
Source code for mmdet3d.models.dense_heads.smoke_mono3d_head

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F

from mmdet.core import multi_apply
from mmdet.core.bbox.builder import build_bbox_coder
from mmdet.models.builder import HEADS
from mmdet.models.utils import gaussian_radius, gen_gaussian_target
from mmdet.models.utils.gaussian_target import (get_local_maximum,
from .anchor_free_mono3d_head import AnchorFreeMono3DHead

[docs]@HEADS.register_module() class SMOKEMono3DHead(AnchorFreeMono3DHead): r"""Anchor-free head used in `SMOKE <>`_ .. code-block:: none /-----> 3*3 conv -----> 1*1 conv -----> cls feature \-----> 3*3 conv -----> 1*1 conv -----> reg Args: num_classes (int): Number of categories excluding the background category. in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input feature map. dim_channel (list[int]): indices of dimension offset preds in regression heatmap channels. ori_channel (list[int]): indices of orientation offset pred in regression heatmap channels. bbox_coder (:obj:`CameraInstance3DBoxes`): Bbox coder for encoding and decoding boxes. loss_cls (dict, optional): Config of classification loss. Default: loss_cls=dict(type='GaussionFocalLoss', loss_weight=1.0). loss_bbox (dict, optional): Config of localization loss. Default: loss_bbox=dict(type='L1Loss', loss_weight=10.0). loss_dir (dict, optional): Config of direction classification loss. In SMOKE, Default: None. loss_attr (dict, optional): Config of attribute classification loss. In SMOKE, Default: None. loss_centerness (dict): Config of centerness loss. norm_cfg (dict): Dictionary to construct and config norm layer. Default: norm_cfg=dict(type='GN', num_groups=32, requires_grad=True). init_cfg (dict): Initialization config dict. Default: None. """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, num_classes, in_channels, dim_channel, ori_channel, bbox_coder, loss_cls=dict(type='GaussionFocalLoss', loss_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict(type='L1Loss', loss_weight=0.1), loss_dir=None, loss_attr=None, norm_cfg=dict(type='GN', num_groups=32, requires_grad=True), init_cfg=None, **kwargs): super().__init__( num_classes, in_channels, loss_cls=loss_cls, loss_bbox=loss_bbox, loss_dir=loss_dir, loss_attr=loss_attr, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, init_cfg=init_cfg, **kwargs) self.dim_channel = dim_channel self.ori_channel = ori_channel self.bbox_coder = build_bbox_coder(bbox_coder)
[docs] def forward(self, feats): """Forward features from the upstream network. Args: feats (tuple[Tensor]): Features from the upstream network, each is a 4D-tensor. Returns: tuple: cls_scores (list[Tensor]): Box scores for each scale level, each is a 4D-tensor, the channel number is num_points * num_classes. bbox_preds (list[Tensor]): Box energies / deltas for each scale level, each is a 4D-tensor, the channel number is num_points * bbox_code_size. """ return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats)
[docs] def forward_single(self, x): """Forward features of a single scale level. Args: x (Tensor): Input feature map. Returns: tuple: Scores for each class, bbox of input feature maps. """ cls_score, bbox_pred, dir_cls_pred, attr_pred, cls_feat, reg_feat = \ super().forward_single(x) cls_score = cls_score.sigmoid() # turn to 0-1 cls_score = cls_score.clamp(min=1e-4, max=1 - 1e-4) # (N, C, H, W) offset_dims = bbox_pred[:, self.dim_channel, ...] bbox_pred[:, self.dim_channel, ...] = offset_dims.sigmoid() - 0.5 # (N, C, H, W) vector_ori = bbox_pred[:, self.ori_channel, ...] bbox_pred[:, self.ori_channel, ...] = F.normalize(vector_ori) return cls_score, bbox_pred
[docs] def get_bboxes(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, img_metas, rescale=None): """Generate bboxes from bbox head predictions. Args: cls_scores (list[Tensor]): Box scores for each scale level. bbox_preds (list[Tensor]): Box regression for each scale. img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g., image size, scaling factor, etc. rescale (bool): If True, return boxes in original image space. Returns: list[tuple[:obj:`CameraInstance3DBoxes`, Tensor, Tensor, None]]: Each item in result_list is 4-tuple. """ assert len(cls_scores) == len(bbox_preds) == 1 cam2imgs = torch.stack([ cls_scores[0].new_tensor(img_meta['cam2img']) for img_meta in img_metas ]) trans_mats = torch.stack([ cls_scores[0].new_tensor(img_meta['trans_mat']) for img_meta in img_metas ]) batch_bboxes, batch_scores, batch_topk_labels = self.decode_heatmap( cls_scores[0], bbox_preds[0], img_metas, cam2imgs=cam2imgs, trans_mats=trans_mats, topk=100, kernel=3) result_list = [] for img_id in range(len(img_metas)): bboxes = batch_bboxes[img_id] scores = batch_scores[img_id] labels = batch_topk_labels[img_id] keep_idx = scores > 0.25 bboxes = bboxes[keep_idx] scores = scores[keep_idx] labels = labels[keep_idx] bboxes = img_metas[img_id]['box_type_3d']( bboxes, box_dim=self.bbox_code_size, origin=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) attrs = None result_list.append((bboxes, scores, labels, attrs)) return result_list
[docs] def decode_heatmap(self, cls_score, reg_pred, img_metas, cam2imgs, trans_mats, topk=100, kernel=3): """Transform outputs into detections raw bbox predictions. Args: class_score (Tensor): Center predict heatmap, shape (B, num_classes, H, W). reg_pred (Tensor): Box regression map. shape (B, channel, H , W). img_metas (List[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g., image size, scaling factor, etc. cam2imgs (Tensor): Camera intrinsic matrixs. shape (B, 4, 4) trans_mats (Tensor): Transformation matrix from original image to feature map. shape: (batch, 3, 3) topk (int): Get top k center keypoints from heatmap. Default 100. kernel (int): Max pooling kernel for extract local maximum pixels. Default 3. Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor]: Decoded output of SMOKEHead, containing the following Tensors: - batch_bboxes (Tensor): Coords of each 3D box. shape (B, k, 7) - batch_scores (Tensor): Scores of each 3D box. shape (B, k) - batch_topk_labels (Tensor): Categories of each 3D box. shape (B, k) """ img_h, img_w = img_metas[0]['pad_shape'][:2] bs, _, feat_h, feat_w = cls_score.shape center_heatmap_pred = get_local_maximum(cls_score, kernel=kernel) *batch_dets, topk_ys, topk_xs = get_topk_from_heatmap( center_heatmap_pred, k=topk) batch_scores, batch_index, batch_topk_labels = batch_dets regression = transpose_and_gather_feat(reg_pred, batch_index) regression = regression.view(-1, 8) points =[topk_xs.view(-1, 1), topk_ys.view(-1, 1).float()], dim=1) locations, dimensions, orientations = self.bbox_coder.decode( regression, points, batch_topk_labels, cam2imgs, trans_mats) batch_bboxes =, dimensions, orientations), dim=1) batch_bboxes = batch_bboxes.view(bs, -1, self.bbox_code_size) return batch_bboxes, batch_scores, batch_topk_labels
[docs] def get_predictions(self, labels3d, centers2d, gt_locations, gt_dimensions, gt_orientations, indices, img_metas, pred_reg): """Prepare predictions for computing loss. Args: labels3d (Tensor): Labels of each 3D box. shape (B, max_objs, ) centers2d (Tensor): Coords of each projected 3D box center on image. shape (B * max_objs, 2) gt_locations (Tensor): Coords of each 3D box's location. shape (B * max_objs, 3) gt_dimensions (Tensor): Dimensions of each 3D box. shape (N, 3) gt_orientations (Tensor): Orientation(yaw) of each 3D box. shape (N, 1) indices (Tensor): Indices of the existence of the 3D box. shape (B * max_objs, ) img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g., image size, scaling factor, etc. pre_reg (Tensor): Box regression map. shape (B, channel, H , W). Returns: dict: the dict has components below: - bbox3d_yaws (:obj:`CameraInstance3DBoxes`): bbox calculated using pred orientations. - bbox3d_dims (:obj:`CameraInstance3DBoxes`): bbox calculated using pred dimensions. - bbox3d_locs (:obj:`CameraInstance3DBoxes`): bbox calculated using pred locations. """ batch, channel = pred_reg.shape[0], pred_reg.shape[1] w = pred_reg.shape[3] cam2imgs = torch.stack([ gt_locations.new_tensor(img_meta['cam2img']) for img_meta in img_metas ]) trans_mats = torch.stack([ gt_locations.new_tensor(img_meta['trans_mat']) for img_meta in img_metas ]) centers2d_inds = centers2d[:, 1] * w + centers2d[:, 0] centers2d_inds = centers2d_inds.view(batch, -1) pred_regression = transpose_and_gather_feat(pred_reg, centers2d_inds) pred_regression_pois = pred_regression.view(-1, channel) locations, dimensions, orientations = self.bbox_coder.decode( pred_regression_pois, centers2d, labels3d, cam2imgs, trans_mats, gt_locations) locations, dimensions, orientations = locations[indices], dimensions[ indices], orientations[indices] locations[:, 1] += dimensions[:, 1] / 2 gt_locations = gt_locations[indices] assert len(locations) == len(gt_locations) assert len(dimensions) == len(gt_dimensions) assert len(orientations) == len(gt_orientations) bbox3d_yaws = self.bbox_coder.encode(gt_locations, gt_dimensions, orientations, img_metas) bbox3d_dims = self.bbox_coder.encode(gt_locations, dimensions, gt_orientations, img_metas) bbox3d_locs = self.bbox_coder.encode(locations, gt_dimensions, gt_orientations, img_metas) pred_bboxes = dict(ori=bbox3d_yaws, dim=bbox3d_dims, loc=bbox3d_locs) return pred_bboxes
[docs] def get_targets(self, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, centers2d, feat_shape, img_shape, img_metas): """Get training targets for batch images. Args: gt_bboxes (list[Tensor]): Ground truth bboxes of each image, shape (num_gt, 4). gt_labels (list[Tensor]): Ground truth labels of each box, shape (num_gt,). gt_bboxes_3d (list[:obj:`CameraInstance3DBoxes`]): 3D Ground truth bboxes of each image, shape (num_gt, bbox_code_size). gt_labels_3d (list[Tensor]): 3D Ground truth labels of each box, shape (num_gt,). centers2d (list[Tensor]): Projected 3D centers onto 2D image, shape (num_gt, 2). feat_shape (tuple[int]): Feature map shape with value, shape (B, _, H, W). img_shape (tuple[int]): Image shape in [h, w] format. img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g., image size, scaling factor, etc. Returns: tuple[Tensor, dict]: The Tensor value is the targets of center heatmap, the dict has components below: - gt_centers2d (Tensor): Coords of each projected 3D box center on image. shape (B * max_objs, 2) - gt_labels3d (Tensor): Labels of each 3D box. shape (B, max_objs, ) - indices (Tensor): Indices of the existence of the 3D box. shape (B * max_objs, ) - affine_indices (Tensor): Indices of the affine of the 3D box. shape (N, ) - gt_locs (Tensor): Coords of each 3D box's location. shape (N, 3) - gt_dims (Tensor): Dimensions of each 3D box. shape (N, 3) - gt_yaws (Tensor): Orientation(yaw) of each 3D box. shape (N, 1) - gt_cors (Tensor): Coords of the corners of each 3D box. shape (N, 8, 3) """ reg_mask = torch.stack([ gt_bboxes[0].new_tensor( not img_meta['affine_aug'], dtype=torch.bool) for img_meta in img_metas ]) img_h, img_w = img_shape[:2] bs, _, feat_h, feat_w = feat_shape width_ratio = float(feat_w / img_w) # 1/4 height_ratio = float(feat_h / img_h) # 1/4 assert width_ratio == height_ratio center_heatmap_target = gt_bboxes[-1].new_zeros( [bs, self.num_classes, feat_h, feat_w]) gt_centers2d = centers2d.copy() for batch_id in range(bs): gt_bbox = gt_bboxes[batch_id] gt_label = gt_labels[batch_id] # project centers2d from input image to feat map gt_center2d = gt_centers2d[batch_id] * width_ratio for j, center in enumerate(gt_center2d): center_x_int, center_y_int = scale_box_h = (gt_bbox[j][3] - gt_bbox[j][1]) * height_ratio scale_box_w = (gt_bbox[j][2] - gt_bbox[j][0]) * width_ratio radius = gaussian_radius([scale_box_h, scale_box_w], min_overlap=0.7) radius = max(0, int(radius)) ind = gt_label[j] gen_gaussian_target(center_heatmap_target[batch_id, ind], [center_x_int, center_y_int], radius) avg_factor = max(1, center_heatmap_target.eq(1).sum()) num_ctrs = [center2d.shape[0] for center2d in centers2d] max_objs = max(num_ctrs) reg_inds = [reg_mask[i].repeat(num_ctrs[i]) for i in range(bs)]) inds = torch.zeros((bs, max_objs), dtype=torch.bool).to(centers2d[0].device) # put gt 3d bboxes to gpu gt_bboxes_3d = [[0].device) for gt_bbox_3d in gt_bboxes_3d ] batch_centers2d = centers2d[0].new_zeros((bs, max_objs, 2)) batch_labels_3d = gt_labels_3d[0].new_zeros((bs, max_objs)) batch_gt_locations = \ gt_bboxes_3d[0].tensor.new_zeros((bs, max_objs, 3)) for i in range(bs): inds[i, :num_ctrs[i]] = 1 batch_centers2d[i, :num_ctrs[i]] = centers2d[i] batch_labels_3d[i, :num_ctrs[i]] = gt_labels_3d[i] batch_gt_locations[i, :num_ctrs[i]] = \ gt_bboxes_3d[i].tensor[:, :3] inds = inds.flatten() batch_centers2d = batch_centers2d.view(-1, 2) * width_ratio batch_gt_locations = batch_gt_locations.view(-1, 3) # filter the empty image, without gt_bboxes_3d gt_bboxes_3d = [ gt_bbox_3d for gt_bbox_3d in gt_bboxes_3d if gt_bbox_3d.tensor.shape[0] > 0 ] gt_dimensions = [gt_bbox_3d.tensor[:, 3:6] for gt_bbox_3d in gt_bboxes_3d]) gt_orientations =[ gt_bbox_3d.tensor[:, 6].unsqueeze(-1) for gt_bbox_3d in gt_bboxes_3d ]) gt_corners = [gt_bbox_3d.corners for gt_bbox_3d in gt_bboxes_3d]) target_labels = dict( gt_centers2d=batch_centers2d.long(), gt_labels3d=batch_labels_3d, indices=inds, reg_indices=reg_inds, gt_locs=batch_gt_locations, gt_dims=gt_dimensions, gt_yaws=gt_orientations, gt_cors=gt_corners) return center_heatmap_target, avg_factor, target_labels
[docs] def loss(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, centers2d, depths, attr_labels, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): """Compute loss of the head. Args: cls_scores (list[Tensor]): Box scores for each scale level. shape (num_gt, 4). bbox_preds (list[Tensor]): Box dims is a 4D-tensor, the channel number is bbox_code_size. shape (B, 7, H, W). gt_bboxes (list[Tensor]): Ground truth bboxes for each image. shape (num_gts, 4) in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. gt_labels (list[Tensor]): Class indices corresponding to each box. shape (num_gts, ). gt_bboxes_3d (list[:obj:`CameraInstance3DBoxes`]): 3D boxes ground truth. it is the flipped gt_bboxes gt_labels_3d (list[Tensor]): Same as gt_labels. centers2d (list[Tensor]): 2D centers on the image. shape (num_gts, 2). depths (list[Tensor]): Depth ground truth. shape (num_gts, ). attr_labels (list[Tensor]): Attributes indices of each box. In kitti it's None. img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g., image size, scaling factor, etc. gt_bboxes_ignore (None | list[Tensor]): Specify which bounding boxes can be ignored when computing the loss. Default: None. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components. """ assert len(cls_scores) == len(bbox_preds) == 1 assert attr_labels is None assert gt_bboxes_ignore is None center2d_heatmap = cls_scores[0] pred_reg = bbox_preds[0] center2d_heatmap_target, avg_factor, target_labels = \ self.get_targets(gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes_3d, gt_labels_3d, centers2d, center2d_heatmap.shape, img_metas[0]['pad_shape'], img_metas) pred_bboxes = self.get_predictions( labels3d=target_labels['gt_labels3d'], centers2d=target_labels['gt_centers2d'], gt_locations=target_labels['gt_locs'], gt_dimensions=target_labels['gt_dims'], gt_orientations=target_labels['gt_yaws'], indices=target_labels['indices'], img_metas=img_metas, pred_reg=pred_reg) loss_cls = self.loss_cls( center2d_heatmap, center2d_heatmap_target, avg_factor=avg_factor) reg_inds = target_labels['reg_indices'] loss_bbox_oris = self.loss_bbox( pred_bboxes['ori'].corners[reg_inds, ...], target_labels['gt_cors'][reg_inds, ...]) loss_bbox_dims = self.loss_bbox( pred_bboxes['dim'].corners[reg_inds, ...], target_labels['gt_cors'][reg_inds, ...]) loss_bbox_locs = self.loss_bbox( pred_bboxes['loc'].corners[reg_inds, ...], target_labels['gt_cors'][reg_inds, ...]) loss_bbox = loss_bbox_dims + loss_bbox_locs + loss_bbox_oris loss_dict = dict(loss_cls=loss_cls, loss_bbox=loss_bbox) return loss_dict
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