
Source code for mmdet3d.core.evaluation.indoor_eval

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from terminaltables import AsciiTable

def average_precision(recalls, precisions, mode='area'):
    """Calculate average precision (for single or multiple scales).

        recalls (np.ndarray): Recalls with shape of (num_scales, num_dets) \
            or (num_dets, ).
        precisions (np.ndarray): Precisions with shape of \
            (num_scales, num_dets) or (num_dets, ).
        mode (str): 'area' or '11points', 'area' means calculating the area
            under precision-recall curve, '11points' means calculating
            the average precision of recalls at [0, 0.1, ..., 1]

        float or np.ndarray: Calculated average precision.
    if recalls.ndim == 1:
        recalls = recalls[np.newaxis, :]
        precisions = precisions[np.newaxis, :]

    assert recalls.shape == precisions.shape
    assert recalls.ndim == 2

    num_scales = recalls.shape[0]
    ap = np.zeros(num_scales, dtype=np.float32)
    if mode == 'area':
        zeros = np.zeros((num_scales, 1), dtype=recalls.dtype)
        ones = np.ones((num_scales, 1), dtype=recalls.dtype)
        mrec = np.hstack((zeros, recalls, ones))
        mpre = np.hstack((zeros, precisions, zeros))
        for i in range(mpre.shape[1] - 1, 0, -1):
            mpre[:, i - 1] = np.maximum(mpre[:, i - 1], mpre[:, i])
        for i in range(num_scales):
            ind = np.where(mrec[i, 1:] != mrec[i, :-1])[0]
            ap[i] = np.sum(
                (mrec[i, ind + 1] - mrec[i, ind]) * mpre[i, ind + 1])
    elif mode == '11points':
        for i in range(num_scales):
            for thr in np.arange(0, 1 + 1e-3, 0.1):
                precs = precisions[i, recalls[i, :] >= thr]
                prec = precs.max() if precs.size > 0 else 0
                ap[i] += prec
            ap /= 11
        raise ValueError(
            'Unrecognized mode, only "area" and "11points" are supported')
    return ap

def eval_det_cls(pred, gt, iou_thr=None):
    """Generic functions to compute precision/recall for object detection for a
    single class.

        pred (dict): Predictions mapping from image id to bounding boxes \
            and scores.
        gt (dict): Ground truths mapping from image id to bounding boxes.
        iou_thr (list[float]): A list of iou thresholds.

        tuple (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float): Recalls, precisions and \
            average precision.

    # {img_id: {'bbox': box structure, 'det': matched list}}
    class_recs = {}
    npos = 0
    for img_id in gt.keys():
        cur_gt_num = len(gt[img_id])
        if cur_gt_num != 0:
            gt_cur = torch.zeros([cur_gt_num, 7], dtype=torch.float32)
            for i in range(cur_gt_num):
                gt_cur[i] = gt[img_id][i].tensor
            bbox = gt[img_id][0].new_box(gt_cur)
            bbox = gt[img_id]
        det = [[False] * len(bbox) for i in iou_thr]
        npos += len(bbox)
        class_recs[img_id] = {'bbox': bbox, 'det': det}

    # construct dets
    image_ids = []
    confidence = []
    ious = []
    for img_id in pred.keys():
        cur_num = len(pred[img_id])
        if cur_num == 0:
        pred_cur = torch.zeros((cur_num, 7), dtype=torch.float32)
        box_idx = 0
        for box, score in pred[img_id]:
            pred_cur[box_idx] = box.tensor
            box_idx += 1
        pred_cur = box.new_box(pred_cur)
        gt_cur = class_recs[img_id]['bbox']
        if len(gt_cur) > 0:
            # calculate iou in each image
            iou_cur = pred_cur.overlaps(pred_cur, gt_cur)
            for i in range(cur_num):
            for i in range(cur_num):

    confidence = np.array(confidence)

    # sort by confidence
    sorted_ind = np.argsort(-confidence)
    image_ids = [image_ids[x] for x in sorted_ind]
    ious = [ious[x] for x in sorted_ind]

    # go down dets and mark TPs and FPs
    nd = len(image_ids)
    tp_thr = [np.zeros(nd) for i in iou_thr]
    fp_thr = [np.zeros(nd) for i in iou_thr]
    for d in range(nd):
        R = class_recs[image_ids[d]]
        iou_max = -np.inf
        BBGT = R['bbox']
        cur_iou = ious[d]

        if len(BBGT) > 0:
            # compute overlaps
            for j in range(len(BBGT)):
                # iou = get_iou_main(get_iou_func, (bb, BBGT[j,...]))
                iou = cur_iou[j]
                if iou > iou_max:
                    iou_max = iou
                    jmax = j

        for iou_idx, thresh in enumerate(iou_thr):
            if iou_max > thresh:
                if not R['det'][iou_idx][jmax]:
                    tp_thr[iou_idx][d] = 1.
                    R['det'][iou_idx][jmax] = 1
                    fp_thr[iou_idx][d] = 1.
                fp_thr[iou_idx][d] = 1.

    ret = []
    for iou_idx, thresh in enumerate(iou_thr):
        # compute precision recall
        fp = np.cumsum(fp_thr[iou_idx])
        tp = np.cumsum(tp_thr[iou_idx])
        recall = tp / float(npos)
        # avoid divide by zero in case the first detection matches a difficult
        # ground truth
        precision = tp / np.maximum(tp + fp, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
        ap = average_precision(recall, precision)
        ret.append((recall, precision, ap))

    return ret

def eval_map_recall(pred, gt, ovthresh=None):
    """Evaluate mAP and recall.

    Generic functions to compute precision/recall for object detection
        for multiple classes.

        pred (dict): Information of detection results,
            which maps class_id and predictions.
        gt (dict): Information of ground truths, which maps class_id and \
            ground truths.
        ovthresh (list[float]): iou threshold.
            Default: None.

        tuple[dict]: dict results of recall, AP, and precision for all classes.

    ret_values = {}
    for classname in gt.keys():
        if classname in pred:
            ret_values[classname] = eval_det_cls(pred[classname],
                                                 gt[classname], ovthresh)
    recall = [{} for i in ovthresh]
    precision = [{} for i in ovthresh]
    ap = [{} for i in ovthresh]

    for label in gt.keys():
        for iou_idx, thresh in enumerate(ovthresh):
            if label in pred:
                recall[iou_idx][label], precision[iou_idx][label], ap[iou_idx][
                    label] = ret_values[label][iou_idx]
                recall[iou_idx][label] = np.zeros(1)
                precision[iou_idx][label] = np.zeros(1)
                ap[iou_idx][label] = np.zeros(1)

    return recall, precision, ap

[docs]def indoor_eval(gt_annos, dt_annos, metric, label2cat, logger=None, box_type_3d=None, box_mode_3d=None): """Indoor Evaluation. Evaluate the result of the detection. Args: gt_annos (list[dict]): Ground truth annotations. dt_annos (list[dict]): Detection annotations. the dict includes the following keys - labels_3d (torch.Tensor): Labels of boxes. - boxes_3d (:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`): \ 3D bounding boxes in Depth coordinate. - scores_3d (torch.Tensor): Scores of boxes. metric (list[float]): IoU thresholds for computing average precisions. label2cat (dict): Map from label to category. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): The way to print the mAP summary. See `mmdet.utils.print_log()` for details. Default: None. Return: dict[str, float]: Dict of results. """ assert len(dt_annos) == len(gt_annos) pred = {} # map {class_id: pred} gt = {} # map {class_id: gt} for img_id in range(len(dt_annos)): # parse detected annotations det_anno = dt_annos[img_id] for i in range(len(det_anno['labels_3d'])): label = det_anno['labels_3d'].numpy()[i] bbox = det_anno['boxes_3d'].convert_to(box_mode_3d)[i] score = det_anno['scores_3d'].numpy()[i] if label not in pred: pred[int(label)] = {} if img_id not in pred[label]: pred[int(label)][img_id] = [] if label not in gt: gt[int(label)] = {} if img_id not in gt[label]: gt[int(label)][img_id] = [] pred[int(label)][img_id].append((bbox, score)) # parse gt annotations gt_anno = gt_annos[img_id] if gt_anno['gt_num'] != 0: gt_boxes = box_type_3d( gt_anno['gt_boxes_upright_depth'], box_dim=gt_anno['gt_boxes_upright_depth'].shape[-1], origin=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)).convert_to(box_mode_3d) labels_3d = gt_anno['class'] else: gt_boxes = box_type_3d(np.array([], dtype=np.float32)) labels_3d = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) for i in range(len(labels_3d)): label = labels_3d[i] bbox = gt_boxes[i] if label not in gt: gt[label] = {} if img_id not in gt[label]: gt[label][img_id] = [] gt[label][img_id].append(bbox) rec, prec, ap = eval_map_recall(pred, gt, metric) ret_dict = dict() header = ['classes'] table_columns = [[label2cat[label] for label in ap[0].keys()] + ['Overall']] for i, iou_thresh in enumerate(metric): header.append(f'AP_{iou_thresh:.2f}') header.append(f'AR_{iou_thresh:.2f}') rec_list = [] for label in ap[i].keys(): ret_dict[f'{label2cat[label]}_AP_{iou_thresh:.2f}'] = float( ap[i][label][0]) ret_dict[f'mAP_{iou_thresh:.2f}'] = float( np.mean(list(ap[i].values()))) table_columns.append(list(map(float, list(ap[i].values())))) table_columns[-1] += [ret_dict[f'mAP_{iou_thresh:.2f}']] table_columns[-1] = [f'{x:.4f}' for x in table_columns[-1]] for label in rec[i].keys(): ret_dict[f'{label2cat[label]}_rec_{iou_thresh:.2f}'] = float( rec[i][label][-1]) rec_list.append(rec[i][label][-1]) ret_dict[f'mAR_{iou_thresh:.2f}'] = float(np.mean(rec_list)) table_columns.append(list(map(float, rec_list))) table_columns[-1] += [ret_dict[f'mAR_{iou_thresh:.2f}']] table_columns[-1] = [f'{x:.4f}' for x in table_columns[-1]] table_data = [header] table_rows = list(zip(*table_columns)) table_data += table_rows table = AsciiTable(table_data) table.inner_footing_row_border = True print_log('\n' + table.table, logger=logger) return ret_dict
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