention box_dims[:, [0, 1, 2]] = box_dims[:, [2, 0, 1]] box_yaw = -box_yaw box_list = [] for i in range(len(box3d)): q1 = pyquaternion.Quaternion(axis=[0, 0, 1], radians=box_yaw[i]) q2 = pyquaternion.Quaternion(axis=[1, 0, 0], radians=np.pi / 2) quat = q2 * q1 velocity = (box3d.tensor[i, 7], 0.0, box3d.tensor[i, 8]) box = NuScenesBox( box_gravity_center[i], box_dims[i], quat, label=labels[i], score=scores[i], velocity=velocity) box_list.append(box) return box_list, attrs def cam_nusc_box_to_global(info, boxes, attrs, classes, eval_configs, eval_version='detection_cvpr_2019'): """Convert the box from camera to global coordinate. Args: info (dict): Info for a specific sample data, including the calibration information. boxes (list[:obj:`NuScenesBox`]): List of predicted NuScenesBoxes. classes (list[str]): Mapped classes in the evaluation. eval_configs (object): Evaluation configuration object. eval_version (str): Evaluation version. Default: 'detection_cvpr_2019' Returns: list: List of standard NuScenesBoxes in the global coordinate. """ box_list = [] attr_list = [] for (box, attr) in zip(boxes, attrs): # Move box to ego vehicle coord system box.rotate(pyquaternion.Quaternion(info['cam2ego_rotation'])) box.translate(np.array(info['cam2ego_translation'])) # filter det in ego. cls_range_map = eval_configs.class_range radius = np.linalg.norm([:2], 2) det_range = cls_range_map[classes[box.label]] if radius > det_range: continue # Move box to global coord system box.rotate(pyquaternion.Quaternion(info['ego2global_rotation'])) box.translate(np.array(info['ego2global_translation'])) box_list.append(box) attr_list.append(attr) return box_list, attr_list def global_nusc_box_to_cam(info, boxes, classes, eval_configs, eval_version='detection_cvpr_2019'): """Convert the box from global to camera coordinate. Args: info (dict): Info for a specific sample data, including the calibration information. boxes (list[:obj:`NuScenesBox`]): List of predicted NuScenesBoxes. classes (list[str]): Mapped classes in the evaluation. eval_configs (object): Evaluation configuration object. eval_version (str): Evaluation version. Default: 'detection_cvpr_2019' Returns: list: List of standard NuScenesBoxes in the global coordinate. """ box_list = [] for box in boxes: # Move box to ego vehicle coord system box.translate(-np.array(info['ego2global_translation'])) box.rotate( pyquaternion.Quaternion(info['ego2global_rotation']).inverse) # filter det in ego. cls_range_map = eval_configs.class_range radius = np.linalg.norm([:2], 2) det_range = cls_range_map[classes[box.label]] if radius > det_range: continue # Move box to camera coord system box.translate(-np.array(info['cam2ego_translation'])) box.rotate(pyquaternion.Quaternion(info['cam2ego_rotation']).inverse) box_list.append(box) return box_list def nusc_box_to_cam_box3d(boxes): """Convert boxes from :obj:`NuScenesBox` to :obj:`CameraInstance3DBoxes`. Args: boxes (list[:obj:`NuScenesBox`]): List of predicted NuScenesBoxes. Returns: tuple (:obj:`CameraInstance3DBoxes` | torch.Tensor | torch.Tensor): \ Converted 3D bounding boxes, scores and labels. """ locs = torch.Tensor([ for b in boxes]).view(-1, 3) dims = torch.Tensor([b.wlh for b in boxes]).view(-1, 3) rots = torch.Tensor([b.orientation.yaw_pitch_roll[0] for b in boxes]).view(-1, 1) velocity = torch.Tensor([b.velocity[0::2] for b in boxes]).view(-1, 2) # convert nusbox to cambox convention dims[:, [0, 1, 2]] = dims[:, [1, 2, 0]] rots = -rots boxes_3d =[locs, dims, rots, velocity], dim=1).cuda() cam_boxes3d = CameraInstance3DBoxes( boxes_3d, box_dim=9, origin=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) scores = torch.Tensor([b.score for b in boxes]).cuda() labels = torch.LongTensor([b.label for b in boxes]).cuda() nms_scores = scores.new_zeros(scores.shape[0], 10 + 1) indices = labels.new_tensor(list(range(scores.shape[0]))) nms_scores[indices, labels] = scores return cam_boxes3d, nms_scores, labels
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