
Source code for mmdet3d.models.dense_heads.anchor3d_head

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmcv.runner import BaseModule, force_fp32
from torch import nn as nn

from mmdet3d.core import (PseudoSampler, box3d_multiclass_nms, limit_period,
from mmdet.core import (build_assigner, build_bbox_coder,
                        build_prior_generator, build_sampler, multi_apply)
from mmdet.models import HEADS
from ..builder import build_loss
from .train_mixins import AnchorTrainMixin

[docs]@HEADS.register_module() class Anchor3DHead(BaseModule, AnchorTrainMixin): """Anchor head for SECOND/PointPillars/MVXNet/PartA2. Args: num_classes (int): Number of classes. in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input feature map. train_cfg (dict): Train configs. test_cfg (dict): Test configs. feat_channels (int): Number of channels of the feature map. use_direction_classifier (bool): Whether to add a direction classifier. anchor_generator(dict): Config dict of anchor generator. assigner_per_size (bool): Whether to do assignment for each separate anchor size. assign_per_class (bool): Whether to do assignment for each class. diff_rad_by_sin (bool): Whether to change the difference into sin difference for box regression loss. dir_offset (float | int): The offset of BEV rotation angles. (TODO: may be moved into box coder) dir_limit_offset (float | int): The limited range of BEV rotation angles. (TODO: may be moved into box coder) bbox_coder (dict): Config dict of box coders. loss_cls (dict): Config of classification loss. loss_bbox (dict): Config of localization loss. loss_dir (dict): Config of direction classifier loss. """ def __init__(self, num_classes, in_channels, train_cfg, test_cfg, feat_channels=256, use_direction_classifier=True, anchor_generator=dict( type='Anchor3DRangeGenerator', range=[0, -39.68, -1.78, 69.12, 39.68, -1.78], strides=[2], sizes=[[3.9, 1.6, 1.56]], rotations=[0, 1.57], custom_values=[], reshape_out=False), assigner_per_size=False, assign_per_class=False, diff_rad_by_sin=True, dir_offset=-np.pi / 2, dir_limit_offset=0, bbox_coder=dict(type='DeltaXYZWLHRBBoxCoder'), loss_cls=dict( type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=True, loss_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict( type='SmoothL1Loss', beta=1.0 / 9.0, loss_weight=2.0), loss_dir=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', loss_weight=0.2), init_cfg=None): super().__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_classes = num_classes self.feat_channels = feat_channels self.diff_rad_by_sin = diff_rad_by_sin self.use_direction_classifier = use_direction_classifier self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg self.assigner_per_size = assigner_per_size self.assign_per_class = assign_per_class self.dir_offset = dir_offset self.dir_limit_offset = dir_limit_offset import warnings warnings.warn( 'dir_offset and dir_limit_offset will be depressed and be ' 'incorporated into box coder in the future') self.fp16_enabled = False # build anchor generator self.anchor_generator = build_prior_generator(anchor_generator) # In 3D detection, the anchor stride is connected with anchor size self.num_anchors = self.anchor_generator.num_base_anchors # build box coder self.bbox_coder = build_bbox_coder(bbox_coder) self.box_code_size = self.bbox_coder.code_size # build loss function self.use_sigmoid_cls = loss_cls.get('use_sigmoid', False) self.sampling = loss_cls['type'] not in ['FocalLoss', 'GHMC'] if not self.use_sigmoid_cls: self.num_classes += 1 self.loss_cls = build_loss(loss_cls) self.loss_bbox = build_loss(loss_bbox) self.loss_dir = build_loss(loss_dir) self.fp16_enabled = False self._init_layers() self._init_assigner_sampler() if init_cfg is None: self.init_cfg = dict( type='Normal', layer='Conv2d', std=0.01, override=dict( type='Normal', name='conv_cls', std=0.01, bias_prob=0.01)) def _init_assigner_sampler(self): """Initialize the target assigner and sampler of the head.""" if self.train_cfg is None: return if self.sampling: self.bbox_sampler = build_sampler(self.train_cfg.sampler) else: self.bbox_sampler = PseudoSampler() if isinstance(self.train_cfg.assigner, dict): self.bbox_assigner = build_assigner(self.train_cfg.assigner) elif isinstance(self.train_cfg.assigner, list): self.bbox_assigner = [ build_assigner(res) for res in self.train_cfg.assigner ] def _init_layers(self): """Initialize neural network layers of the head.""" self.cls_out_channels = self.num_anchors * self.num_classes self.conv_cls = nn.Conv2d(self.feat_channels, self.cls_out_channels, 1) self.conv_reg = nn.Conv2d(self.feat_channels, self.num_anchors * self.box_code_size, 1) if self.use_direction_classifier: self.conv_dir_cls = nn.Conv2d(self.feat_channels, self.num_anchors * 2, 1)
[docs] def forward_single(self, x): """Forward function on a single-scale feature map. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input features. Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor]: Contain score of each class, bbox regression and direction classification predictions. """ cls_score = self.conv_cls(x) bbox_pred = self.conv_reg(x) dir_cls_preds = None if self.use_direction_classifier: dir_cls_preds = self.conv_dir_cls(x) return cls_score, bbox_pred, dir_cls_preds
[docs] def forward(self, feats): """Forward pass. Args: feats (list[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level features, e.g., features produced by FPN. Returns: tuple[list[torch.Tensor]]: Multi-level class score, bbox and direction predictions. """ return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats)
[docs] def get_anchors(self, featmap_sizes, input_metas, device='cuda'): """Get anchors according to feature map sizes. Args: featmap_sizes (list[tuple]): Multi-level feature map sizes. input_metas (list[dict]): contain pcd and img's meta info. device (str): device of current module. Returns: list[list[torch.Tensor]]: Anchors of each image, valid flags of each image. """ num_imgs = len(input_metas) # since feature map sizes of all images are the same, we only compute # anchors for one time multi_level_anchors = self.anchor_generator.grid_anchors( featmap_sizes, device=device) anchor_list = [multi_level_anchors for _ in range(num_imgs)] return anchor_list
[docs] def loss_single(self, cls_score, bbox_pred, dir_cls_preds, labels, label_weights, bbox_targets, bbox_weights, dir_targets, dir_weights, num_total_samples): """Calculate loss of Single-level results. Args: cls_score (torch.Tensor): Class score in single-level. bbox_pred (torch.Tensor): Bbox prediction in single-level. dir_cls_preds (torch.Tensor): Predictions of direction class in single-level. labels (torch.Tensor): Labels of class. label_weights (torch.Tensor): Weights of class loss. bbox_targets (torch.Tensor): Targets of bbox predictions. bbox_weights (torch.Tensor): Weights of bbox loss. dir_targets (torch.Tensor): Targets of direction predictions. dir_weights (torch.Tensor): Weights of direction loss. num_total_samples (int): The number of valid samples. Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor]: Losses of class, bbox and direction, respectively. """ # classification loss if num_total_samples is None: num_total_samples = int(cls_score.shape[0]) labels = labels.reshape(-1) label_weights = label_weights.reshape(-1) cls_score = cls_score.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1, self.num_classes) assert labels.max().item() <= self.num_classes loss_cls = self.loss_cls( cls_score, labels, label_weights, avg_factor=num_total_samples) # regression loss bbox_pred = bbox_pred.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1, self.box_code_size) bbox_targets = bbox_targets.reshape(-1, self.box_code_size) bbox_weights = bbox_weights.reshape(-1, self.box_code_size) bg_class_ind = self.num_classes pos_inds = ((labels >= 0) & (labels < bg_class_ind)).nonzero( as_tuple=False).reshape(-1) num_pos = len(pos_inds) pos_bbox_pred = bbox_pred[pos_inds] pos_bbox_targets = bbox_targets[pos_inds] pos_bbox_weights = bbox_weights[pos_inds] # dir loss if self.use_direction_classifier: dir_cls_preds = dir_cls_preds.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(-1, 2) dir_targets = dir_targets.reshape(-1) dir_weights = dir_weights.reshape(-1) pos_dir_cls_preds = dir_cls_preds[pos_inds] pos_dir_targets = dir_targets[pos_inds] pos_dir_weights = dir_weights[pos_inds] if num_pos > 0: code_weight = self.train_cfg.get('code_weight', None) if code_weight: pos_bbox_weights = pos_bbox_weights * bbox_weights.new_tensor( code_weight) if self.diff_rad_by_sin: pos_bbox_pred, pos_bbox_targets = self.add_sin_difference( pos_bbox_pred, pos_bbox_targets) loss_bbox = self.loss_bbox( pos_bbox_pred, pos_bbox_targets, pos_bbox_weights, avg_factor=num_total_samples) # direction classification loss loss_dir = None if self.use_direction_classifier: loss_dir = self.loss_dir( pos_dir_cls_preds, pos_dir_targets, pos_dir_weights, avg_factor=num_total_samples) else: loss_bbox = pos_bbox_pred.sum() if self.use_direction_classifier: loss_dir = pos_dir_cls_preds.sum() return loss_cls, loss_bbox, loss_dir
[docs] @staticmethod def add_sin_difference(boxes1, boxes2): """Convert the rotation difference to difference in sine function. Args: boxes1 (torch.Tensor): Original Boxes in shape (NxC), where C>=7 and the 7th dimension is rotation dimension. boxes2 (torch.Tensor): Target boxes in shape (NxC), where C>=7 and the 7th dimension is rotation dimension. Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor]: ``boxes1`` and ``boxes2`` whose 7th dimensions are changed. """ rad_pred_encoding = torch.sin(boxes1[..., 6:7]) * torch.cos( boxes2[..., 6:7]) rad_tg_encoding = torch.cos(boxes1[..., 6:7]) * torch.sin(boxes2[..., 6:7]) boxes1 = [boxes1[..., :6], rad_pred_encoding, boxes1[..., 7:]], dim=-1) boxes2 =[boxes2[..., :6], rad_tg_encoding, boxes2[..., 7:]], dim=-1) return boxes1, boxes2
[docs] @force_fp32(apply_to=('cls_scores', 'bbox_preds', 'dir_cls_preds')) def loss(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, dir_cls_preds, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, input_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): """Calculate losses. Args: cls_scores (list[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level class scores. bbox_preds (list[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level bbox predictions. dir_cls_preds (list[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level direction class predictions. gt_bboxes (list[:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`]): Gt bboxes of each sample. gt_labels (list[torch.Tensor]): Gt labels of each sample. input_metas (list[dict]): Contain pcd and img's meta info. gt_bboxes_ignore (list[torch.Tensor]): Specify which bounding boxes to ignore. Returns: dict[str, list[torch.Tensor]]: Classification, bbox, and direction losses of each level. - loss_cls (list[torch.Tensor]): Classification losses. - loss_bbox (list[torch.Tensor]): Box regression losses. - loss_dir (list[torch.Tensor]): Direction classification losses. """ featmap_sizes = [featmap.size()[-2:] for featmap in cls_scores] assert len(featmap_sizes) == self.anchor_generator.num_levels device = cls_scores[0].device anchor_list = self.get_anchors( featmap_sizes, input_metas, device=device) label_channels = self.cls_out_channels if self.use_sigmoid_cls else 1 cls_reg_targets = self.anchor_target_3d( anchor_list, gt_bboxes, input_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list=gt_bboxes_ignore, gt_labels_list=gt_labels, num_classes=self.num_classes, label_channels=label_channels, sampling=self.sampling) if cls_reg_targets is None: return None (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list, bbox_weights_list, dir_targets_list, dir_weights_list, num_total_pos, num_total_neg) = cls_reg_targets num_total_samples = ( num_total_pos + num_total_neg if self.sampling else num_total_pos) # num_total_samples = None losses_cls, losses_bbox, losses_dir = multi_apply( self.loss_single, cls_scores, bbox_preds, dir_cls_preds, labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list, bbox_weights_list, dir_targets_list, dir_weights_list, num_total_samples=num_total_samples) return dict( loss_cls=losses_cls, loss_bbox=losses_bbox, loss_dir=losses_dir)
[docs] def get_bboxes(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, dir_cls_preds, input_metas, cfg=None, rescale=False): """Get bboxes of anchor head. Args: cls_scores (list[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level class scores. bbox_preds (list[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level bbox predictions. dir_cls_preds (list[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level direction class predictions. input_metas (list[dict]): Contain pcd and img's meta info. cfg (:obj:`ConfigDict`): Training or testing config. rescale (list[torch.Tensor]): Whether th rescale bbox. Returns: list[tuple]: Prediction resultes of batches. """ assert len(cls_scores) == len(bbox_preds) assert len(cls_scores) == len(dir_cls_preds) num_levels = len(cls_scores) featmap_sizes = [cls_scores[i].shape[-2:] for i in range(num_levels)] device = cls_scores[0].device mlvl_anchors = self.anchor_generator.grid_anchors( featmap_sizes, device=device) mlvl_anchors = [ anchor.reshape(-1, self.box_code_size) for anchor in mlvl_anchors ] result_list = [] for img_id in range(len(input_metas)): cls_score_list = [ cls_scores[i][img_id].detach() for i in range(num_levels) ] bbox_pred_list = [ bbox_preds[i][img_id].detach() for i in range(num_levels) ] dir_cls_pred_list = [ dir_cls_preds[i][img_id].detach() for i in range(num_levels) ] input_meta = input_metas[img_id] proposals = self.get_bboxes_single(cls_score_list, bbox_pred_list, dir_cls_pred_list, mlvl_anchors, input_meta, cfg, rescale) result_list.append(proposals) return result_list
[docs] def get_bboxes_single(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, dir_cls_preds, mlvl_anchors, input_meta, cfg=None, rescale=False): """Get bboxes of single branch. Args: cls_scores (torch.Tensor): Class score in single batch. bbox_preds (torch.Tensor): Bbox prediction in single batch. dir_cls_preds (torch.Tensor): Predictions of direction class in single batch. mlvl_anchors (List[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level anchors in single batch. input_meta (list[dict]): Contain pcd and img's meta info. cfg (:obj:`ConfigDict`): Training or testing config. rescale (list[torch.Tensor]): whether th rescale bbox. Returns: tuple: Contain predictions of single batch. - bboxes (:obj:`BaseInstance3DBoxes`): Predicted 3d bboxes. - scores (torch.Tensor): Class score of each bbox. - labels (torch.Tensor): Label of each bbox. """ cfg = self.test_cfg if cfg is None else cfg assert len(cls_scores) == len(bbox_preds) == len(mlvl_anchors) mlvl_bboxes = [] mlvl_scores = [] mlvl_dir_scores = [] for cls_score, bbox_pred, dir_cls_pred, anchors in zip( cls_scores, bbox_preds, dir_cls_preds, mlvl_anchors): assert cls_score.size()[-2:] == bbox_pred.size()[-2:] assert cls_score.size()[-2:] == dir_cls_pred.size()[-2:] dir_cls_pred = dir_cls_pred.permute(1, 2, 0).reshape(-1, 2) dir_cls_score = torch.max(dir_cls_pred, dim=-1)[1] cls_score = cls_score.permute(1, 2, 0).reshape(-1, self.num_classes) if self.use_sigmoid_cls: scores = cls_score.sigmoid() else: scores = cls_score.softmax(-1) bbox_pred = bbox_pred.permute(1, 2, 0).reshape(-1, self.box_code_size) nms_pre = cfg.get('nms_pre', -1) if nms_pre > 0 and scores.shape[0] > nms_pre: if self.use_sigmoid_cls: max_scores, _ = scores.max(dim=1) else: max_scores, _ = scores[:, :-1].max(dim=1) _, topk_inds = max_scores.topk(nms_pre) anchors = anchors[topk_inds, :] bbox_pred = bbox_pred[topk_inds, :] scores = scores[topk_inds, :] dir_cls_score = dir_cls_score[topk_inds] bboxes = self.bbox_coder.decode(anchors, bbox_pred) mlvl_bboxes.append(bboxes) mlvl_scores.append(scores) mlvl_dir_scores.append(dir_cls_score) mlvl_bboxes = mlvl_bboxes_for_nms = xywhr2xyxyr(input_meta['box_type_3d']( mlvl_bboxes, box_dim=self.box_code_size).bev) mlvl_scores = mlvl_dir_scores = if self.use_sigmoid_cls: # Add a dummy background class to the front when using sigmoid padding = mlvl_scores.new_zeros(mlvl_scores.shape[0], 1) mlvl_scores =[mlvl_scores, padding], dim=1) score_thr = cfg.get('score_thr', 0) results = box3d_multiclass_nms(mlvl_bboxes, mlvl_bboxes_for_nms, mlvl_scores, score_thr, cfg.max_num, cfg, mlvl_dir_scores) bboxes, scores, labels, dir_scores = results if bboxes.shape[0] > 0: dir_rot = limit_period(bboxes[..., 6] - self.dir_offset, self.dir_limit_offset, np.pi) bboxes[..., 6] = ( dir_rot + self.dir_offset + np.pi * bboxes = input_meta['box_type_3d'](bboxes, box_dim=self.box_code_size) return bboxes, scores, labels
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