
Source code for mmdet3d.core.post_processing.box3d_nms

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numba
import numpy as np
import torch

from mmdet3d.ops.iou3d.iou3d_utils import nms_gpu, nms_normal_gpu

[docs]def box3d_multiclass_nms(mlvl_bboxes, mlvl_bboxes_for_nms, mlvl_scores, score_thr, max_num, cfg, mlvl_dir_scores=None, mlvl_attr_scores=None, mlvl_bboxes2d=None): """Multi-class nms for 3D boxes. Args: mlvl_bboxes (torch.Tensor): Multi-level boxes with shape (N, M). M is the dimensions of boxes. mlvl_bboxes_for_nms (torch.Tensor): Multi-level boxes with shape (N, 5) ([x1, y1, x2, y2, ry]). N is the number of boxes. mlvl_scores (torch.Tensor): Multi-level boxes with shape (N, C + 1). N is the number of boxes. C is the number of classes. score_thr (float): Score thredhold to filter boxes with low confidence. max_num (int): Maximum number of boxes will be kept. cfg (dict): Configuration dict of NMS. mlvl_dir_scores (torch.Tensor, optional): Multi-level scores of direction classifier. Defaults to None. mlvl_attr_scores (torch.Tensor, optional): Multi-level scores of attribute classifier. Defaults to None. mlvl_bboxes2d (torch.Tensor, optional): Multi-level 2D bounding boxes. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor]: Return results after nms, including 3D \ bounding boxes, scores, labels, direction scores, attribute \ scores (optional) and 2D bounding boxes (optional). """ # do multi class nms # the fg class id range: [0, num_classes-1] num_classes = mlvl_scores.shape[1] - 1 bboxes = [] scores = [] labels = [] dir_scores = [] attr_scores = [] bboxes2d = [] for i in range(0, num_classes): # get bboxes and scores of this class cls_inds = mlvl_scores[:, i] > score_thr if not cls_inds.any(): continue _scores = mlvl_scores[cls_inds, i] _bboxes_for_nms = mlvl_bboxes_for_nms[cls_inds, :] if cfg.use_rotate_nms: nms_func = nms_gpu else: nms_func = nms_normal_gpu selected = nms_func(_bboxes_for_nms, _scores, cfg.nms_thr) _mlvl_bboxes = mlvl_bboxes[cls_inds, :] bboxes.append(_mlvl_bboxes[selected]) scores.append(_scores[selected]) cls_label = mlvl_bboxes.new_full((len(selected), ), i, dtype=torch.long) labels.append(cls_label) if mlvl_dir_scores is not None: _mlvl_dir_scores = mlvl_dir_scores[cls_inds] dir_scores.append(_mlvl_dir_scores[selected]) if mlvl_attr_scores is not None: _mlvl_attr_scores = mlvl_attr_scores[cls_inds] attr_scores.append(_mlvl_attr_scores[selected]) if mlvl_bboxes2d is not None: _mlvl_bboxes2d = mlvl_bboxes2d[cls_inds] bboxes2d.append(_mlvl_bboxes2d[selected]) if bboxes: bboxes =, dim=0) scores =, dim=0) labels =, dim=0) if mlvl_dir_scores is not None: dir_scores =, dim=0) if mlvl_attr_scores is not None: attr_scores =, dim=0) if mlvl_bboxes2d is not None: bboxes2d =, dim=0) if bboxes.shape[0] > max_num: _, inds = scores.sort(descending=True) inds = inds[:max_num] bboxes = bboxes[inds, :] labels = labels[inds] scores = scores[inds] if mlvl_dir_scores is not None: dir_scores = dir_scores[inds] if mlvl_attr_scores is not None: attr_scores = attr_scores[inds] if mlvl_bboxes2d is not None: bboxes2d = bboxes2d[inds] else: bboxes = mlvl_scores.new_zeros((0, mlvl_bboxes.size(-1))) scores = mlvl_scores.new_zeros((0, )) labels = mlvl_scores.new_zeros((0, ), dtype=torch.long) if mlvl_dir_scores is not None: dir_scores = mlvl_scores.new_zeros((0, )) if mlvl_attr_scores is not None: attr_scores = mlvl_scores.new_zeros((0, )) if mlvl_bboxes2d is not None: bboxes2d = mlvl_scores.new_zeros((0, 4)) results = (bboxes, scores, labels) if mlvl_dir_scores is not None: results = results + (dir_scores, ) if mlvl_attr_scores is not None: results = results + (attr_scores, ) if mlvl_bboxes2d is not None: results = results + (bboxes2d, ) return results
[docs]def aligned_3d_nms(boxes, scores, classes, thresh): """3d nms for aligned boxes. Args: boxes (torch.Tensor): Aligned box with shape [n, 6]. scores (torch.Tensor): Scores of each box. classes (torch.Tensor): Class of each box. thresh (float): Iou threshold for nms. Returns: torch.Tensor: Indices of selected boxes. """ x1 = boxes[:, 0] y1 = boxes[:, 1] z1 = boxes[:, 2] x2 = boxes[:, 3] y2 = boxes[:, 4] z2 = boxes[:, 5] area = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) * (z2 - z1) zero = boxes.new_zeros(1, ) score_sorted = torch.argsort(scores) pick = [] while (score_sorted.shape[0] != 0): last = score_sorted.shape[0] i = score_sorted[-1] pick.append(i) xx1 = torch.max(x1[i], x1[score_sorted[:last - 1]]) yy1 = torch.max(y1[i], y1[score_sorted[:last - 1]]) zz1 = torch.max(z1[i], z1[score_sorted[:last - 1]]) xx2 = torch.min(x2[i], x2[score_sorted[:last - 1]]) yy2 = torch.min(y2[i], y2[score_sorted[:last - 1]]) zz2 = torch.min(z2[i], z2[score_sorted[:last - 1]]) classes1 = classes[i] classes2 = classes[score_sorted[:last - 1]] inter_l = torch.max(zero, xx2 - xx1) inter_w = torch.max(zero, yy2 - yy1) inter_h = torch.max(zero, zz2 - zz1) inter = inter_l * inter_w * inter_h iou = inter / (area[i] + area[score_sorted[:last - 1]] - inter) iou = iou * (classes1 == classes2).float() score_sorted = score_sorted[torch.nonzero( iou <= thresh, as_tuple=False).flatten()] indices = boxes.new_tensor(pick, dtype=torch.long) return indices
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True) def circle_nms(dets, thresh, post_max_size=83): """Circular NMS. An object is only counted as positive if no other center with a higher confidence exists within a radius r using a bird-eye view distance metric. Args: dets (torch.Tensor): Detection results with the shape of [N, 3]. thresh (float): Value of threshold. post_max_size (int): Max number of prediction to be kept. Defaults to 83 Returns: torch.Tensor: Indexes of the detections to be kept. """ x1 = dets[:, 0] y1 = dets[:, 1] scores = dets[:, 2] order = scores.argsort()[::-1].astype(np.int32) # highest->lowest ndets = dets.shape[0] suppressed = np.zeros((ndets), dtype=np.int32) keep = [] for _i in range(ndets): i = order[_i] # start with highest score box if suppressed[ i] == 1: # if any box have enough iou with this, remove it continue keep.append(i) for _j in range(_i + 1, ndets): j = order[_j] if suppressed[j] == 1: continue # calculate center distance between i and j box dist = (x1[i] - x1[j])**2 + (y1[i] - y1[j])**2 # ovr = inter / areas[j] if dist <= thresh: suppressed[j] = 1 return keep[:post_max_size]
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