Source code for mmdet3d.models.roi_heads.roi_extractors.single_roiaware_extractor

import torch
from mmcv.runner import BaseModule

from mmdet3d import ops
from mmdet.models.builder import ROI_EXTRACTORS

[docs]@ROI_EXTRACTORS.register_module() class Single3DRoIAwareExtractor(BaseModule): """Point-wise roi-aware Extractor. Extract Point-wise roi features. Args: roi_layer (dict): The config of roi layer. """ def __init__(self, roi_layer=None, init_cfg=None): super(Single3DRoIAwareExtractor, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) self.roi_layer = self.build_roi_layers(roi_layer)
[docs] def build_roi_layers(self, layer_cfg): """Build roi layers using `layer_cfg`""" cfg = layer_cfg.copy() layer_type = cfg.pop('type') assert hasattr(ops, layer_type) layer_cls = getattr(ops, layer_type) roi_layers = layer_cls(**cfg) return roi_layers
[docs] def forward(self, feats, coordinate, batch_inds, rois): """Extract point-wise roi features. Args: feats (torch.FloatTensor): Point-wise features with shape (batch, npoints, channels) for pooling. coordinate (torch.FloatTensor): Coordinate of each point. batch_inds (torch.LongTensor): Indicate the batch of each point. rois (torch.FloatTensor): Roi boxes with batch indices. Returns: torch.FloatTensor: Pooled features """ pooled_roi_feats = [] for batch_idx in range(int(batch_inds.max()) + 1): roi_inds = (rois[..., 0].int() == batch_idx) coors_inds = ( == batch_idx) pooled_roi_feat = self.roi_layer(rois[..., 1:][roi_inds], coordinate[coors_inds], feats[coors_inds]) pooled_roi_feats.append(pooled_roi_feat) pooled_roi_feats =, 0) return pooled_roi_feats