
Source code for mmdet3d.models.model_utils.vote_module

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
from mmcv import is_tuple_of
from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule
from torch import nn as nn

from mmdet3d.models.builder import build_loss

[docs]class VoteModule(nn.Module): """Vote module. Generate votes from seed point features. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels of seed point features. vote_per_seed (int): Number of votes generated from each seed point. gt_per_seed (int): Number of ground truth votes generated from each seed point. num_points (int): Number of points to be used for voting. conv_channels (tuple[int]): Out channels of vote generating convolution. conv_cfg (dict): Config of convolution. Default: dict(type='Conv1d'). norm_cfg (dict): Config of normalization. Default: dict(type='BN1d'). norm_feats (bool): Whether to normalize features. Default: True. with_res_feat (bool): Whether to predict residual features. Default: True. vote_xyz_range (list[float], None): The range of points translation. vote_loss (dict): Config of vote loss. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, vote_per_seed=1, gt_per_seed=3, num_points=-1, conv_channels=(16, 16), conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv1d'), norm_cfg=dict(type='BN1d'), act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU'), norm_feats=True, with_res_feat=True, vote_xyz_range=None, vote_loss=None): super().__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.vote_per_seed = vote_per_seed self.gt_per_seed = gt_per_seed self.num_points = num_points self.norm_feats = norm_feats self.with_res_feat = with_res_feat assert vote_xyz_range is None or is_tuple_of(vote_xyz_range, float) self.vote_xyz_range = vote_xyz_range if vote_loss is not None: self.vote_loss = build_loss(vote_loss) prev_channels = in_channels vote_conv_list = list() for k in range(len(conv_channels)): vote_conv_list.append( ConvModule( prev_channels, conv_channels[k], 1, padding=0, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg, bias=True, inplace=True)) prev_channels = conv_channels[k] self.vote_conv = nn.Sequential(*vote_conv_list) # conv_out predicts coordinate and residual features if with_res_feat: out_channel = (3 + in_channels) * self.vote_per_seed else: out_channel = 3 * self.vote_per_seed self.conv_out = nn.Conv1d(prev_channels, out_channel, 1)
[docs] def forward(self, seed_points, seed_feats): """forward. Args: seed_points (torch.Tensor): Coordinate of the seed points in shape (B, N, 3). seed_feats (torch.Tensor): Features of the seed points in shape (B, C, N). Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor]: - vote_points: Voted xyz based on the seed points \ with shape (B, M, 3), ``M=num_seed*vote_per_seed``. - vote_features: Voted features based on the seed points with \ shape (B, C, M) where ``M=num_seed*vote_per_seed``, \ ``C=vote_feature_dim``. """ if self.num_points != -1: assert self.num_points < seed_points.shape[1], \ f'Number of vote points ({self.num_points}) should be '\ f'smaller than seed points size ({seed_points.shape[1]})' seed_points = seed_points[:, :self.num_points] seed_feats = seed_feats[..., :self.num_points] batch_size, feat_channels, num_seed = seed_feats.shape num_vote = num_seed * self.vote_per_seed x = self.vote_conv(seed_feats) # (batch_size, (3+out_dim)*vote_per_seed, num_seed) votes = self.conv_out(x) votes = votes.transpose(2, 1).view(batch_size, num_seed, self.vote_per_seed, -1) offset = votes[:, :, :, 0:3] if self.vote_xyz_range is not None: limited_offset_list = [] for axis in range(len(self.vote_xyz_range)): limited_offset_list.append(offset[..., axis].clamp( min=-self.vote_xyz_range[axis], max=self.vote_xyz_range[axis])) limited_offset = torch.stack(limited_offset_list, -1) vote_points = (seed_points.unsqueeze(2) + limited_offset).contiguous() else: vote_points = (seed_points.unsqueeze(2) + offset).contiguous() vote_points = vote_points.view(batch_size, num_vote, 3) offset = offset.reshape(batch_size, num_vote, 3).transpose(2, 1) if self.with_res_feat: res_feats = votes[:, :, :, 3:] vote_feats = (seed_feats.transpose(2, 1).unsqueeze(2) + res_feats).contiguous() vote_feats = vote_feats.view(batch_size, num_vote, feat_channels).transpose( 2, 1).contiguous() if self.norm_feats: features_norm = torch.norm(vote_feats, p=2, dim=1) vote_feats = vote_feats.div(features_norm.unsqueeze(1)) else: vote_feats = seed_feats return vote_points, vote_feats, offset
[docs] def get_loss(self, seed_points, vote_points, seed_indices, vote_targets_mask, vote_targets): """Calculate loss of voting module. Args: seed_points (torch.Tensor): Coordinate of the seed points. vote_points (torch.Tensor): Coordinate of the vote points. seed_indices (torch.Tensor): Indices of seed points in raw points. vote_targets_mask (torch.Tensor): Mask of valid vote targets. vote_targets (torch.Tensor): Targets of votes. Returns: torch.Tensor: Weighted vote loss. """ batch_size, num_seed = seed_points.shape[:2] seed_gt_votes_mask = torch.gather(vote_targets_mask, 1, seed_indices).float() seed_indices_expand = seed_indices.unsqueeze(-1).repeat( 1, 1, 3 * self.gt_per_seed) seed_gt_votes = torch.gather(vote_targets, 1, seed_indices_expand) seed_gt_votes += seed_points.repeat(1, 1, self.gt_per_seed) weight = seed_gt_votes_mask / (torch.sum(seed_gt_votes_mask) + 1e-6) distance = self.vote_loss( vote_points.view(batch_size * num_seed, -1, 3), seed_gt_votes.view(batch_size * num_seed, -1, 3), dst_weight=weight.view(batch_size * num_seed, 1))[1] vote_loss = torch.sum(torch.min(distance, dim=1)[0]) return vote_loss
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