
Source code for mmdet3d.models.dense_heads.centerpoint_head

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import torch
from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule, build_conv_layer
from mmcv.runner import BaseModule, force_fp32
from torch import nn

from mmdet3d.core import (circle_nms, draw_heatmap_gaussian, gaussian_radius,
from mmdet3d.models import builder
from mmdet3d.models.builder import HEADS, build_loss
from mmdet3d.models.utils import clip_sigmoid
from mmdet3d.ops.iou3d.iou3d_utils import nms_gpu
from mmdet.core import build_bbox_coder, multi_apply

class SeparateHead(BaseModule):
    """SeparateHead for CenterHead.

        in_channels (int): Input channels for conv_layer.
        heads (dict): Conv information.
        head_conv (int): Output channels.
            Default: 64.
        final_kernal (int): Kernal size for the last conv layer.
            Deafult: 1.
        init_bias (float): Initial bias. Default: -2.19.
        conv_cfg (dict): Config of conv layer.
            Default: dict(type='Conv2d')
        norm_cfg (dict): Config of norm layer.
            Default: dict(type='BN2d').
        bias (str): Type of bias. Default: 'auto'.

    def __init__(self,
        assert init_cfg is None, 'To prevent abnormal initialization ' \
            'behavior, init_cfg is not allowed to be set'
        super(SeparateHead, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg)
        self.heads = heads
        self.init_bias = init_bias
        for head in self.heads:
            classes, num_conv = self.heads[head]

            conv_layers = []
            c_in = in_channels
            for i in range(num_conv - 1):
                        padding=final_kernel // 2,
                c_in = head_conv

                    padding=final_kernel // 2,
            conv_layers = nn.Sequential(*conv_layers)

            self.__setattr__(head, conv_layers)

            if init_cfg is None:
                self.init_cfg = dict(type='Kaiming', layer='Conv2d')

    def init_weights(self):
        """Initialize weights."""
        for head in self.heads:
            if head == 'heatmap':

    def forward(self, x):
        """Forward function for SepHead.

            x (torch.Tensor): Input feature map with the shape of
                [B, 512, 128, 128].

            dict[str: torch.Tensor]: contains the following keys:

                -reg (torch.Tensor): 2D regression value with the \
                    shape of [B, 2, H, W].
                -height (torch.Tensor): Height value with the \
                    shape of [B, 1, H, W].
                -dim (torch.Tensor): Size value with the shape \
                    of [B, 3, H, W].
                -rot (torch.Tensor): Rotation value with the \
                    shape of [B, 2, H, W].
                -vel (torch.Tensor): Velocity value with the \
                    shape of [B, 2, H, W].
                -heatmap (torch.Tensor): Heatmap with the shape of \
                    [B, N, H, W].
        ret_dict = dict()
        for head in self.heads:
            ret_dict[head] = self.__getattr__(head)(x)

        return ret_dict

class DCNSeparateHead(BaseModule):
    r"""DCNSeparateHead for CenterHead.

    .. code-block:: none
            /-----> DCN for heatmap task -----> heatmap task.
            \-----> DCN for regression tasks -----> regression tasks

        in_channels (int): Input channels for conv_layer.
        heads (dict): Conv information.
        dcn_config (dict): Config of dcn layer.
        num_cls (int): Output channels.
            Default: 64.
        final_kernal (int): Kernal size for the last conv layer.
            Deafult: 1.
        init_bias (float): Initial bias. Default: -2.19.
        conv_cfg (dict): Config of conv layer.
            Default: dict(type='Conv2d')
        norm_cfg (dict): Config of norm layer.
            Default: dict(type='BN2d').
        bias (str): Type of bias. Default: 'auto'.
    """  # noqa: W605

    def __init__(self,
        assert init_cfg is None, 'To prevent abnormal initialization ' \
            'behavior, init_cfg is not allowed to be set'
        super(DCNSeparateHead, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg)
        if 'heatmap' in heads:
        # feature adaptation with dcn
        # use separate features for classification / regression
        self.feature_adapt_cls = build_conv_layer(dcn_config)

        self.feature_adapt_reg = build_conv_layer(dcn_config)

        # heatmap prediction head
        cls_head = [
        self.cls_head = nn.Sequential(*cls_head)
        self.init_bias = init_bias
        # other regression target
        self.task_head = SeparateHead(
        if init_cfg is None:
            self.init_cfg = dict(type='Kaiming', layer='Conv2d')

    def init_weights(self):
        """Initialize weights."""

    def forward(self, x):
        """Forward function for DCNSepHead.

            x (torch.Tensor): Input feature map with the shape of
                [B, 512, 128, 128].

            dict[str: torch.Tensor]: contains the following keys:

                -reg (torch.Tensor): 2D regression value with the \
                    shape of [B, 2, H, W].
                -height (torch.Tensor): Height value with the \
                    shape of [B, 1, H, W].
                -dim (torch.Tensor): Size value with the shape \
                    of [B, 3, H, W].
                -rot (torch.Tensor): Rotation value with the \
                    shape of [B, 2, H, W].
                -vel (torch.Tensor): Velocity value with the \
                    shape of [B, 2, H, W].
                -heatmap (torch.Tensor): Heatmap with the shape of \
                    [B, N, H, W].
        center_feat = self.feature_adapt_cls(x)
        reg_feat = self.feature_adapt_reg(x)

        cls_score = self.cls_head(center_feat)
        ret = self.task_head(reg_feat)
        ret['heatmap'] = cls_score

        return ret

[docs]@HEADS.register_module() class CenterHead(BaseModule): """CenterHead for CenterPoint. Args: mode (str): Mode of the head. Default: '3d'. in_channels (list[int] | int): Channels of the input feature map. Default: [128]. tasks (list[dict]): Task information including class number and class names. Default: None. dataset (str): Name of the dataset. Default: 'nuscenes'. weight (float): Weight for location loss. Default: 0.25. code_weights (list[int]): Code weights for location loss. Default: []. common_heads (dict): Conv information for common heads. Default: dict(). loss_cls (dict): Config of classification loss function. Default: dict(type='GaussianFocalLoss', reduction='mean'). loss_bbox (dict): Config of regression loss function. Default: dict(type='L1Loss', reduction='none'). separate_head (dict): Config of separate head. Default: dict( type='SeparateHead', init_bias=-2.19, final_kernel=3) share_conv_channel (int): Output channels for share_conv_layer. Default: 64. num_heatmap_convs (int): Number of conv layers for heatmap conv layer. Default: 2. conv_cfg (dict): Config of conv layer. Default: dict(type='Conv2d') norm_cfg (dict): Config of norm layer. Default: dict(type='BN2d'). bias (str): Type of bias. Default: 'auto'. """ def __init__(self, in_channels=[128], tasks=None, train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None, bbox_coder=None, common_heads=dict(), loss_cls=dict(type='GaussianFocalLoss', reduction='mean'), loss_bbox=dict( type='L1Loss', reduction='none', loss_weight=0.25), separate_head=dict( type='SeparateHead', init_bias=-2.19, final_kernel=3), share_conv_channel=64, num_heatmap_convs=2, conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv2d'), norm_cfg=dict(type='BN2d'), bias='auto', norm_bbox=True, init_cfg=None): assert init_cfg is None, 'To prevent abnormal initialization ' \ 'behavior, init_cfg is not allowed to be set' super(CenterHead, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) num_classes = [len(t['class_names']) for t in tasks] self.class_names = [t['class_names'] for t in tasks] self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_classes = num_classes self.norm_bbox = norm_bbox self.loss_cls = build_loss(loss_cls) self.loss_bbox = build_loss(loss_bbox) self.bbox_coder = build_bbox_coder(bbox_coder) self.num_anchor_per_locs = [n for n in num_classes] self.fp16_enabled = False # a shared convolution self.shared_conv = ConvModule( in_channels, share_conv_channel, kernel_size=3, padding=1, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, bias=bias) self.task_heads = nn.ModuleList() for num_cls in num_classes: heads = copy.deepcopy(common_heads) heads.update(dict(heatmap=(num_cls, num_heatmap_convs))) separate_head.update( in_channels=share_conv_channel, heads=heads, num_cls=num_cls) self.task_heads.append(builder.build_head(separate_head))
[docs] def forward_single(self, x): """Forward function for CenterPoint. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input feature map with the shape of [B, 512, 128, 128]. Returns: list[dict]: Output results for tasks. """ ret_dicts = [] x = self.shared_conv(x) for task in self.task_heads: ret_dicts.append(task(x)) return ret_dicts
[docs] def forward(self, feats): """Forward pass. Args: feats (list[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level features, e.g., features produced by FPN. Returns: tuple(list[dict]): Output results for tasks. """ return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats)
def _gather_feat(self, feat, ind, mask=None): """Gather feature map. Given feature map and index, return indexed feature map. Args: feat (torch.tensor): Feature map with the shape of [B, H*W, 10]. ind (torch.Tensor): Index of the ground truth boxes with the shape of [B, max_obj]. mask (torch.Tensor): Mask of the feature map with the shape of [B, max_obj]. Default: None. Returns: torch.Tensor: Feature map after gathering with the shape of [B, max_obj, 10]. """ dim = feat.size(2) ind = ind.unsqueeze(2).expand(ind.size(0), ind.size(1), dim) feat = feat.gather(1, ind) if mask is not None: mask = mask.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(feat) feat = feat[mask] feat = feat.view(-1, dim) return feat
[docs] def get_targets(self, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d): """Generate targets. How each output is transformed: Each nested list is transposed so that all same-index elements in each sub-list (1, ..., N) become the new sub-lists. [ [a0, a1, a2, ... ], [b0, b1, b2, ... ], ... ] ==> [ [a0, b0, ... ], [a1, b1, ... ], [a2, b2, ... ] ] The new transposed nested list is converted into a list of N tensors generated by concatenating tensors in the new sub-lists. [ tensor0, tensor1, tensor2, ... ] Args: gt_bboxes_3d (list[:obj:`LiDARInstance3DBoxes`]): Ground truth gt boxes. gt_labels_3d (list[torch.Tensor]): Labels of boxes. Returns: Returns: tuple[list[torch.Tensor]]: Tuple of target including \ the following results in order. - list[torch.Tensor]: Heatmap scores. - list[torch.Tensor]: Ground truth boxes. - list[torch.Tensor]: Indexes indicating the \ position of the valid boxes. - list[torch.Tensor]: Masks indicating which \ boxes are valid. """ heatmaps, anno_boxes, inds, masks = multi_apply( self.get_targets_single, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d) # Transpose heatmaps heatmaps = list(map(list, zip(*heatmaps))) heatmaps = [torch.stack(hms_) for hms_ in heatmaps] # Transpose anno_boxes anno_boxes = list(map(list, zip(*anno_boxes))) anno_boxes = [torch.stack(anno_boxes_) for anno_boxes_ in anno_boxes] # Transpose inds inds = list(map(list, zip(*inds))) inds = [torch.stack(inds_) for inds_ in inds] # Transpose inds masks = list(map(list, zip(*masks))) masks = [torch.stack(masks_) for masks_ in masks] return heatmaps, anno_boxes, inds, masks
[docs] def get_targets_single(self, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d): """Generate training targets for a single sample. Args: gt_bboxes_3d (:obj:`LiDARInstance3DBoxes`): Ground truth gt boxes. gt_labels_3d (torch.Tensor): Labels of boxes. Returns: tuple[list[torch.Tensor]]: Tuple of target including \ the following results in order. - list[torch.Tensor]: Heatmap scores. - list[torch.Tensor]: Ground truth boxes. - list[torch.Tensor]: Indexes indicating the position \ of the valid boxes. - list[torch.Tensor]: Masks indicating which boxes \ are valid. """ device = gt_labels_3d.device gt_bboxes_3d = (gt_bboxes_3d.gravity_center, gt_bboxes_3d.tensor[:, 3:]), dim=1).to(device) max_objs = self.train_cfg['max_objs'] * self.train_cfg['dense_reg'] grid_size = torch.tensor(self.train_cfg['grid_size']) pc_range = torch.tensor(self.train_cfg['point_cloud_range']) voxel_size = torch.tensor(self.train_cfg['voxel_size']) feature_map_size = grid_size[:2] // self.train_cfg['out_size_factor'] # reorganize the gt_dict by tasks task_masks = [] flag = 0 for class_name in self.class_names: task_masks.append([ torch.where(gt_labels_3d == class_name.index(i) + flag) for i in class_name ]) flag += len(class_name) task_boxes = [] task_classes = [] flag2 = 0 for idx, mask in enumerate(task_masks): task_box = [] task_class = [] for m in mask: task_box.append(gt_bboxes_3d[m]) # 0 is background for each task, so we need to add 1 here. task_class.append(gt_labels_3d[m] + 1 - flag2) task_boxes.append(, axis=0).to(device)) task_classes.append( flag2 += len(mask) draw_gaussian = draw_heatmap_gaussian heatmaps, anno_boxes, inds, masks = [], [], [], [] for idx, task_head in enumerate(self.task_heads): heatmap = gt_bboxes_3d.new_zeros( (len(self.class_names[idx]), feature_map_size[1], feature_map_size[0])) anno_box = gt_bboxes_3d.new_zeros((max_objs, 10), dtype=torch.float32) ind = gt_labels_3d.new_zeros((max_objs), dtype=torch.int64) mask = gt_bboxes_3d.new_zeros((max_objs), dtype=torch.uint8) num_objs = min(task_boxes[idx].shape[0], max_objs) for k in range(num_objs): cls_id = task_classes[idx][k] - 1 width = task_boxes[idx][k][3] length = task_boxes[idx][k][4] width = width / voxel_size[0] / self.train_cfg[ 'out_size_factor'] length = length / voxel_size[1] / self.train_cfg[ 'out_size_factor'] if width > 0 and length > 0: radius = gaussian_radius( (length, width), min_overlap=self.train_cfg['gaussian_overlap']) radius = max(self.train_cfg['min_radius'], int(radius)) # be really careful for the coordinate system of # your box annotation. x, y, z = task_boxes[idx][k][0], task_boxes[idx][k][ 1], task_boxes[idx][k][2] coor_x = ( x - pc_range[0] ) / voxel_size[0] / self.train_cfg['out_size_factor'] coor_y = ( y - pc_range[1] ) / voxel_size[1] / self.train_cfg['out_size_factor'] center = torch.tensor([coor_x, coor_y], dtype=torch.float32, device=device) center_int = # throw out not in range objects to avoid out of array # area when creating the heatmap if not (0 <= center_int[0] < feature_map_size[0] and 0 <= center_int[1] < feature_map_size[1]): continue draw_gaussian(heatmap[cls_id], center_int, radius) new_idx = k x, y = center_int[0], center_int[1] assert (y * feature_map_size[0] + x < feature_map_size[0] * feature_map_size[1]) ind[new_idx] = y * feature_map_size[0] + x mask[new_idx] = 1 # TODO: support other outdoor dataset vx, vy = task_boxes[idx][k][7:] rot = task_boxes[idx][k][6] box_dim = task_boxes[idx][k][3:6] if self.norm_bbox: box_dim = box_dim.log() anno_box[new_idx] =[ center - torch.tensor([x, y], device=device), z.unsqueeze(0), box_dim, torch.sin(rot).unsqueeze(0), torch.cos(rot).unsqueeze(0), vx.unsqueeze(0), vy.unsqueeze(0) ]) heatmaps.append(heatmap) anno_boxes.append(anno_box) masks.append(mask) inds.append(ind) return heatmaps, anno_boxes, inds, masks
[docs] @force_fp32(apply_to=('preds_dicts')) def loss(self, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, preds_dicts, **kwargs): """Loss function for CenterHead. Args: gt_bboxes_3d (list[:obj:`LiDARInstance3DBoxes`]): Ground truth gt boxes. gt_labels_3d (list[torch.Tensor]): Labels of boxes. preds_dicts (dict): Output of forward function. Returns: dict[str:torch.Tensor]: Loss of heatmap and bbox of each task. """ heatmaps, anno_boxes, inds, masks = self.get_targets( gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d) loss_dict = dict() for task_id, preds_dict in enumerate(preds_dicts): # heatmap focal loss preds_dict[0]['heatmap'] = clip_sigmoid(preds_dict[0]['heatmap']) num_pos = heatmaps[task_id].eq(1).float().sum().item() loss_heatmap = self.loss_cls( preds_dict[0]['heatmap'], heatmaps[task_id], avg_factor=max(num_pos, 1)) target_box = anno_boxes[task_id] # reconstruct the anno_box from multiple reg heads preds_dict[0]['anno_box'] = (preds_dict[0]['reg'], preds_dict[0]['height'], preds_dict[0]['dim'], preds_dict[0]['rot'], preds_dict[0]['vel']), dim=1) # Regression loss for dimension, offset, height, rotation ind = inds[task_id] num = masks[task_id].float().sum() pred = preds_dict[0]['anno_box'].permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() pred = pred.view(pred.size(0), -1, pred.size(3)) pred = self._gather_feat(pred, ind) mask = masks[task_id].unsqueeze(2).expand_as(target_box).float() isnotnan = (~torch.isnan(target_box)).float() mask *= isnotnan code_weights = self.train_cfg.get('code_weights', None) bbox_weights = mask * mask.new_tensor(code_weights) loss_bbox = self.loss_bbox( pred, target_box, bbox_weights, avg_factor=(num + 1e-4)) loss_dict[f'task{task_id}.loss_heatmap'] = loss_heatmap loss_dict[f'task{task_id}.loss_bbox'] = loss_bbox return loss_dict
[docs] def get_bboxes(self, preds_dicts, img_metas, img=None, rescale=False): """Generate bboxes from bbox head predictions. Args: preds_dicts (tuple[list[dict]]): Prediction results. img_metas (list[dict]): Point cloud and image's meta info. Returns: list[dict]: Decoded bbox, scores and labels after nms. """ rets = [] for task_id, preds_dict in enumerate(preds_dicts): num_class_with_bg = self.num_classes[task_id] batch_size = preds_dict[0]['heatmap'].shape[0] batch_heatmap = preds_dict[0]['heatmap'].sigmoid() batch_reg = preds_dict[0]['reg'] batch_hei = preds_dict[0]['height'] if self.norm_bbox: batch_dim = torch.exp(preds_dict[0]['dim']) else: batch_dim = preds_dict[0]['dim'] batch_rots = preds_dict[0]['rot'][:, 0].unsqueeze(1) batch_rotc = preds_dict[0]['rot'][:, 1].unsqueeze(1) if 'vel' in preds_dict[0]: batch_vel = preds_dict[0]['vel'] else: batch_vel = None temp = self.bbox_coder.decode( batch_heatmap, batch_rots, batch_rotc, batch_hei, batch_dim, batch_vel, reg=batch_reg, task_id=task_id) assert self.test_cfg['nms_type'] in ['circle', 'rotate'] batch_reg_preds = [box['bboxes'] for box in temp] batch_cls_preds = [box['scores'] for box in temp] batch_cls_labels = [box['labels'] for box in temp] if self.test_cfg['nms_type'] == 'circle': ret_task = [] for i in range(batch_size): boxes3d = temp[i]['bboxes'] scores = temp[i]['scores'] labels = temp[i]['labels'] centers = boxes3d[:, [0, 1]] boxes =[centers, scores.view(-1, 1)], dim=1) keep = torch.tensor( circle_nms( boxes.detach().cpu().numpy(), self.test_cfg['min_radius'][task_id], post_max_size=self.test_cfg['post_max_size']), dtype=torch.long, device=boxes.device) boxes3d = boxes3d[keep] scores = scores[keep] labels = labels[keep] ret = dict(bboxes=boxes3d, scores=scores, labels=labels) ret_task.append(ret) rets.append(ret_task) else: rets.append( self.get_task_detections(num_class_with_bg, batch_cls_preds, batch_reg_preds, batch_cls_labels, img_metas)) # Merge branches results num_samples = len(rets[0]) ret_list = [] for i in range(num_samples): for k in rets[0][i].keys(): if k == 'bboxes': bboxes =[ret[i][k] for ret in rets]) bboxes[:, 2] = bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 5] * 0.5 bboxes = img_metas[i]['box_type_3d']( bboxes, self.bbox_coder.code_size) elif k == 'scores': scores =[ret[i][k] for ret in rets]) elif k == 'labels': flag = 0 for j, num_class in enumerate(self.num_classes): rets[j][i][k] += flag flag += num_class labels =[ret[i][k].int() for ret in rets]) ret_list.append([bboxes, scores, labels]) return ret_list
[docs] def get_task_detections(self, num_class_with_bg, batch_cls_preds, batch_reg_preds, batch_cls_labels, img_metas): """Rotate nms for each task. Args: num_class_with_bg (int): Number of classes for the current task. batch_cls_preds (list[torch.Tensor]): Prediction score with the shape of [N]. batch_reg_preds (list[torch.Tensor]): Prediction bbox with the shape of [N, 9]. batch_cls_labels (list[torch.Tensor]): Prediction label with the shape of [N]. img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each sample. Returns: list[dict[str: torch.Tensor]]: contains the following keys: -bboxes (torch.Tensor): Prediction bboxes after nms with the \ shape of [N, 9]. -scores (torch.Tensor): Prediction scores after nms with the \ shape of [N]. -labels (torch.Tensor): Prediction labels after nms with the \ shape of [N]. """ predictions_dicts = [] post_center_range = self.test_cfg['post_center_limit_range'] if len(post_center_range) > 0: post_center_range = torch.tensor( post_center_range, dtype=batch_reg_preds[0].dtype, device=batch_reg_preds[0].device) for i, (box_preds, cls_preds, cls_labels) in enumerate( zip(batch_reg_preds, batch_cls_preds, batch_cls_labels)): # Apply NMS in birdeye view # get highest score per prediction, than apply nms # to remove overlapped box. if num_class_with_bg == 1: top_scores = cls_preds.squeeze(-1) top_labels = torch.zeros( cls_preds.shape[0], device=cls_preds.device, dtype=torch.long) else: top_labels = cls_labels.long() top_scores = cls_preds.squeeze(-1) if self.test_cfg['score_threshold'] > 0.0: thresh = torch.tensor( [self.test_cfg['score_threshold']], device=cls_preds.device).type_as(cls_preds) top_scores_keep = top_scores >= thresh top_scores = top_scores.masked_select(top_scores_keep) if top_scores.shape[0] != 0: if self.test_cfg['score_threshold'] > 0.0: box_preds = box_preds[top_scores_keep] top_labels = top_labels[top_scores_keep] boxes_for_nms = xywhr2xyxyr(img_metas[i]['box_type_3d']( box_preds[:, :], self.bbox_coder.code_size).bev) # the nms in 3d detection just remove overlap boxes. selected = nms_gpu( boxes_for_nms, top_scores, thresh=self.test_cfg['nms_thr'], pre_maxsize=self.test_cfg['pre_max_size'], post_max_size=self.test_cfg['post_max_size']) else: selected = [] # if selected is not None: selected_boxes = box_preds[selected] selected_labels = top_labels[selected] selected_scores = top_scores[selected] # finally generate predictions. if selected_boxes.shape[0] != 0: box_preds = selected_boxes scores = selected_scores label_preds = selected_labels final_box_preds = box_preds final_scores = scores final_labels = label_preds if post_center_range is not None: mask = (final_box_preds[:, :3] >= post_center_range[:3]).all(1) mask &= (final_box_preds[:, :3] <= post_center_range[3:]).all(1) predictions_dict = dict( bboxes=final_box_preds[mask], scores=final_scores[mask], labels=final_labels[mask]) else: predictions_dict = dict( bboxes=final_box_preds, scores=final_scores, labels=final_labels) else: dtype = batch_reg_preds[0].dtype device = batch_reg_preds[0].device predictions_dict = dict( bboxes=torch.zeros([0, self.bbox_coder.code_size], dtype=dtype, device=device), scores=torch.zeros([0], dtype=dtype, device=device), labels=torch.zeros([0], dtype=top_labels.dtype, device=device)) predictions_dicts.append(predictions_dict) return predictions_dicts
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