
Source code for mmdet3d.core.evaluation.lyft_eval

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import mmcv
import numpy as np
from lyft_dataset_sdk.eval.detection.mAP_evaluation import (Box3D, get_ap,
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from os import path as osp
from terminaltables import AsciiTable

def load_lyft_gts(lyft, data_root, eval_split, logger=None):
    """Loads ground truth boxes from database.

        lyft (:obj:`LyftDataset`): Lyft class in the sdk.
        data_root (str): Root of data for reading splits.
        eval_split (str): Name of the split for evaluation.
        logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing
        related information during evaluation. Default: None.

        list[dict]: List of annotation dictionaries.
    split_scenes = mmcv.list_from_file(
        osp.join(data_root, f'{eval_split}.txt'))

    # Read out all sample_tokens in DB.
    sample_tokens_all = [s['token'] for s in lyft.sample]
    assert len(sample_tokens_all) > 0, 'Error: Database has no samples!'

    if eval_split == 'test':
        # Check that you aren't trying to cheat :)
        assert len(lyft.sample_annotation) > 0, \
            'Error: You are trying to evaluate on the test set \
             but you do not have the annotations!'

    sample_tokens = []
    for sample_token in sample_tokens_all:
        scene_token = lyft.get('sample', sample_token)['scene_token']
        scene_record = lyft.get('scene', scene_token)
        if scene_record['name'] in split_scenes:

    all_annotations = []

    print_log('Loading ground truth annotations...', logger=logger)
    # Load annotations and filter predictions and annotations.
    for sample_token in mmcv.track_iter_progress(sample_tokens):
        sample = lyft.get('sample', sample_token)
        sample_annotation_tokens = sample['anns']
        for sample_annotation_token in sample_annotation_tokens:
            # Get label name in detection task and filter unused labels.
            sample_annotation = \
                lyft.get('sample_annotation', sample_annotation_token)
            detection_name = sample_annotation['category_name']
            if detection_name is None:
            annotation = {
                'sample_token': sample_token,
                'translation': sample_annotation['translation'],
                'size': sample_annotation['size'],
                'rotation': sample_annotation['rotation'],
                'name': detection_name,

    return all_annotations

def load_lyft_predictions(res_path):
    """Load Lyft predictions from json file.

        res_path (str): Path of result json file recording detections.

        list[dict]: List of prediction dictionaries.
    predictions = mmcv.load(res_path)
    predictions = predictions['results']
    all_preds = []
    for sample_token in predictions.keys():
    return all_preds

[docs]def lyft_eval(lyft, data_root, res_path, eval_set, output_dir, logger=None): """Evaluation API for Lyft dataset. Args: lyft (:obj:`LyftDataset`): Lyft class in the sdk. data_root (str): Root of data for reading splits. res_path (str): Path of result json file recording detections. eval_set (str): Name of the split for evaluation. output_dir (str): Output directory for output json files. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. Returns: dict[str, float]: The evaluation results. """ # evaluate by lyft metrics gts = load_lyft_gts(lyft, data_root, eval_set, logger) predictions = load_lyft_predictions(res_path) class_names = get_class_names(gts) print('Calculating mAP@0.5:0.95...') iou_thresholds = [0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95] metrics = {} average_precisions = \ get_classwise_aps(gts, predictions, class_names, iou_thresholds) APs_data = [['IOU', 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95]] mAPs = np.mean(average_precisions, axis=0) mAPs_cate = np.mean(average_precisions, axis=1) final_mAP = np.mean(mAPs) metrics['average_precisions'] = average_precisions.tolist() metrics['mAPs'] = mAPs.tolist() metrics['Final mAP'] = float(final_mAP) metrics['class_names'] = class_names metrics['mAPs_cate'] = mAPs_cate.tolist() APs_data = [['class', 'mAP@0.5:0.95']] for i in range(len(class_names)): row = [class_names[i], round(mAPs_cate[i], 3)] APs_data.append(row) APs_data.append(['Overall', round(final_mAP, 3)]) APs_table = AsciiTable(APs_data, title='mAPs@0.5:0.95') APs_table.inner_footing_row_border = True print_log(APs_table.table, logger=logger) res_path = osp.join(output_dir, 'lyft_metrics.json') mmcv.dump(metrics, res_path) return metrics
def get_classwise_aps(gt, predictions, class_names, iou_thresholds): """Returns an array with an average precision per class. Note: Ground truth and predictions should have the following format. .. code-block:: gt = [{ 'sample_token': '0f0e3ce89d2324d8b45aa55a7b4f8207 fbb039a550991a5149214f98cec136ac', 'translation': [974.2811881299899, 1714.6815014457964, -23.689857123368846], 'size': [1.796, 4.488, 1.664], 'rotation': [0.14882026466054782, 0, 0, 0.9888642620837121], 'name': 'car' }] predictions = [{ 'sample_token': '0f0e3ce89d2324d8b45aa55a7b4f8207 fbb039a550991a5149214f98cec136ac', 'translation': [971.8343488872263, 1713.6816097857359, -25.82534357061308], 'size': [2.519726579986132, 7.810161372666739, 3.483438286096803], 'rotation': [0.10913582721095375, 0.04099572636992043, 0.01927712319721745, 1.029328402625659], 'name': 'car', 'score': 0.3077029437237213 }] Args: gt (list[dict]): list of dictionaries in the format described below. predictions (list[dict]): list of dictionaries in the format described below. class_names (list[str]): list of the class names. iou_thresholds (list[float]): IOU thresholds used to calculate TP / FN Returns: np.ndarray: an array with an average precision per class. """ assert all([0 <= iou_th <= 1 for iou_th in iou_thresholds]) gt_by_class_name = group_by_key(gt, 'name') pred_by_class_name = group_by_key(predictions, 'name') average_precisions = np.zeros((len(class_names), len(iou_thresholds))) for class_id, class_name in enumerate(class_names): if class_name in pred_by_class_name: recalls, precisions, average_precision = get_single_class_aps( gt_by_class_name[class_name], pred_by_class_name[class_name], iou_thresholds) average_precisions[class_id, :] = average_precision return average_precisions def get_single_class_aps(gt, predictions, iou_thresholds): """Compute recall and precision for all iou thresholds. Adapted from LyftDatasetDevkit. Args: gt (list[dict]): list of dictionaries in the format described above. predictions (list[dict]): list of dictionaries in the format \ described below. iou_thresholds (list[float]): IOU thresholds used to calculate \ TP / FN Returns: tuple[np.ndarray]: Returns (recalls, precisions, average precisions) for each class. """ num_gts = len(gt) image_gts = group_by_key(gt, 'sample_token') image_gts = wrap_in_box(image_gts) sample_gt_checked = { sample_token: np.zeros((len(boxes), len(iou_thresholds))) for sample_token, boxes in image_gts.items() } predictions = sorted(predictions, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True) # go down dets and mark TPs and FPs num_predictions = len(predictions) tps = np.zeros((num_predictions, len(iou_thresholds))) fps = np.zeros((num_predictions, len(iou_thresholds))) for prediction_index, prediction in enumerate(predictions): predicted_box = Box3D(**prediction) sample_token = prediction['sample_token'] max_overlap = -np.inf jmax = -1 if sample_token in image_gts: gt_boxes = image_gts[sample_token] # gt_boxes per sample gt_checked = sample_gt_checked[sample_token] # gt flags per sample else: gt_boxes = [] gt_checked = None if len(gt_boxes) > 0: overlaps = get_ious(gt_boxes, predicted_box) max_overlap = np.max(overlaps) jmax = np.argmax(overlaps) for i, iou_threshold in enumerate(iou_thresholds): if max_overlap > iou_threshold: if gt_checked[jmax, i] == 0: tps[prediction_index, i] = 1.0 gt_checked[jmax, i] = 1 else: fps[prediction_index, i] = 1.0 else: fps[prediction_index, i] = 1.0 # compute precision recall fps = np.cumsum(fps, axis=0) tps = np.cumsum(tps, axis=0) recalls = tps / float(num_gts) # avoid divide by zero in case the first detection # matches a difficult ground truth precisions = tps / np.maximum(tps + fps, np.finfo(np.float64).eps) aps = [] for i in range(len(iou_thresholds)): recall = recalls[:, i] precision = precisions[:, i] assert np.all(0 <= recall) & np.all(recall <= 1) assert np.all(0 <= precision) & np.all(precision <= 1) ap = get_ap(recall, precision) aps.append(ap) aps = np.array(aps) return recalls, precisions, aps
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