
Source code for mmdet3d.models.roi_heads.mask_heads.primitive_head

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule
from mmcv.runner import BaseModule
from torch import nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

from mmdet3d.models.builder import build_loss
from mmdet3d.models.model_utils import VoteModule
from mmdet3d.ops import build_sa_module, furthest_point_sample
from mmdet.core import multi_apply
from mmdet.models import HEADS

[docs]@HEADS.register_module() class PrimitiveHead(BaseModule): r"""Primitive head of `H3DNet <>`_. Args: num_dims (int): The dimension of primitive semantic information. num_classes (int): The number of class. primitive_mode (str): The mode of primitive module, avaliable mode ['z', 'xy', 'line']. bbox_coder (:obj:`BaseBBoxCoder`): Bbox coder for encoding and decoding boxes. train_cfg (dict): Config for training. test_cfg (dict): Config for testing. vote_module_cfg (dict): Config of VoteModule for point-wise votes. vote_aggregation_cfg (dict): Config of vote aggregation layer. feat_channels (tuple[int]): Convolution channels of prediction layer. upper_thresh (float): Threshold for line matching. surface_thresh (float): Threshold for suface matching. conv_cfg (dict): Config of convolution in prediction layer. norm_cfg (dict): Config of BN in prediction layer. objectness_loss (dict): Config of objectness loss. center_loss (dict): Config of center loss. semantic_loss (dict): Config of point-wise semantic segmentation loss. """ def __init__(self, num_dims, num_classes, primitive_mode, train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None, vote_module_cfg=None, vote_aggregation_cfg=None, feat_channels=(128, 128), upper_thresh=100.0, surface_thresh=0.5, conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv1d'), norm_cfg=dict(type='BN1d'), objectness_loss=None, center_loss=None, semantic_reg_loss=None, semantic_cls_loss=None, init_cfg=None): super(PrimitiveHead, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) assert primitive_mode in ['z', 'xy', 'line'] # The dimension of primitive semantic information. self.num_dims = num_dims self.num_classes = num_classes self.primitive_mode = primitive_mode self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg self.gt_per_seed = vote_module_cfg['gt_per_seed'] self.num_proposal = vote_aggregation_cfg['num_point'] self.upper_thresh = upper_thresh self.surface_thresh = surface_thresh self.objectness_loss = build_loss(objectness_loss) self.center_loss = build_loss(center_loss) self.semantic_reg_loss = build_loss(semantic_reg_loss) self.semantic_cls_loss = build_loss(semantic_cls_loss) assert vote_aggregation_cfg['mlp_channels'][0] == vote_module_cfg[ 'in_channels'] # Primitive existence flag prediction self.flag_conv = ConvModule( vote_module_cfg['conv_channels'][-1], vote_module_cfg['conv_channels'][-1] // 2, 1, padding=0, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, bias=True, inplace=True) self.flag_pred = torch.nn.Conv1d( vote_module_cfg['conv_channels'][-1] // 2, 2, 1) self.vote_module = VoteModule(**vote_module_cfg) self.vote_aggregation = build_sa_module(vote_aggregation_cfg) prev_channel = vote_aggregation_cfg['mlp_channels'][-1] conv_pred_list = list() for k in range(len(feat_channels)): conv_pred_list.append( ConvModule( prev_channel, feat_channels[k], 1, padding=0, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, bias=True, inplace=True)) prev_channel = feat_channels[k] self.conv_pred = nn.Sequential(*conv_pred_list) conv_out_channel = 3 + num_dims + num_classes self.conv_pred.add_module('conv_out', nn.Conv1d(prev_channel, conv_out_channel, 1))
[docs] def forward(self, feats_dict, sample_mod): """Forward pass. Args: feats_dict (dict): Feature dict from backbone. sample_mod (str): Sample mode for vote aggregation layer. valid modes are "vote", "seed" and "random". Returns: dict: Predictions of primitive head. """ assert sample_mod in ['vote', 'seed', 'random'] seed_points = feats_dict['fp_xyz_net0'][-1] seed_features = feats_dict['hd_feature'] results = {} primitive_flag = self.flag_conv(seed_features) primitive_flag = self.flag_pred(primitive_flag) results['pred_flag_' + self.primitive_mode] = primitive_flag # 1. generate vote_points from seed_points vote_points, vote_features, _ = self.vote_module( seed_points, seed_features) results['vote_' + self.primitive_mode] = vote_points results['vote_features_' + self.primitive_mode] = vote_features # 2. aggregate vote_points if sample_mod == 'vote': # use fps in vote_aggregation sample_indices = None elif sample_mod == 'seed': # FPS on seed and choose the votes corresponding to the seeds sample_indices = furthest_point_sample(seed_points, self.num_proposal) elif sample_mod == 'random': # Random sampling from the votes batch_size, num_seed = seed_points.shape[:2] sample_indices = torch.randint( 0, num_seed, (batch_size, self.num_proposal), dtype=torch.int32, device=seed_points.device) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported sample mod!') vote_aggregation_ret = self.vote_aggregation(vote_points, vote_features, sample_indices) aggregated_points, features, aggregated_indices = vote_aggregation_ret results['aggregated_points_' + self.primitive_mode] = aggregated_points results['aggregated_features_' + self.primitive_mode] = features results['aggregated_indices_' + self.primitive_mode] = aggregated_indices # 3. predict primitive offsets and semantic information predictions = self.conv_pred(features) # 4. decode predictions decode_ret = self.primitive_decode_scores(predictions, aggregated_points) results.update(decode_ret) center, pred_ind = self.get_primitive_center( primitive_flag, decode_ret['center_' + self.primitive_mode]) results['pred_' + self.primitive_mode + '_ind'] = pred_ind results['pred_' + self.primitive_mode + '_center'] = center return results
[docs] def loss(self, bbox_preds, points, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, pts_semantic_mask=None, pts_instance_mask=None, img_metas=None, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): """Compute loss. Args: bbox_preds (dict): Predictions from forward of primitive head. points (list[torch.Tensor]): Input points. gt_bboxes_3d (list[:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`]): Ground truth \ bboxes of each sample. gt_labels_3d (list[torch.Tensor]): Labels of each sample. pts_semantic_mask (None | list[torch.Tensor]): Point-wise semantic mask. pts_instance_mask (None | list[torch.Tensor]): Point-wise instance mask. img_metas (list[dict]): Contain pcd and img's meta info. gt_bboxes_ignore (None | list[torch.Tensor]): Specify which bounding. Returns: dict: Losses of Primitive Head. """ targets = self.get_targets(points, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, pts_semantic_mask, pts_instance_mask, bbox_preds) (point_mask, point_offset, gt_primitive_center, gt_primitive_semantic, gt_sem_cls_label, gt_primitive_mask) = targets losses = {} # Compute the loss of primitive existence flag pred_flag = bbox_preds['pred_flag_' + self.primitive_mode] flag_loss = self.objectness_loss(pred_flag, gt_primitive_mask.long()) losses['flag_loss_' + self.primitive_mode] = flag_loss # calculate vote loss vote_loss = self.vote_module.get_loss( bbox_preds['seed_points'], bbox_preds['vote_' + self.primitive_mode], bbox_preds['seed_indices'], point_mask, point_offset) losses['vote_loss_' + self.primitive_mode] = vote_loss num_proposal = bbox_preds['aggregated_points_' + self.primitive_mode].shape[1] primitive_center = bbox_preds['center_' + self.primitive_mode] if self.primitive_mode != 'line': primitive_semantic = bbox_preds['size_residuals_' + self.primitive_mode].contiguous() else: primitive_semantic = None semancitc_scores = bbox_preds['sem_cls_scores_' + self.primitive_mode].transpose(2, 1) gt_primitive_mask = gt_primitive_mask / \ (gt_primitive_mask.sum() + 1e-6) center_loss, size_loss, sem_cls_loss = self.compute_primitive_loss( primitive_center, primitive_semantic, semancitc_scores, num_proposal, gt_primitive_center, gt_primitive_semantic, gt_sem_cls_label, gt_primitive_mask) losses['center_loss_' + self.primitive_mode] = center_loss losses['size_loss_' + self.primitive_mode] = size_loss losses['sem_loss_' + self.primitive_mode] = sem_cls_loss return losses
[docs] def get_targets(self, points, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, pts_semantic_mask=None, pts_instance_mask=None, bbox_preds=None): """Generate targets of primitive head. Args: points (list[torch.Tensor]): Points of each batch. gt_bboxes_3d (list[:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`]): Ground truth \ bboxes of each batch. gt_labels_3d (list[torch.Tensor]): Labels of each batch. pts_semantic_mask (None | list[torch.Tensor]): Point-wise semantic label of each batch. pts_instance_mask (None | list[torch.Tensor]): Point-wise instance label of each batch. bbox_preds (dict): Predictions from forward of primitive head. Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor]: Targets of primitive head. """ for index in range(len(gt_labels_3d)): if len(gt_labels_3d[index]) == 0: fake_box = gt_bboxes_3d[index].tensor.new_zeros( 1, gt_bboxes_3d[index].tensor.shape[-1]) gt_bboxes_3d[index] = gt_bboxes_3d[index].new_box(fake_box) gt_labels_3d[index] = gt_labels_3d[index].new_zeros(1) if pts_semantic_mask is None: pts_semantic_mask = [None for i in range(len(gt_labels_3d))] pts_instance_mask = [None for i in range(len(gt_labels_3d))] (point_mask, point_sem, point_offset) = multi_apply(self.get_targets_single, points, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, pts_semantic_mask, pts_instance_mask) point_mask = torch.stack(point_mask) point_sem = torch.stack(point_sem) point_offset = torch.stack(point_offset) batch_size = point_mask.shape[0] num_proposal = bbox_preds['aggregated_points_' + self.primitive_mode].shape[1] num_seed = bbox_preds['seed_points'].shape[1] seed_inds = bbox_preds['seed_indices'].long() seed_inds_expand = seed_inds.view(batch_size, num_seed, 1).repeat(1, 1, 3) seed_gt_votes = torch.gather(point_offset, 1, seed_inds_expand) seed_gt_votes += bbox_preds['seed_points'] gt_primitive_center = seed_gt_votes.view(batch_size * num_proposal, 1, 3) seed_inds_expand_sem = seed_inds.view(batch_size, num_seed, 1).repeat( 1, 1, 4 + self.num_dims) seed_gt_sem = torch.gather(point_sem, 1, seed_inds_expand_sem) gt_primitive_semantic = seed_gt_sem[:, :, 3:3 + self.num_dims].view( batch_size * num_proposal, 1, self.num_dims).contiguous() gt_sem_cls_label = seed_gt_sem[:, :, -1].long() gt_votes_mask = torch.gather(point_mask, 1, seed_inds) return (point_mask, point_offset, gt_primitive_center, gt_primitive_semantic, gt_sem_cls_label, gt_votes_mask)
[docs] def get_targets_single(self, points, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, pts_semantic_mask=None, pts_instance_mask=None): """Generate targets of primitive head for single batch. Args: points (torch.Tensor): Points of each batch. gt_bboxes_3d (:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`): Ground truth \ boxes of each batch. gt_labels_3d (torch.Tensor): Labels of each batch. pts_semantic_mask (None | torch.Tensor): Point-wise semantic label of each batch. pts_instance_mask (None | torch.Tensor): Point-wise instance label of each batch. Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor]: Targets of primitive head. """ gt_bboxes_3d = num_points = points.shape[0] point_mask = points.new_zeros(num_points) # Offset to the primitive center point_offset = points.new_zeros([num_points, 3]) # Semantic information of primitive center point_sem = points.new_zeros([num_points, 3 + self.num_dims + 1]) # Generate pts_semantic_mask and pts_instance_mask when they are None if pts_semantic_mask is None or pts_instance_mask is None: points2box_mask = gt_bboxes_3d.points_in_boxes(points) assignment = points2box_mask.argmax(1) background_mask = points2box_mask.max(1)[0] == 0 if pts_semantic_mask is None: pts_semantic_mask = gt_labels_3d[assignment] pts_semantic_mask[background_mask] = self.num_classes if pts_instance_mask is None: pts_instance_mask = assignment pts_instance_mask[background_mask] = gt_labels_3d.shape[0] instance_flag = torch.nonzero( pts_semantic_mask != self.num_classes, as_tuple=False).squeeze(1) instance_labels = pts_instance_mask[instance_flag].unique() with_yaw = gt_bboxes_3d.with_yaw for i, i_instance in enumerate(instance_labels): indices = instance_flag[pts_instance_mask[instance_flag] == i_instance] coords = points[indices, :3] cur_cls_label = pts_semantic_mask[indices][0] # Bbox Corners cur_corners = gt_bboxes_3d.corners[i] plane_lower_temp = points.new_tensor( [0, 0, 1, -cur_corners[7, -1]]) upper_points = cur_corners[[1, 2, 5, 6]] refined_distance = (upper_points * plane_lower_temp[:3]).sum(dim=1) if self.check_horizon(upper_points) and \ plane_lower_temp[0] + plane_lower_temp[1] < \ self.train_cfg['lower_thresh']: plane_lower = points.new_tensor( [0, 0, 1, plane_lower_temp[-1]]) plane_upper = points.new_tensor( [0, 0, 1, -torch.mean(refined_distance)]) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only horizontal plane is support!') if self.check_dist(plane_upper, upper_points) is False: raise NotImplementedError( 'Mean distance to plane should be lower than thresh!') # Get the boundary points here point2plane_dist, selected = self.match_point2plane( plane_lower, coords) # Get bottom four lines if self.primitive_mode == 'line': point2line_matching = self.match_point2line( coords[selected], cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='bottom') point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_line_targets(point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, point2line_matching, cur_corners, [1, 1, 0, 0], with_yaw, mode='bottom') # Set the surface labels here if self.primitive_mode == 'z' and \ selected.sum() > self.train_cfg['num_point'] and \ point2plane_dist[selected].var() < \ self.train_cfg['var_thresh']: point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_surface_targets(point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='bottom') # Get the boundary points here point2plane_dist, selected = self.match_point2plane( plane_upper, coords) # Get top four lines if self.primitive_mode == 'line': point2line_matching = self.match_point2line( coords[selected], cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='top') point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_line_targets(point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, point2line_matching, cur_corners, [1, 1, 0, 0], with_yaw, mode='top') if self.primitive_mode == 'z' and \ selected.sum() > self.train_cfg['num_point'] and \ point2plane_dist[selected].var() < \ self.train_cfg['var_thresh']: point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_surface_targets(point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='top') # Get left two lines plane_left_temp = self._get_plane_fomulation( cur_corners[2] - cur_corners[3], cur_corners[3] - cur_corners[0], cur_corners[0]) right_points = cur_corners[[4, 5, 7, 6]] plane_left_temp /= torch.norm(plane_left_temp[:3]) refined_distance = (right_points * plane_left_temp[:3]).sum(dim=1) if plane_left_temp[2] < self.train_cfg['lower_thresh']: plane_left = plane_left_temp plane_right = points.new_tensor([ plane_left_temp[0], plane_left_temp[1], plane_left_temp[2], -refined_distance.mean() ]) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Normal vector of the plane should be horizontal!') # Get the boundary points here point2plane_dist, selected = self.match_point2plane( plane_left, coords) # Get left four lines if self.primitive_mode == 'line': point2line_matching = self.match_point2line( coords[selected], cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='left') point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_line_targets( point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, point2line_matching[2:], cur_corners, [2, 2], with_yaw, mode='left') if self.primitive_mode == 'xy' and \ selected.sum() > self.train_cfg['num_point'] and \ point2plane_dist[selected].var() < \ self.train_cfg['var_thresh']: point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_surface_targets( point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='left') # Get the boundary points here point2plane_dist, selected = self.match_point2plane( plane_right, coords) # Get right four lines if self.primitive_mode == 'line': point2line_matching = self.match_point2line( coords[selected], cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='right') point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_line_targets( point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, point2line_matching[2:], cur_corners, [2, 2], with_yaw, mode='right') if self.primitive_mode == 'xy' and \ selected.sum() > self.train_cfg['num_point'] and \ point2plane_dist[selected].var() < \ self.train_cfg['var_thresh']: point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_surface_targets( point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='right') plane_front_temp = self._get_plane_fomulation( cur_corners[0] - cur_corners[4], cur_corners[4] - cur_corners[5], cur_corners[5]) back_points = cur_corners[[3, 2, 7, 6]] plane_front_temp /= torch.norm(plane_front_temp[:3]) refined_distance = (back_points * plane_front_temp[:3]).sum(dim=1) if plane_front_temp[2] < self.train_cfg['lower_thresh']: plane_front = plane_front_temp plane_back = points.new_tensor([ plane_front_temp[0], plane_front_temp[1], plane_front_temp[2], -torch.mean(refined_distance) ]) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Normal vector of the plane should be horizontal!') # Get the boundary points here point2plane_dist, selected = self.match_point2plane( plane_front, coords) if self.primitive_mode == 'xy' and \ selected.sum() > self.train_cfg['num_point'] and \ (point2plane_dist[selected]).var() < \ self.train_cfg['var_thresh']: point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_surface_targets( point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='front') # Get the boundary points here point2plane_dist, selected = self.match_point2plane( plane_back, coords) if self.primitive_mode == 'xy' and \ selected.sum() > self.train_cfg['num_point'] and \ point2plane_dist[selected].var() < \ self.train_cfg['var_thresh']: point_mask, point_offset, point_sem = \ self._assign_primitive_surface_targets( point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords[selected], indices[selected], cur_cls_label, cur_corners, with_yaw, mode='back') return (point_mask, point_sem, point_offset)
[docs] def primitive_decode_scores(self, predictions, aggregated_points): """Decode predicted parts to primitive head. Args: predictions (torch.Tensor): primitive pridictions of each batch. aggregated_points (torch.Tensor): The aggregated points of vote stage. Returns: Dict: Predictions of primitive head, including center, semantic size and semantic scores. """ ret_dict = {} pred_transposed = predictions.transpose(2, 1) center = aggregated_points + pred_transposed[:, :, 0:3] ret_dict['center_' + self.primitive_mode] = center if self.primitive_mode in ['z', 'xy']: ret_dict['size_residuals_' + self.primitive_mode] = \ pred_transposed[:, :, 3:3 + self.num_dims] ret_dict['sem_cls_scores_' + self.primitive_mode] = \ pred_transposed[:, :, 3 + self.num_dims:] return ret_dict
[docs] def check_horizon(self, points): """Check whether is a horizontal plane. Args: points (torch.Tensor): Points of input. Returns: Bool: Flag of result. """ return (points[0][-1] == points[1][-1]) and \ (points[1][-1] == points[2][-1]) and \ (points[2][-1] == points[3][-1])
[docs] def check_dist(self, plane_equ, points): """Whether the mean of points to plane distance is lower than thresh. Args: plane_equ (torch.Tensor): Plane to be checked. points (torch.Tensor): Points to be checked. Returns: Tuple: Flag of result. """ return (points[:, 2] + plane_equ[-1]).sum() / 4.0 < self.train_cfg['lower_thresh']
[docs] def point2line_dist(self, points, pts_a, pts_b): """Calculate the distance from point to line. Args: points (torch.Tensor): Points of input. pts_a (torch.Tensor): Point on the specific line. pts_b (torch.Tensor): Point on the specific line. Returns: torch.Tensor: Distance between each point to line. """ line_a2b = pts_b - pts_a line_a2pts = points - pts_a length = (line_a2pts * line_a2b.view(1, 3)).sum(1) / \ line_a2b.norm() dist = (line_a2pts.norm(dim=1)**2 - length**2).sqrt() return dist
[docs] def match_point2line(self, points, corners, with_yaw, mode='bottom'): """Match points to corresponding line. Args: points (torch.Tensor): Points of input. corners (torch.Tensor): Eight corners of a bounding box. with_yaw (Bool): Whether the boundind box is with rotation. mode (str, optional): Specify which line should be matched, available mode are ('bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right'). Defaults to 'bottom'. Returns: Tuple: Flag of matching correspondence. """ if with_yaw: corners_pair = { 'bottom': [[0, 3], [4, 7], [0, 4], [3, 7]], 'top': [[1, 2], [5, 6], [1, 5], [2, 6]], 'left': [[0, 1], [3, 2], [0, 1], [3, 2]], 'right': [[4, 5], [7, 6], [4, 5], [7, 6]] } selected_list = [] for pair_index in corners_pair[mode]: selected = self.point2line_dist( points, corners[pair_index[0]], corners[pair_index[1]]) \ < self.train_cfg['line_thresh'] selected_list.append(selected) else: xmin, ymin, _ = corners.min(0)[0] xmax, ymax, _ = corners.max(0)[0] sel1 = torch.abs(points[:, 0] - xmin) < self.train_cfg['line_thresh'] sel2 = torch.abs(points[:, 0] - xmax) < self.train_cfg['line_thresh'] sel3 = torch.abs(points[:, 1] - ymin) < self.train_cfg['line_thresh'] sel4 = torch.abs(points[:, 1] - ymax) < self.train_cfg['line_thresh'] selected_list = [sel1, sel2, sel3, sel4] return selected_list
[docs] def match_point2plane(self, plane, points): """Match points to plane. Args: plane (torch.Tensor): Equation of the plane. points (torch.Tensor): Points of input. Returns: Tuple: Distance of each point to the plane and flag of matching correspondence. """ point2plane_dist = torch.abs((points * plane[:3]).sum(dim=1) + plane[-1]) min_dist = point2plane_dist.min() selected = torch.abs(point2plane_dist - min_dist) < self.train_cfg['dist_thresh'] return point2plane_dist, selected
[docs] def compute_primitive_loss(self, primitive_center, primitive_semantic, semantic_scores, num_proposal, gt_primitive_center, gt_primitive_semantic, gt_sem_cls_label, gt_primitive_mask): """Compute loss of primitive module. Args: primitive_center (torch.Tensor): Pridictions of primitive center. primitive_semantic (torch.Tensor): Pridictions of primitive semantic. semantic_scores (torch.Tensor): Pridictions of primitive semantic scores. num_proposal (int): The number of primitive proposal. gt_primitive_center (torch.Tensor): Ground truth of primitive center. gt_votes_sem (torch.Tensor): Ground truth of primitive semantic. gt_sem_cls_label (torch.Tensor): Ground truth of primitive semantic class. gt_primitive_mask (torch.Tensor): Ground truth of primitive mask. Returns: Tuple: Loss of primitive module. """ batch_size = primitive_center.shape[0] vote_xyz_reshape = primitive_center.view(batch_size * num_proposal, -1, 3) center_loss = self.center_loss( vote_xyz_reshape, gt_primitive_center, dst_weight=gt_primitive_mask.view(batch_size * num_proposal, 1))[1] if self.primitive_mode != 'line': size_xyz_reshape = primitive_semantic.view( batch_size * num_proposal, -1, self.num_dims).contiguous() size_loss = self.semantic_reg_loss( size_xyz_reshape, gt_primitive_semantic, dst_weight=gt_primitive_mask.view(batch_size * num_proposal, 1))[1] else: size_loss = center_loss.new_tensor(0.0) # Semantic cls loss sem_cls_loss = self.semantic_cls_loss( semantic_scores, gt_sem_cls_label, weight=gt_primitive_mask) return center_loss, size_loss, sem_cls_loss
[docs] def get_primitive_center(self, pred_flag, center): """Generate primitive center from predictions. Args: pred_flag (torch.Tensor): Scores of primitive center. center (torch.Tensor): Pridictions of primitive center. Returns: Tuple: Primitive center and the prediction indices. """ ind_normal = F.softmax(pred_flag, dim=1) pred_indices = (ind_normal[:, 1, :] > self.surface_thresh).detach().float() selected = (ind_normal[:, 1, :] <= self.surface_thresh).detach().float() offset = torch.ones_like(center) * self.upper_thresh center = center + offset * selected.unsqueeze(-1) return center, pred_indices
def _assign_primitive_line_targets(self, point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords, indices, cls_label, point2line_matching, corners, center_axises, with_yaw, mode='bottom'): """Generate targets of line primitive. Args: point_mask (torch.Tensor): Tensor to store the ground truth of mask. point_offset (torch.Tensor): Tensor to store the ground truth of offset. point_sem (torch.Tensor): Tensor to store the ground truth of semantic. coords (torch.Tensor): The selected points. indices (torch.Tensor): Indices of the selected points. cls_label (int): Class label of the ground truth bounding box. point2line_matching (torch.Tensor): Flag indicate that matching line of each point. corners (torch.Tensor): Corners of the ground truth bounding box. center_axises (list[int]): Indicate in which axis the line center should be refined. with_yaw (Bool): Whether the boundind box is with rotation. mode (str, optional): Specify which line should be matched, available mode are ('bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right'). Defaults to 'bottom'. Returns: Tuple: Targets of the line primitive. """ corners_pair = { 'bottom': [[0, 3], [4, 7], [0, 4], [3, 7]], 'top': [[1, 2], [5, 6], [1, 5], [2, 6]], 'left': [[0, 1], [3, 2]], 'right': [[4, 5], [7, 6]] } corners_pair = corners_pair[mode] assert len(corners_pair) == len(point2line_matching) == len( center_axises) for line_select, center_axis, pair_index in zip( point2line_matching, center_axises, corners_pair): if line_select.sum() > self.train_cfg['num_point_line']: point_mask[indices[line_select]] = 1.0 if with_yaw: line_center = (corners[pair_index[0]] + corners[pair_index[1]]) / 2 else: line_center = coords[line_select].mean(dim=0) line_center[center_axis] = corners[:, center_axis].mean() point_offset[indices[line_select]] = \ line_center - coords[line_select] point_sem[indices[line_select]] = \ point_sem.new_tensor([line_center[0], line_center[1], line_center[2], cls_label]) return point_mask, point_offset, point_sem def _assign_primitive_surface_targets(self, point_mask, point_offset, point_sem, coords, indices, cls_label, corners, with_yaw, mode='bottom'): """Generate targets for primitive z and primitive xy. Args: point_mask (torch.Tensor): Tensor to store the ground truth of mask. point_offset (torch.Tensor): Tensor to store the ground truth of offset. point_sem (torch.Tensor): Tensor to store the ground truth of semantic. coords (torch.Tensor): The selected points. indices (torch.Tensor): Indices of the selected points. cls_label (int): Class label of the ground truth bounding box. corners (torch.Tensor): Corners of the ground truth bounding box. with_yaw (Bool): Whether the boundind box is with rotation. mode (str, optional): Specify which line should be matched, available mode are ('bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right', 'front', 'back'). Defaults to 'bottom'. Returns: Tuple: Targets of the center primitive. """ point_mask[indices] = 1.0 corners_pair = { 'bottom': [0, 7], 'top': [1, 6], 'left': [0, 1], 'right': [4, 5], 'front': [0, 1], 'back': [3, 2] } pair_index = corners_pair[mode] if self.primitive_mode == 'z': if with_yaw: center = (corners[pair_index[0]] + corners[pair_index[1]]) / 2.0 center[2] = coords[:, 2].mean() point_sem[indices] = point_sem.new_tensor([ center[0], center[1], center[2], (corners[4] - corners[0]).norm(), (corners[3] - corners[0]).norm(), cls_label ]) else: center = point_mask.new_tensor([ corners[:, 0].mean(), corners[:, 1].mean(), coords[:, 2].mean() ]) point_sem[indices] = point_sem.new_tensor([ center[0], center[1], center[2], corners[:, 0].max() - corners[:, 0].min(), corners[:, 1].max() - corners[:, 1].min(), cls_label ]) elif self.primitive_mode == 'xy': if with_yaw: center = coords.mean(0) center[2] = (corners[pair_index[0], 2] + corners[pair_index[1], 2]) / 2.0 point_sem[indices] = point_sem.new_tensor([ center[0], center[1], center[2], corners[pair_index[1], 2] - corners[pair_index[0], 2], cls_label ]) else: center = point_mask.new_tensor([ coords[:, 0].mean(), coords[:, 1].mean(), corners[:, 2].mean() ]) point_sem[indices] = point_sem.new_tensor([ center[0], center[1], center[2], corners[:, 2].max() - corners[:, 2].min(), cls_label ]) point_offset[indices] = center - coords return point_mask, point_offset, point_sem def _get_plane_fomulation(self, vector1, vector2, point): """Compute the equation of the plane. Args: vector1 (torch.Tensor): Parallel vector of the plane. vector2 (torch.Tensor): Parallel vector of the plane. point (torch.Tensor): Point on the plane. Returns: torch.Tensor: Equation of the plane. """ surface_norm = torch.cross(vector1, vector2) surface_dis =, point) plane = point.new_tensor( [surface_norm[0], surface_norm[1], surface_norm[2], surface_dis]) return plane
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