
Source code for mmdet3d.datasets.sunrgbd_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from collections import OrderedDict
from os import path as osp

import numpy as np

from mmdet3d.core import show_multi_modality_result, show_result
from mmdet3d.core.bbox import DepthInstance3DBoxes
from mmdet.core import eval_map
from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS
from .custom_3d import Custom3DDataset
from .pipelines import Compose

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class SUNRGBDDataset(Custom3DDataset): r"""SUNRGBD Dataset. This class serves as the API for experiments on the SUNRGBD Dataset. See the `download page <>`_ for data downloading. Args: data_root (str): Path of dataset root. ann_file (str): Path of annotation file. pipeline (list[dict], optional): Pipeline used for data processing. Defaults to None. classes (tuple[str], optional): Classes used in the dataset. Defaults to None. modality (dict, optional): Modality to specify the sensor data used as input. Defaults to None. box_type_3d (str, optional): Type of 3D box of this dataset. Based on the `box_type_3d`, the dataset will encapsulate the box to its original format then converted them to `box_type_3d`. Defaults to 'Depth' in this dataset. Available options includes - 'LiDAR': Box in LiDAR coordinates. - 'Depth': Box in depth coordinates, usually for indoor dataset. - 'Camera': Box in camera coordinates. filter_empty_gt (bool, optional): Whether to filter empty GT. Defaults to True. test_mode (bool, optional): Whether the dataset is in test mode. Defaults to False. """ CLASSES = ('bed', 'table', 'sofa', 'chair', 'toilet', 'desk', 'dresser', 'night_stand', 'bookshelf', 'bathtub') def __init__(self, data_root, ann_file, pipeline=None, classes=None, modality=dict(use_camera=True, use_lidar=True), box_type_3d='Depth', filter_empty_gt=True, test_mode=False): super().__init__( data_root=data_root, ann_file=ann_file, pipeline=pipeline, classes=classes, modality=modality, box_type_3d=box_type_3d, filter_empty_gt=filter_empty_gt, test_mode=test_mode) assert 'use_camera' in self.modality and \ 'use_lidar' in self.modality assert self.modality['use_camera'] or self.modality['use_lidar']
[docs] def get_data_info(self, index): """Get data info according to the given index. Args: index (int): Index of the sample data to get. Returns: dict: Data information that will be passed to the data preprocessing pipelines. It includes the following keys: - sample_idx (str): Sample index. - pts_filename (str, optional): Filename of point clouds. - file_name (str, optional): Filename of point clouds. - img_prefix (str, optional): Prefix of image files. - img_info (dict, optional): Image info. - calib (dict, optional): Camera calibration info. - ann_info (dict): Annotation info. """ info = self.data_infos[index] sample_idx = info['point_cloud']['lidar_idx'] assert info['point_cloud']['lidar_idx'] == info['image']['image_idx'] input_dict = dict(sample_idx=sample_idx) if self.modality['use_lidar']: pts_filename = osp.join(self.data_root, info['pts_path']) input_dict['pts_filename'] = pts_filename input_dict['file_name'] = pts_filename if self.modality['use_camera']: img_filename = osp.join( osp.join(self.data_root, 'sunrgbd_trainval'), info['image']['image_path']) input_dict['img_prefix'] = None input_dict['img_info'] = dict(filename=img_filename) calib = info['calib'] rt_mat = calib['Rt'] # follow Coord3DMode.convert_point rt_mat = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0] ]) @ rt_mat.transpose(1, 0) depth2img = calib['K'] @ rt_mat input_dict['depth2img'] = depth2img if not self.test_mode: annos = self.get_ann_info(index) input_dict['ann_info'] = annos if self.filter_empty_gt and len(annos['gt_bboxes_3d']) == 0: return None return input_dict
[docs] def get_ann_info(self, index): """Get annotation info according to the given index. Args: index (int): Index of the annotation data to get. Returns: dict: annotation information consists of the following keys: - gt_bboxes_3d (:obj:`DepthInstance3DBoxes`): 3D ground truth bboxes - gt_labels_3d (np.ndarray): Labels of ground truths. - pts_instance_mask_path (str): Path of instance masks. - pts_semantic_mask_path (str): Path of semantic masks. """ # Use index to get the annos, thus the evalhook could also use this api info = self.data_infos[index] if info['annos']['gt_num'] != 0: gt_bboxes_3d = info['annos']['gt_boxes_upright_depth'].astype( np.float32) # k, 6 gt_labels_3d = info['annos']['class'].astype(np.long) else: gt_bboxes_3d = np.zeros((0, 7), dtype=np.float32) gt_labels_3d = np.zeros((0, ), dtype=np.long) # to target box structure gt_bboxes_3d = DepthInstance3DBoxes( gt_bboxes_3d, origin=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)).convert_to(self.box_mode_3d) anns_results = dict( gt_bboxes_3d=gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d=gt_labels_3d) if self.modality['use_camera']: if info['annos']['gt_num'] != 0: gt_bboxes_2d = info['annos']['bbox'].astype(np.float32) else: gt_bboxes_2d = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) anns_results['bboxes'] = gt_bboxes_2d anns_results['labels'] = gt_labels_3d return anns_results
def _build_default_pipeline(self): """Build the default pipeline for this dataset.""" pipeline = [ dict( type='LoadPointsFromFile', coord_type='DEPTH', shift_height=False, load_dim=6, use_dim=[0, 1, 2]), dict( type='DefaultFormatBundle3D', class_names=self.CLASSES, with_label=False), dict(type='Collect3D', keys=['points']) ] if self.modality['use_camera']: pipeline.insert(0, dict(type='LoadImageFromFile')) return Compose(pipeline)
[docs] def show(self, results, out_dir, show=True, pipeline=None): """Results visualization. Args: results (list[dict]): List of bounding boxes results. out_dir (str): Output directory of visualization result. show (bool): Visualize the results online. pipeline (list[dict], optional): raw data loading for showing. Default: None. """ assert out_dir is not None, 'Expect out_dir, got none.' pipeline = self._get_pipeline(pipeline) for i, result in enumerate(results): data_info = self.data_infos[i] pts_path = data_info['pts_path'] file_name = osp.split(pts_path)[-1].split('.')[0] points, img_metas, img = self._extract_data( i, pipeline, ['points', 'img_metas', 'img']) # scale colors to [0, 255] points = points.numpy() points[:, 3:] *= 255 gt_bboxes = self.get_ann_info(i)['gt_bboxes_3d'].tensor.numpy() pred_bboxes = result['boxes_3d'].tensor.numpy() show_result(points, gt_bboxes.copy(), pred_bboxes.copy(), out_dir, file_name, show) # multi-modality visualization if self.modality['use_camera']: img = img.numpy() # need to transpose channel to first dim img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0) pred_bboxes = DepthInstance3DBoxes( pred_bboxes, origin=(0.5, 0.5, 0)) gt_bboxes = DepthInstance3DBoxes( gt_bboxes, origin=(0.5, 0.5, 0)) show_multi_modality_result( img, gt_bboxes, pred_bboxes, None, out_dir, file_name, box_mode='depth', img_metas=img_metas, show=show)
[docs] def evaluate(self, results, metric=None, iou_thr=(0.25, 0.5), iou_thr_2d=(0.5, ), logger=None, show=False, out_dir=None, pipeline=None): """Evaluate. Evaluation in indoor protocol. Args: results (list[dict]): List of results. metric (str | list[str], optional): Metrics to be evaluated. Default: None. iou_thr (list[float], optional): AP IoU thresholds for 3D evaluation. Default: (0.25, 0.5). iou_thr_2d (list[float], optional): AP IoU thresholds for 2D evaluation. Default: (0.5, ). show (bool, optional): Whether to visualize. Default: False. out_dir (str, optional): Path to save the visualization results. Default: None. pipeline (list[dict], optional): raw data loading for showing. Default: None. Returns: dict: Evaluation results. """ # evaluate 3D detection performance if isinstance(results[0], dict): return super().evaluate(results, metric, iou_thr, logger, show, out_dir, pipeline) # evaluate 2D detection performance else: eval_results = OrderedDict() annotations = [self.get_ann_info(i) for i in range(len(self))] iou_thr_2d = (iou_thr_2d) if isinstance(iou_thr_2d, float) else iou_thr_2d for iou_thr_2d_single in iou_thr_2d: mean_ap, _ = eval_map( results, annotations, scale_ranges=None, iou_thr=iou_thr_2d_single, dataset=self.CLASSES, logger=logger) eval_results['mAP_' + str(iou_thr_2d_single)] = mean_ap return eval_results
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